Class Expectations

Procedures and Expectations

  • Be prepared

    • Turn in assignments on time

    • Check Google Classroom for daily tasks

  • Participate in class daily

    • Work hard

    • Ask questions

    • Limit distractions (including with technology)

  • Be respectful and understanding of classmates and me

    • Listen when others are speaking

    • Conduct yourself appropriately

Additional Policies

  • NO PHONES - Everything needed for class is accessible on your Chromebooks. Phones are not permitted for use in class, and should be kept in backpack or face down on desk at all times.

    • No warnings will be given - if the phone is being used, it will be taken

    • If phone use becomes an issue, it will find a permanent home on Mrs. Kolic’s desk

    • This includes airpods in ears during class activities (Airpods can only be used during independent work)

  • Music - Music may be listened to during independent work times ONLY. Music must be listened to through headphones.

  • Food/Drinks - There are no food or drinks allowed in the computer lab.

  • School IDs - Students must have their school ID to use the restroom in class. If a student does not have an ID they must go to the attendance office for a temporary ID or get a replacement


If a student chooses not to meet these expectations, the following consequences will be followed:

  • Verbal Warning

  • Teacher Detention + Parent Contact

  • Administrative Referral