Pegasus Literary Magazine 2023

Thank you to all of the writers, thinkers and artists who contributed their work this year

to make a wonderful digital edition of the magazine and a special thanks to Gigi Grullon

whose digital art is the cover of this year's collection of works.

Ms. Woodley, Advisor


When I open my mouth... by Sabrina Figueroa

it hurts to speak

empty promises

nothing seems to matter

nothing seems to come -

my heart speaks

the unfortunate truth comes out.

Expectations by Kilala Yamamoto 

When you achieve a goal that's great,

Your parents' love will resonate,

They'll hug you tight and say well done,

And praise the hard work you've begun.

They'll shower you with words of pride,

And let you bask in joy inside,

For all the effort you have shown,

And every milestone you've grown.

Their gratitude will shine so bright,

It fills your heart with pure delight,

For they'll be grateful for your success,

And all the ways you've made them blessed.

So keep on striving and achieving,

For your parents' love will keep believing,

In all the things that you can be,

And all the goals you'll one day see.

Erasure by Elias Tureikeh

from Verity by Colleen Hoover

Accept the 

horror of

the mirror

stare even harder, wondering what

used to be

my face

an inconvenience

wants to be invisible.

The Moon by Ashley Rivas


Far yet so close

Bright even in the dark

Guides me through darkness of the night

The moon kisses me with its bright light every night

My mother is the moon

y pasan by Hillary Apolo





y el tiempo es lo único 

que perdí.

And They Pass





and time is the only thing

that I lost.

The Cost of Inaccessible Healthcare for lives in Poverty  by Walid Elkasri

In silence they suffer, the poor and the ill,

Denied their care, on account of a bill

Their bodies ache and their spirits low, 

As they watch their health and hope both go

Illness and disease run rampant and wild, 

Taking a toll on those who can't be beguiled. 

They suffer in silence, with no one to hear,

Their cries for help, that fall on deaf ears.

The cries of the ill and destitute,

Echo through the halls of power, resolute,

As we ignore their pain and fears.

Let’s remember those in need, 

And work to end this heartless greed, 

For every life deserves a chance

To live in freedom, not circumstance

Toxic Legacy by David Aldaz

A disaster we create 

leaves our planet Earth with no fate.

A toxic legacy we can’t withstand. 

Medical and Hazardous, they both collide. 

In our failure to dispose, we dare not hide. 

The bins and barrels, they pile up high 

a mountain of hazardous waste. It seems to defy 

the rules we set, barely keeping us safe. 

Our carelessness is so hard to face. 

An effluvium of chemicals that fills the air;

an unhealthy sweet smell that’s hard to bear .

The medical waste we generate -

used to help - we should hesitate. 

The sound of waste trucks that come and go 

while the waste sadly remains; it won’t let go. 

The waste is an allegory for our soul, 

a reflection of our self control.

The waste we generate is a call to arms 

to take action and avoid further harm.

We must take action, everyone knows 

that it’s our carelessness we must unload.

Artwork by Gigi Grullon

Mondays Through Fridays by Shahd Ibrahim

I’m laying on my bed, not wanting to get up for school,

I really hope today ends quickly

I think as I finally get up to get ready.

While I eat my breakfast,

And organize my things,

I constantly wonder:

What’s today gonna bring?

Now I’m on my computer

With class after class

Please God, help me pass!

School’s finally over.

I can now take a break.

But, before I do that

I must do my homework - no mistakes!

Superman by Monalise Mucha

If I had your superpower 

I would freeze my heart as you have

Long ago

And hold my blood still

So that no one could ever inflict pain 

On me ever more

I’d turn my senses blue

And let my passion fade to dust

So I could go through every person

Without a care in the world

Just as you do

I’d never allow myself 

To fall headfirst because of another being

And would force the souls away 

Of everyone around me

Until they burned to ashes

I’d steal strength from people 

Rather than give them my own

And I’d use it to become the

Strongest being in existence

And you would see, that ultimately,

I had enough control to rule the world

And rule over you

And if I had your superpower,

I’d take all the love 

I wanted to give to you and

Pour it all out in front of your face 

Until it ran out 

And you, as well as any other man,

Would never be able to hurt me again.

