CART and CTE classes are offered to give students hands-on exploration and relevant experience that can be helpful in discovering or affirming a career interest.  It can be a difficult task to clarify a career direction as students may have not had enough life experiences to know what they want to pursue.  The opportunity of gaining experiences in career specific areas can be very beneficial.  Discovering these interests and career possibilities can really help clarify your direction as you get closer to graduation.    When you have somewhat of an idea of what you want to pursue and where you want to go, it makes the day-to-day academic accomplishments more relevant.  In other words, you have a reason to do well in school.

            To assist interested students in exploring a career pathway, Clovis Unified offers two different course pathways available beginning in the Junior year.

CART (Center For Advanced Research and Technology            

            CART is a joint venture established by Clovis Unified and Fresno Unified in 1997 “to provide a project-based, interdisciplinary, career-focused curriculum that features community involvement and infuses technological skills.”  CART combines rigorous academics with technical, design, process, entrepreneurial and critical thinking skills. Students attend CART half day (morning session:  7:45 AM -10:45 AM and afternoon session:  12:45 PM – 3:45 PM).  The other half of the day is spent at their regular high school.   Students choose one of the career-focused labs and earn 20 credits per semester.  Some labs have prerequisites and some offer concurrent Uni-Track college credit.  All classes at CART are college preparatory and most are UC approved.   In order to attend, students must be on track to graduate and have good attendance.  The CUSD PE requirement is waived and students take their English class through CART.  Bus transportation is available from Clovis North High School.  If this sounds interesting, talk with your counselor to find out if this program will fit into your schedule.  Applications for CART will be available December 1st, and the deadline to apply is February 16, 2024  by 4:00pm.

CTE (Career Technical Education Program)      

            CTE courses are available to all Clovis Unified 11th and 12th grade students.   These classes provide students with the opportunity to explore different careers, develop needed skills for today’s job market, and prepare for continuing education after high school.”  Currently, there are approximately 25 different course offerings.   These courses are held at campuses throughout Clovis Unified, so students may have to travel to another school to take a particular course.   Each CTE class is 2 periods long and students will earn 10 credits per semester.   The CUSD PE requirement is waived  (no TA/ Tutor) .  If this sounds interesting, talk with your counselor about the possibility for you to take one of these courses.

NOTE:   Brochures are available in the counseling center for both programs, describing courses offered.

NOTE:  College credit can be earned in specific CART and CTE Programs.  

NOTE:  PE is waived if the student has completed 4 semesters of PE CORE and is scheduled for 60 credits w/out TA/Tutor.