

Students are allowed into WWMS beginning at 7:10am.  Once students enter they will report to the following locations:

6th Grade - Enter Door 2 into the New Gym Side A

7th Grade - Enter Door 2 into New Gym Side B

8th Grade - Enter Door 1 Old Gym

Homeroom begins at 7:45am, so be sure to arrive with enough time to go to your Locker and get to your homeroom. 

Students getting dropped off by their parent or guardian can do so at the "Student Drop off Zone" indicated in green on the map. Parking lot entrances are for Staff and Busses only.

Students walking or crossing Van Houten can safely do so using the crosswalk where we will have a crossing guard stationed every morning. 

There are always staff located on the exterior and interior of the building to assist all students as they arrive at WWMS.

Dismissal - School day ends at 2:40pm

Walkers/Picked up by Parent/Guardian

Students are dismissed from their 7th period class at the end of the day.

Walkers/Students getting picked up by their parent/guardian may leave the building at the end of the day. 

Parents/Guardians picking up their students can do so at the "Drop Off Zone" indicated in green on the map.

Students taking the bus

Our "Fast Track" busses will be called at the end of 7th period. Those students whose busses are called may leave WWMS immediately and get on their bus. 

Students whose busses are not called will proceed to the new gym where they will sit in their bus section and await their bus to arrive. Once the bus arrives a staff member will direct the students to exit WWMS and get on their bus.