Where do I keep the darkness? by Sky Lizardo

it's on the pointe of my shoes 

at the tips of my fingers

it travels through every leap, every turn, every stretch 

it's in the silk of my leotard           the ruffled edges of my tutu. 

It's in my dance.

We all Breathe... by Tarik Turnbull

We all breathe the same air 

Underneath we’re all the same 

No matter how different we appear

Our hearts beat just the same 

Together we can create a world 

Where equality is the norm 

And every person can live free 

Without fear or harm 

Let’s stand together, hand in hand 

And fight for what is right 

Until the day when hate is gone 

And we can all unite.

That Love


People say love is happy

People say love is joy

People say love is affection

Is love really all those things?

Love is affection until you get mistreated

Love is joy until you are hurt

Love is happiness until you see what they hide

They say love is as deep as the ocean -

is that why I’m drowning?

Untitled by Kaitlyn Vera

I can feel my brain cells shaking. 

The thoughts in my head won ´t stop 

Darkness appears in my head 

You´re not good enough, 

do better, 

It keeps replaying, begins to pile up:

my mind fills

my eyes spin

my head pounds

I begin to wonder when is it all going to end?

fake a smile

Erasure by Shaylise Nieves

The Love Between Parent and Child by Andreas Socratous

The first to ever love you 

The last to ever leave you 

Family is everything 

Without them we are nothing 

Who listened to your cries 

Who opened your eyes 

Willing to drop everything for you 

Their love will always be true 

Every day my parents make 

Simple things feel special, for my sake 

With love and their care 

The time and energy they always share 

Through every small and large milestone 

Their amazing love has been shown 

With a smile, hug, or pat on the back

They make me feel like I’m on track 

My parents make every moment count 

When I’m with them I never have doubts 

Everything they do makes me feel truly special 

For me, their love and attention is essential 

Without them I wouldn't have a clue 

Who knew all this love could only come from two


a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past typically for a period or place with personal associations 


I don't know if I’m nostalgic. I was only eight, my little sister was six. Every birthday wish after that day was the same: for our parents to get back together. We were supposed to be a happy family. 

I spend the majority of my time watching  old family videos. I feel mourning, I feel grief, I feel aching, deep pain for the people I see there. Maybe for the purity, maybe  because I won’t ever feel fully whole again. I long for the part of my life that is over; I don't want to remember getting in trouble for bad grades in the third grade or fighting a family movie night. I mourn for the years that have passed so suddenly, and I cry for the present me that has to look back at those videos to remember blissful moments, those feelings. I miss the comfort of time.

I look in the mirror and have absolutely no idea of how I got here. I hope to start all over from the second I was born.  I miss someone I carry every single day. How do you cope with mourning your younger self? How do you sit in your bedroom and watch videos from years before and not look in the mirror, astonished that you’ll never experience anything quite like that again? Nostalgia is not where I live; a sentimental yearning is not what I feel. I feel like I'm floating in the darkness at the end of the movie with nowhere to go.

Untitled Poem by Deyssi Quevedo

I stare at my reflection 

Empty eyes 


Death looks just like me:


An Erasure by Irenia Hernandez

from Verity by Colleen Hoover

stare at my reflection

like death

from the mirror He

assesses me

I’ve seen worse

He reaches

My face

Almost as if

He wants to be invisible Just like me. 



Lonely day, tomorrow I'll feel it. 

The truth gets worse every time I hear it.

I know you're gone; tell me where did you go?

Running away from the way I'm feeling; 

maybe that's the way I'm healing 

I know you're gone; tell me where did you go?

Artwork by Hillary Apolo

Beauty by Jose Muchacho Abarca

A world full of beauty

Of creatures wild and rare

But many in danger

Lives hanging by a thread so bare

A tiger walks the jungle

Its stripes dark and bold

Its home c r u m b l e s

Like this many stories will soon be told

The world changes fast

Homes are lost

A prices paid for progress

At an  unfathomable cost

For in their fate 

We may soon face

A reflection of our own

The loss of such life

Leaves our world,



Without any balance in nature

Our world will soon perish

The life of our planet

Once cherished

Forever gone.