
Grade 6 Topics of Inquiry

Science: Diversity of Life -- Electricity -- Space -- Flight

Social Studies: PEI History -- World Cultures

Health: Wellness Choices -- Human Biology -- Life Learning Choices -- Relationship Choices

We are Learning about World Cultures

What is culture?

Culture is the shared way of life of a group of people transmitted from one generation to another.

Watch/look/listen and discuss:

  • World Cultures (video)

  • School Lunches Around the World (photos)

  • Music from Around the World (audio)

  • Games from Around the World (photos and videos)

  • Toys from Around the World (photos)

  • Religions from Around the World (videos)

  • Art from Around the World (photos)

Project 1:

a) What is our school culture? What material things does it include? What non-material things does it include?

  • games & songs

  • supplies,

  • values

  • events & special days

  • buildings & equipment

  • rules, consequences

  • leadership

b) How is this culture transmitted?

c) Do you think school culture on PEI has changed over the years? Have things been lost or added? Think of the school at Orwell Corner. Think of the stories your parents tell you about school. Do you think school culture will change in the future? What things will affect it?

d) What do you imagine the similarities and differences between our school culture and the culture at schools in different parts of the world?

Project 2:

Make a slideshow that shows some of the culture of another country. Remember that we should show respect for another person's culture and not make jokes. Include something from each of the following:

  • country name, place on a map, main language(s), population

  • art & games

  • main religion & holidays

  • kids clothes

  • food

  • new architecture & old architecture

We Are Learning About Flight

Do these shapes fall differently? Why?

Our helicopters.

Our balloon rockets!

Designing parachutes

Trying different materials

Rethinking designs

Working together

We learned how to fold different airplanes by following instructions.

Everyone chose a few different designs.

Then we tested them! Different designs had different affects on the amount of time they stayed in the air, how far they went, and if they can do tricks.

Group Project: Build an aircraft with your group using straws, Bristol board, skewers, tape and wheels. This plane will be rolled down a ramp. Hopefully, it will take off and fly.

We Learned About Space

You can try this at home! Start around May 19th if it is clear.

We outlined our shadows at several points throughout the school day. As the Earth turns, the sun's position in the sky changes.

The shadow is formed on the opposite side to where the sun is. We are blocking the light.

The shadows are longer when the light is coming from an angle.

How are the planets spaced out around the sun? We used some toilet paper to find out!

Our Group Learning Project: Students will be researching a planet in our solar system and presenting their findings to the class.

We learned about the history of PEI

What does it mean to do group work?

  • You stay with your group.

  • You tell your group your ideas.

  • You listen to the ideas of others in your group.

  • You break up the work evenly.

  • You write interesting and important information down.

  • You make detailed colour drawings of important events or findings.

Group Project 1: Read about one of the key time periods of PEI's history (Paleo-Indian Period, Archaic Period, Ceramic/Pre-European Period, Contemporary Period). Put your jot notes on cue cards along with drawings that help show some of the tools and animals from the time-period. You will present this information to the class and we will put your cue cards on our timeline.

Group Project 2: Look at the pictures from the contemporary period and try to put them in order. Discuss your reasoning with your group and share your thoughts with the class.

Pair Work: Read the letter and discuss these questions with your partner.

  • Where and when was the letter written?

  • Why was the message left?

  • Predict what might have happened to the characters in the letter in their later lives

  • What contributions to Island life might these people have made?

  • What are some other ways people leave messages to the future?

Group Project 3: Read about the history of transportation in PEI. Your group will write about the types of transportation used by the Mi'kmaq or the more recent types of transportation: horses, ships, trains, cars, and planes. You will make a poster with your group that has text boxes, illustrations, captions, and perhaps maps and/or diagrams. Make it informative, easy to read, and attractive. Your group will present this information to the class.

Debate: You will read about some current island topics that people are debating. You will choose a topic that interests you. One person will argue for it and one person will argue against it. You will make notes on recipe cards to prepare for the debate. What facts will you use? Can you support those facts with examples or information? You will debate in front of the class.

Group Project 4: You will read about different aspects of Island culture in the textbook with your group. Complete the place-mat activity by discussing the source of PEI culture and what it looks like, feels like, and sounds like. How can we answer the question: What is PEI culture? Be prepared to have something to say in the class discussion.

We learned about Wellness Choices

There are three main aspects of health: physical, mental/emotional, and family/social.

What can affect our health? Heredity (we have no control over what traits we inherit from our biological parents), Lifestyle, and Random Events.

We can make positive lifestyle choices (such as eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, and exercising) and abstain from risky practices (such as riding bikes without a helmet or smoking), which will help us avoid negative random events.

It is important for us to take care of our bodies by staying clean, not sharing personal items (such as hats, towels, or water bottles), and getting medical attention when we need it.

We should develop a positive body image for ourselves and remember that all bodies are beautiful. This will help us to make positive choices for our health and it will help our mental well-being. We should refrain from commenting on the bodies of others.

Eating healthy foods is important. Here is a link to the Canada Food Guide. It is important for us to get the right balance of vitamins and minerals from our food so we can be healthy and have energy. When you are not eating at home, you can choose the healthiest options that are available. And when you are shopping with your family, challenge yourself to request healthy snacks. Too much sugar, salt, and fat can have a negative affect on our health. You should check nutrition labels and choose food that is lower in sugar, salt, and fat.

Final Project: With your group, make an informational video to teach about one of the topics we learned in health class. Use your notes and your text book to help you give accurate information. Remember, I am looking for group work skills such as listening to the ideas of others, giving your own opinions politely, and staying on topic. Everyone in your group should feel included and productive.

We Learned about electricity!

We used balloons to investigate static electricity.

We made paper bats "fly" with static electricity.

We picked up paper with plastic spoons.

We made simple circuits on paper.

You can power a digital watch with lemons, copper, and zinc!

All the students made a circuit with a switch.

We hooked the Makey-Makey up to the computer.

We added play-dough buttons to our wires.

We could use these to play music and games.

We learned about biodiversity and classification

For the Fungi family, we grew oyster mushrooms.

Mould did not grow in dry conditions in the light.

The mould grew a bit in the wet and light conditions.

Very little mould grew in dry, dark conditions.

We discovered that mould likes wet and dark conditions best.

For the arthropods, we are raising hornworm caterpillars.

They are now in the pupa stage.

When will they emerge as moths?

We also have meal-worms.

Their pupa stage looks different.

Our beetles have emerged and turned black.

We made terrariums and the water cycle is keeping them far!

Our simulated acid rain had the biggest negative effect on the plants.

The road salt is also killing the plants.

The oil spill took longer to affect the plants but they are not doing very well anymore.

We used a classification chart to identify these leaves.

Students put some live yogurt in petri dishes to see if we can grow some bacteria.