Mrs. Jen Kelly's

1a's Classroom


Parents' Guide to Google Classroom

Welcome to 1A' s Google Site

The Parents' Guide To Google Classroom 

Students' username and password were sent home on an index card September 17th.

Our Google Classroom has all the same information as this Google Site. In order to see our google classroom students need to login with their username and password. 

This Google Site presents the information in an easier format so you don't have to worry about signing into Google Classroom. However you will need student username and password for certain assignments I post on this site, like the Boom Cards below. 

This google site has lots of information and activities to keep you updated on what we are working on in class. There are on-line resources, songs, videos, charts, interactive games and links to help strengthen the skills being taught in the classroom. All headings are at the top of the page if there is an arrow that means there are other pages underneath that heading.  

Boom Cards are digital, self-checking, interactive activities. Students will get instant feedback on their answers. These task cards are a great way to help students practice a skill. 

When students complete a deck Boom gives teacher reports on overall accuracy, correct/incorrect responses and average time taken to answer each question.

Click on monthly Boom Cards below. Then click on sign in with Google. Then use Students' google username and password to access the Boom Card activities.