
Cliffside Park High School

Cliffside Park, NJ


Virtual Literary Magazine

“In these unprecedented times… ” 一 this phrase has become terribly overused; yet, ever-so fitting 一 we have been asked to do the unthinkable. We have altered our routines past the point of recognition. We have given our all despite not feeling our best. But, in spite of endless changes and challenges, the artists and authors in this year’s volume have done one thing; they have proven their dedication to their authentic perspectives. They have shared them with our audience.

It is these unprecedented times that will make it into the pages of the history books our children learn from some day. And, just like any other time in history when humanity has been tested, future generations will one day rely on our personal accounts to portray what the media and news articles cannot 一 an individual’s experience. 

This year’s volume, much like the past year we’ve had, will ignite feelings of gratitude, nostalgia, and togetherness in all of its viewers 一 things that only art and the written word have the power to inspire so effortlessly. 

Chiara Espinal 

Senior Editor

Thank you to all of the writers, thinkers and artists who contributed their work this year 

to make a wonderful digital edition of the magazine and a special thanks to Glendy Flores 

whose photograph is the cover of this year's collection of works. 

Ms. Woodley, Advisor



Listen While You Read

A mix of musical stylings from Mr. Nelson's music students. Artists include: Kaylane Silva, Erik Lawson, Antonio Rinaldi, Christian Perla, Pelin Cokuslu, Frane Cebalo, and Emily Lee.


Dreams Are Ours to Make by Niki Anagnostou

I dream a world where happiness is not lost in a puddle of tears

Where we do not limit our expectations by our fears

Where we can look for support from our peers

Where the bounds of our kindness extend across years 

I dream a world where we can be seen for who we are

Where words of hate do not burn like a searing a scar

Where the warmth of affection melts the coldness of hostility by far 

Where we don’t have to bottle up who you are in a jar

I dream a world where we can walk around with our hearts on display

Where the hand of helpfulness is never delayed

Where belonging happens today and everyone is given some leeway

Where all of our fears can suddenly slip away

I dream a world where fate rests in the next step we take

Where our problems will be solved by daybreak

Where those silenced speak words that make justice un-break

Where a world of peace can be ours to make.

Before He Goes by Deanna Araian 

Fragile eyes 

Big rough hands 

White thin hair 

Pearly smile 

He keeps himself in check 

Running in the morning 

Reading the paper 

Eating fruit before bed 

He doesn't sleep with his wife 

It's been decades since they shared the same bed 

He loves her more than the first time he saw her 

She wishes he were dead 

He knows how to clean a fish real nice 

Drizzles fresh lemon before he cuts in 

He’ll ask if you want him to clean one up for you 

I always nod and say “Go ahead”

Soon I'll look at his photographs a different way 

And struggle to clean a fish on my own 

Hello? HELLOOO???          by Rachel Gao

Heard by Brian Nájera

In understanding how we came to the present 

We must appreciate those who came before us 

Thank you to the people who fought in the frontlines 

Thank you to those who cheered on the sidelines

From ‘I had a dream’ to Stonewall rioting,

My heart goes out to them.

They put us alongside “No dogs”

“No Spanish”, “No Mexicans” allowed

“No Colored”, “No Blacks” in lovely dystopian towns

We act civil; we don’t bark or bite, 

No Queer or Women’s Rights

They try and keep us silent

While they become more violent

Their ignorance flamed a fire of equality 

Pushing us to dismantle each authoritative policy

Like my God, I am just

I view cruelty with disgust

My start begins alongside men, women and folks of power

Helping hem the wounds from the past

Now it’s our job to spread the word of love and peace

Yell, Scream, Broadcast to the streets

Go,       make our story heard!

Discontinued by Mona Mucha 

Time has passed us by;

we have yet to find 

our way out of the shadows.

What is this feeling?

The people remain idle.

There is silence..

Lonely shadows without vibrant life,

they are moving,

yet they feel nothing.

Where did it all go?

I looked into a woman’s eyes - 

just like her - they were grey and dreary.

Uninspired. Afraid.

What is this feeling?

I slowly detach.

I look into your eyes,

They are full of color, magnetic

You, however, are not.

Life pushed us to mature

If I reach out, will you take my hand?

