2023 Substitute Renewal Levy Information


Welcome to our Substitute Renewal Levy Information page, where we provide essential details about this upcoming initiative. 

The Substitute Renewal Levy, set to replace expiring 2024 and 2031 Levies, is a unique approach to maintaining funding for our Clyde-Green Springs School District. It combines the renewal of two existing Emergency Levies with the added benefit of capturing new revenue when new homes and business/industry buildings are constructed within the District. 

This Substitute Renewal Levy will not increase taxes; 

it will cost the same as the two current levies set to expire in 2024 and 2031.

Levy Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Substitute Renewal Levy we are voting for?

The levy is known as the Substitute Renewal Levy. It aims to combine two current Emergency Levies, set to expire in 2024 and 2031 into one, providing a more streamlined approach to funding without asking for any additional money.

The Substitute Renewal Levy can capture new revenue when new homes and new business/industry buildings are built in the District.  As a matter of fact, the only way that a district can qualify to put a substitute levy on the ballot is if they already have a levy in place that they are exchanging - “substituting” - it for.

The Substitute Levy WILL NOT RAISE TAXES.  It will cost the same as what you are paying for the two current levies which will expire in 2024 and 2031.

How does a Substitute Renewal Levy work?

Under the current levy, when new housing or new businesses are built, the collection is divided up among more entities and everyone pays a smaller piece of the pie.  The Clyde-Green Springs School District receives the same amount of tax revenue that has been previously approved - there is no growth by the District.

The Substitute Levy addresses this new growth and allows the District to capture additional revenue WITHOUT negatively impacting current home and business owners.  Their property tax bills remain the same as they are for the current levies.

What is the amount of the Substitute Renewal Levy?

$1,804,000 for a 10 year period. (Current the two separate levies are $1,265,000 and $539,000)

What is the goal of passing this levy?

The primary objective of passing the levy is to alleviate voter fatigue. By consolidating two levies into one, we aim to simplify the voting process and reduce the frequency of tax-related ballots. Additionally, the levy ensures that we remain fiscally responsible while capitalizing on new developments in Clyde-Green Springs.

Why do we need the levy to pass?

We need the levy to pass for several reasons. First and foremost, combining the current levies into one substitute levy will alleviate voter fatigue, making it easier for the community to continue supporting the school district. Furthermore, passing the levy allows us to operate as normal without putting any extra financial burden on taxpayers.

How does the levy benefit students?

The levy is crucial for our students as it ensures they continue receiving all the essential services provided by our school district. By securing stable funding through this levy, we can maintain the high standard of education, extracurricular activities, and support services that our students deserve.

How does the levy benefit the community?

Passing the levy benefits the community in multiple ways. First, It offers a break from regular voting on multiple levies, simplifying the process for community members. Secondly, it maintains current tax levels, ensuring that existing taxpayers are not burdened with additional financial obligations. Lastly, the levy secures the stable consistent funding we have relied on to maintain and enhance the services offered by the school district, which contributes positively to the overall well-being and prosperity of the community.

How does the levy benefit the school district?

For the school district, this levy is essential as it allows us to continue operating smoothly without disruptions. By combining levies and staying fiscally responsible, we can effectively manage taxpayer dollars while ensuring our school district maintains its high standards of education and services for the benefit of students and the community.

The dollars generated from this levy, which amounts to approximately 7% of the District’s operating revenue, will fund day-to-day operational expenses such as utilities, bus fuel, classroom supplies, and quality teachers.  This revenue will maintain the current expenses provided to our students, their families, and our community.

Will the levy result in increased taxes for taxpayers?

No, the levy will not result in any increase in taxes for taxpayers. It is designed to consolidate existing levies, ensuring that the financial contribution remains unchanged for the current taxpayers. The only additional taxes would be on new construction and new additions to current construction.

How long will the levy be in effect?

The levy will be effective for a duration of ten years, providing a decade of stable funding for the school district to maintain its operations and services.

When will the voting for the levy take place?

Voting for the Clyde-Green Springs Substation Renewal Levy will take place on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, at your local polling stations. 

For additional questions please contact:
