
Cheers/ Chants 

We have around 150 cheers and chants. For access to the full list and the video instructions, email Mrs.Green to be added to our Squad Google Drive. 



with bent knee next to left foot with right baby t shifted to the front of the body touching baby left punch, scream- right foot steps out to wide stance with arms in a T, *, daggers with right hip pop out on FOR and CARD, right punch on TEAM

toes right thigh table with foot against left knee, GO-lunge forward with low V, both rows repeat on the third let’s go.

Try these new ones:

[Get up and get um] Cards, Cards, - you've got to get up, and get um! Cards, Cards, - You've got to get up and get um!

[Loud and Proud] Fans! Yell loud and proud - go cardinals!