Autumn Time by Abida Kajoshaj

Original Animation

Song: “Right Field Daydreamer” by luvbird

Oda al Verano by Milagros Ochoa

¡Oh verano! Caluroso y glamuroso,

Cielos azules y nubes blancas,

Tus gotas de lluvia parecen


En los días azules las aves vuelan

Tus cielos felices.

Con cada arcoíris después de cada

Lluvia un pacto haces con la 


Gracias a ti verano.


Oh summer! Hot and glamorous,

Blue skies and white clouds,

Your raindrops seem like


On blue days the birds fly

Your happy skies.

With every rainbow after every

A rainfall a pact you make with


Thanks to you summer.

The Beach by Aliya Laliwala

The sand between my toes is like a massage 

Looking up, I grab my phone for a quick photo montage 

Flying high in the sky are seagulls looking for food 

It was one of the most beautiful sights I have viewed 

I dive into the fresh blue water 

And have wonderful experiences with my mother and father 

Tears are Prayers Too by Vianka Obando

Tears these eyes will cry

when words can’t say why

part of my being wants to die.

I want to ask for a hand,

but I think no one understands.

So, silent and broken, I stand.

How much longer can I take this?

Please turn my troubles into bliss.

I need someone to listen. Where can I find an assist?

Tears are prayers too. 

Worry not, for God will understand you,

and He knows your true value.

So if you ever feel down

 and for no reason wish to drown.

Just hold on, someone’s hearing you now.

Because tears are prayers too.

Feeling fallen, wishing to rise.

If I stay down longer, I’ll barely survive

for the scars of my heart are no place to hide.

If only someone heard me calling out.

Is there someone to save me now?

I so wonder as my heart starts to pound.

Tears are prayers too. 

Worry not, for God will understand you,

and He knows your true value.

So if you ever feel down

 and for no reason wish to drown.

Just hold on, someone’s hearing you now.

Because tears are prayers too.

When those thoughts start to clutter…

Without the words to utter…


That tears are prayers too.

Artwork by  Joan Moreira

Ink on paper

My Inauguration Speech by Noor Hassan

I would first like to congratulate President Biden and Vice President Harris on their victory. You both have won over the people, and the people in turn have put their faith in you. I hope you both address the issues we face in the United States and around the world. I hope you both allow the United States of America to thrive and become successful where the world is filled with peace. I would also like to congratulate the  people of the United States of America on your new president. Thank you for constantly voting and sharing your thoughts with the world. Thank you for not giving up on our country and for trying to make the world a better place. Now, you might feel like we are done and accomplished because we have a new president, however, we are just getting started. 

Although we have a new president, there remain several issues in our country and around the world. There are still suffering people in damaged countries, unjust systems, mistreatment of several groups, the climate crisis, poverty, and huge job losses. Thousands of people are dying and suffering from diseases, hate crimes, wars, and unemployment. Since COVID-19, there has been a dramatic increase in unemployment rates. Several animals are becoming endangered from habitat loss, climate crisis, genetic variation loss, and the selling of fur and ivory. Leopards are going extinct because of habitat loss and the loss of prey. The earth is suffering from climate change, air, land and water pollution, deforestation, fresh water depletion, crop failures, non-sustainable agriculture, and biodiversity. In Greenland and Antarctica, several ice sheets are melting due to the increasingly high temperatures. These overwhelming issues need to be resolved in an efficient and rapid way. Although these issues are difficult and require a lot of hard work, I have faith that our new president and vice president will try their best to help us and the world.  

During your years in office, I hope that you help our country in the best and the most effective way. I hope that you bring peace among us and other countries in the world. I hope that you bring our nations closer together and create strong relationships between all nations. I hope that you greatly contribute to helping suffering people in damaged countries. I hope that you help the numerous endangered animals and create a healthy environment for all animals. I hope you solve the climate crisis happening on our earth. I hope that you help the several unemployed, mistreated, and poor people in our world. Yet, most importantly, I hope that you succeed in making the world a better and safer place for everyone . 

