For Whanau

Home Learning

Room 1 students work hard while they're at school. We are mindful that many students have busy lives outside of school and we want to encourage them to spend time playing and enjoying their friends and family. We do expect that they maintain a bit of a homework routine at home which includes the following:

*Read for 20 minutes every night. We visit the school library every week in class; see me for some great recommendations! Reading material can include comics, novels, newspapers or magazines. We also encourage children to be read to at home- this can still count as 'homework'. Talk to your family about what they are reading and discuss what you have read with them.

*Talk to your family about what you are up to at school. Discuss any maths and writing projects that you have on the go. This site is a great resource to help get the conversation going as it will be updated with current classroom activities.

*Continue on with any work that you might want to do (e.g. writing projects, Learning Log Site maintenance, etc.). You can access your Google Account here.

*Participate in afterschool activities such as sport, playdates, chores, trips to the supermarket, time with your family, etc.

Ngā mihi,