Unit 2: Building Community through Art

Unit 2: Building Community through Art

In this unit we are leaning about the important role that design and art plays in building communities. We started out with a few collaborative projects that involved all of the Elementary grades. These large scale mixed media paintings explored the concept of 'community.' One painting focused on how communities are made up of many different people and the other painting was about the places that communities exist. Every grade participated in different steps, from finding and cutting images from magazines and maps to collaging and painting, they created many interesting textural layers.

These paintings were then donated to Colegio Maya fundraiser. The students were able to build a stronger community within their own school through collaboration and raising funds for the innovation center.

2nd and 5th grader collaboration

The fifth and second graders (with the help of Mauro and Mateo's mom) collaborated on a second fundraiser donation. We created our own block prints from potatoes and cardboard tubes and printed them on fabric to create cool patterns. The fifth graders finished the project by sewing the fabric into pillows. We think they turned out great!

Coming Soon!

Each Grade is currently working on more exciting projects involving the concept of building community that will be displayed in the art show on Dec. 7th! I will update you with more details and photos when projects are finished. Meanwhile, enjoy a sneak peek below!