I thank you, Mr. President and Madam Vice President for taking on such an important, yet strenuous role in our country. Although we have much work to do, we believe in you. We believe that you both will solve our world’s many problems and instill a sense of peace . We believe that you both will bring much success to our country and allow our country to prosper. Additionally, we believe that you both will create a safe, healthy, and just environment for people and animals. We know that this position is very difficult, but your country is behind you and eager to help. We will thrive and become better together. The wise Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” So, let’s work together to make the world a better place for us all and for several future generations to come, while also spreading positivity. 

Thank you and congratulations.  

Living a Colorful Life Together                     by Aliya Laliwala 


20 by 24 in. 

Acrylic on Canvas

My Shield by Tasnim Eissa

Dear France,

You strip my shield because it leaves a ¨bad¨ impression

You snatch it to rid me of my oppression

My cloak of protection and modesty 

Carries thousands of years of history

Little do you know this shield is magical 

It makes me feel I can do the impossible

Yet you think it makes me invisible

So you capture it like a criminal

This cloak signifies love and respect

But you only see it as a threat

My fire will continue to burn

Though you think this meeting’s adjourned

O´ shield that gives me protection

I am sorry that they see you as only an infection

I Am Fruit by Andrea Cordona

I am like a peach, fuzzy and delicate. I am a good person, until you take me and squish me and let all my stressed juice drip from your hands. I'm a bright pretty color, like a strawberry. The confidence of a tangerine, and the innocence of a juicy watermelon. My eyes are like grapes, my nose like a pear. My fingers like bananas, my face like a structured apple. My brain like a seed to produce more life. 

I am a fruit.

Collected Works                  by Alice Kil 

A Long Walk by Kenya Rodriguez

When I walk by the dark green grass filled soccer field, I try to not lose sight of the one thing that I must always keep in mind. Sometimes I try to look like I am in a hurry, I try to cross the street. I try to look like I am going somewhere, I try to look like I am on the phone with someone, I try and try again. But, sometimes it does not stop them from staring or saying something that makes me want to yell and punch. No matter what I want to do, I always keep quiet, keep walking. Nothing stops them from walking uncomfortably near me and saying something. It does not stop them from stumbling close to say “you look pretty” or “hi”. But to me, to us, it is not simply saying “hi”, it's not making us feel “pretty”. It’s making us feel uncomfortable, it’s making us not want to walk alone. It's making us feel like we are not strong enough to fight them off if they get upset at the fact that we stick up for ourselves. It makes us feel like we can’t walk without parents or friends, anyone who might scare them into not saying anything creep. It makes us feel like daisies that can be targeted and snatched away from the rest of the plain field; we are simply supposed to let them call us “pretty” because as long as we are alone and have no thorns to use against them all we are to them is “pretty” quiet.

Oda a Guatemala by Orfely Marroquin 

Tan bella, tan querida 

Mi patria, asi es ella

Con bellos paisajes, 

Y rica cultura. 

De dia y de noche, siempre,

Presente la tengo. 

Tan bella y tan primorosa 

Como el color de una mariposa. 

Aunque lejos me encuentre,

En mi mente siempre está presente.  


So beautiful, so dear

My country, that's how she is

With beautiful landscapes,

And rich culture.

Day and night, always,

Presently I have her.

So beautiful and so exquisite

Like the color of a butterfly.

Although I am far away,

In my mind it is always present.

Sunrise                      by Glendy Flores


A World by Ines Mota

I dream a World 

In which War will not be fought on the blood of innocents 

In which children can live without fear of bombs falling from the sky 

In which strangers do not  fight wars on peaceful lands 

I dream a world 

In which a woman can walk down an alley and not be afraid 

In which children will not be locked in cages 

A world where justice is not a suggestion 

A world where civil liberties aren’t denied because a persons a shade darker 

I dream a world 

In which my voice will not be silenced because the world disagrees

In which my opinions are my own 

I dream a world 

In which my religion will not make me a target 

In which I am not stereotyped because of my culture 

I dream a world 

Where I will not need to dream because the world will be good as it is.

