Welcome to 6A

To make the most of our year, we will...

  1. Take responsibility for our learning!

    • Make mistakes and learn from them.

    • Work hard.

    • Ask questions.

  2. Show respect to ourselves and others.

  3. Keep our classroom clean.

    • put garbage in the can

    • at the end of the day

      1. Take everything off your desk & put it away.

      2. Sanitize your desk and chair.

      3. Put your chair under your desk.

      4. Make sure there is no clothing on the floor.

      5. One student sweeps the floor.

Making Mistakes
6A Respect



  • the back door of the school (NOT the gym/music door this year)

  • use these doors for entry in the morning and exit at the end of the day

  • use these doors for recess


  • students and teachers will continue to wear their masks this year on the bus, while travelling in the hallways and at times when social distancing is not possible

Mr. Nick Sheehan

I love being a teacher. I was born in Dublin, Ireland. I taught in Japan for 10 years and in Ontario for 5 years. I moved to PEI 6 years ago.

I enjoy swimming, walking in the woods, drawing, and reading. Recently, I have been learning a lot about insects. I love many different kinds of tea. I live in Charlottetown with my wife who is also a teacher for the Public School Board.

6A Home of the Potatoes

Last year's Grade 6 class decided on the potato as their class mascot. The majestic potato is, of course both a symbol of Prince Edward Island, and also a delicious comfort food. The year before the class created their own fantasy animal, the Elephoenix as their mascot. What will this year's mascot be? I'm excited to find out.