Working with Deadlines

The IBO sets deadlines that are external and beyond our control in all but the most extreme circumstances. There are three major deadlines for IB assessment, all in grade 12: March 15, April 15 and the May exam dates. March 15th and April 15th deadlines are for your internal assessment work.

In order to support student success and overall well-being, we have always established an Internal Assessment Calendar that breaks larger assignments into smaller parts, allows teachers to provide effective and timely feedback, and ensures that students aren’t faced with significant stress on near those external deadline periods. Our internal deadlines also allow teachers the time needed to mark student work and and have it submitted to the IBO in a timely manner. Unfortunately, although we have never had students miss formal IB deadlines, many have students miss internal deadlines. In extreme cases, students have pushed their work so far down the road that they are forced to rush to complete required tasks. This situation creates very stressed students and generally poor quality work.

Somehow, over time, a mindset emerged that missing an internal deadline is “okay”. We have always been able to work with students to ensure that they get their work done, but graduates have reported that they regretted not sticking to deadlines as a way of reducing their stress levels. They also wished that we had been more forceful in our requirements of them. We listened.

We are starting a new initiative to help students meet their internal deadlines. We strongly believe that this is in the best interest of the students overall. We will reduce student and teacher stress, and we will be better preparing students for post-secondary education where deadlines have limited flexibility.

We are collectively saying as an IB staff that the internal deadlines must be followed and will enact consequences for students who miss them. Consequences can range from being required to work after school in a supervised space or being removed from class until the deadline is met, to being removed from the IBDP if major work falls behind.

Teachers will work closely with students and the IB Coordinator so that we be proactive rather than reactive with deadlines.