Close by Chiara Espinal

     It’s 7:45 a.m. when my alarm sounds. Sunlight peeks through the shades, creeping into my room and letting its rays scale my walls. I listen to the cars as they rumble past my window. They are much fewer in number now. The hallways in my home stay silent for longer periods of time each morning. Rush hour has become one of the countless things of the past. Alarms ring in nearby rooms, but there is no movement. No more hustle and bustle 一 just quiet. Sometimes I long for the morning rush, but certain things have stayed the same despite such stark changes. The birds sit in their tree posts and sing the same songs they’ve sung since before the pandemic began. For a moment I think back to how their melodies sounded this time last year, and I am reminded of my morning routine from the year before. I would leave my house, coffee in hand, and look up at the feathery chorus that serenaded me on my walk to the car. I start to wonder if they have any knowledge of the changes we’ve seen in only a year. I like to think that they do and that their melodies evolve in secret mourning for those we have lost since the beginning of it all. 

Sleep weighs heavier on me now than it ever did before. Today and every day before it, with the temptation of sleep comes the realization that sleep is the way that so many like myself escape from this reality into a dream world. But even my dreams have changed. Even in sleep my conscious mind has trouble resting. The pandemic plagues my dream state in the same way that it does when I am awake. Forcing myself to forget the dreams I have just departed from is only half the battle. The computer that lays dormant on my nightstand is my next great conquest of the day. It glares down on me with impatience. You have class in the next thirty minutes. You need to get up from the bed now. 

     My mother wakes before me; another thing that has stayed the same. She stands over the stovetop frying eggs and bacon. Our morning routine from the year prior would have never allowed for this. On weekdays we were bound strictly to cereal and any other breakfast items that were quick and easy. Instead of rushing to beat the traffic, we get to sit and eat breakfast in each other’s company for a bit longer. We tell each other about our latest dreams in between sips of orange juice and mouthfuls of bacon. We ramble on for as long as we want to because there are no late bells or coworkers to keep us from congregating until our hearts are content. 

     The moment my final class of the day ends, my phone buzzes abruptly. Incoming FaceTime call. I smile when I take notice of who the call is coming from. It’s my three best friends, the same people I was once so used to seeing every day. No matter how many times dead batteries and faulty internet speeds try to come between our daily conversations, I look forward to our afterschool conferences more than I ever have. 

     Even when there is little to say, we sit in comfortable silence while typing away at the laptops that have become our closest companions. It’s the same silence that would surround us on our bus rides to and from school. On those days after a big test or an upcoming game, when we would doze off despite the ceaseless litany of potholes and honking that tried keeping us awake, it was the silence that comforted us. Although this silence may look different now, it is a reminder of not only what was, but of what we’ve been able to maintain despite what feels like years of distance. 

     We stay on the phone for hours on end. Our siblings and parents make their regular interjections. There is the occasional demand to complete a certain chore, along with the ever-present sounds of the keyboards clicking away. There is something about this particular distance from one another that intrigues me. The lines between our home lives and our school lives have blurred somewhat over the past year, and I can't help but feel as though I am in the same room as them. 

     I smile each time I hear a younger sibling babble in their excited tones in the background. We laugh with each other as we go through our daily routines of prepping meals and running errands. We gawk at any new areas of each other's households we have not seen before. There is a certain closeness that comes with observing someone in their natural element - in a place where they are most comfortable, especially when we have spent more time this year in these spaces than ever before. We talk about everything from the news, to summer plans, to graduation, and although I find it hard to understand, I can't help but feel that we are closer than ever. It is this closeness that has brought us all some much-needed comfort in the midst of all the chaos. But with all the bad the pandemic has brought, these pockets of peace each day are enough for me to accept this new normal for what it is 一 a chance to reconnect, even if it is not always in person.

King of the Jungle              by Eshmal Rizwan

Ink on Paper

Grief by Angy El-Dakkak

No pain will ever compare to celebrating 

your father’s birthday without him.

No breakup with a significant other.

Not a sprain or pulled muscle.

It is as if your heart is ripped out of your chest,

left to gather dust at the family dinner table

waiting for company, for him to sit.

Every inch of you just wants to rest.

I think about the excitement in my future;

sitting on the field for graduation,

walking to meet my partner dressed in white.

My favorite person, an empty seat in the front row.

No words can describe how unfair it feels 

when no one can understand.

I am sinking in quicksand eternally;

trapped struggling breathless, panicked


Then I catch his smile, thirty teeth wide

my infant face snuggled in his arms. 

It’s a picture, but it is him

too, his whole face grinning. I know

he is still with me every step of the way.

I still hear the clapping of his shoes behind me

on the track. When my name is called for 

National Honor Society, I hear him whisper

I will be proud of you no matter what you do.

When I practice driving, he is in the back seat

looking over my shoulder.

And so I smile, every year, for his birthday.

Jedi Knight by Jonah Diaz

Digital drawing Adobe Illustrator 

Poem by Christian Parker

Sheets of white, sounds of thunder, darkness overhead. 

I put on my headphones, but I can still hear it - is it in my head?

Do I run? Do I hide? Do I scream?

He is different, he is sad, he is sick 

It is not a storm, it is cancer.

Dualist vs Materialist: Interpretation of Self by Tasnim Eissa

Have you ever taken a good look at yourself in the mirror and been so staggered that your reflection is you? Ever wondered why you can move your hands just by thinking about it? I myself am wondering how am I typing these words that I am processing in my head and displaying them through my fingers and onto the keyboard. How do I know that this is even me typing? Could this be a stimulation that I have fabricated in my mind? Am I real? Just like me, everyone has doubted their existence once in their life. For centuries, philosophers have been eating at these questions but have compiled no definite answer. The reason being is that it is impossible to prove that you do exist. There is always a problem with any theory on self and people are left to agree with the most believable one. To understand and be able to agree on a theory, we have to go to the roots and start from scratch. What is the definition of self? In philosophy, the self is depicted as the soul. But are you a soul in a body or just a body? Whichever one you picked would show whether you are a dualist, materialist, or neither. 

To start off, to be a dualist I will have to believe that I am real. Descartes figured this out by eliminating any factors that could have an argument against it. He pretended that his body and the physical world were fake, since people could argue that it is a stimulation and a fabrication of the mind. He found that the only thing left was his thoughts. There is no way of proving that my body is mine and the physical world is true, since I could be imagining everything. But I can prove that my thoughts are mine because I think them. As Descartes once famously stated, “I think therefore I exist.”I cannot doubt my conscience, as my conscience is what makes my doubts. By doubting my existence, I prove that I am real. This shows that there are two realms depicted with this theory: the mind and body. My mind is a private, non-spatial part of me that cannot be altered from the physical world, while my body takes up space and is the physical part of me. This aspect shows that the mind and body are distinct and separable. Your body's a home for your mind to reside. While our body rots and perishes, our mind will continue to roam in the spiritual realm. Dualism proves that I, my thoughts, exist. 

However, there are some problems that arise from the dualism theory. Since the mind and body are in different realms (spiritual and physical), how can they affect each other? How can a material and an immaterial interact with each other? For example, the placebo effect is a method where one would give a patient fake treatments in hopes that the patients’ minds could cure themselves. Let’s say a doctor gives a patient a sugar pill and says it is a cure for their sickness, although it certainly is not. The patient’s mind would be tricked into thinking that the pill is a working drug, and their mind would tell their body to heal itself. But the problem is, how did the mind tell the body to do so? Dualists cannot explain this interaction fully. Descartes argued that the interaction happened in the pineal gland. But this is not a rational theory since it implies that the mind resides in the physical realm, which would diminish the whole theory. Materialism quickly eliminates  this conflict by saying that the mind and body are together. Another problem with the dualism theory is that there is no way of knowing what other people think and how they feel. Because our minds are private - a link only to ourselves - how would we know other people exist if we are not certain they have a mind? 

While dualism discusses how we are a mind in a body, materialists believe that our mind and body are conjoined. There is no spiritual realm and only the physical realm. Our mind relies on our bodies to live. To go more into depth with materialism, we must split into three arenas: behaviorism, the identity theory, and functionalism. Behaviorism, coincidingly, is the study of behavior. Materialists who agree with behaviorism use introspection to prove clauses. Behaviorism uses physical stimuli to get their point across. This is reliable because emotions are biased and subjective. You cannot know what someone is thinking, but you can find out why they did a certain thing by observing environmental factors. Behaviorism takes all emotional aspects away and only leaves the science of it. Behaviorists believe that the mind coincides with your physical behavior. This ultimately relieves the problem of dualism, which is how the mind and body are connected. However, there are a few problems with behaviorism. Since humans are very complicated and complex beings, it is hard to justify our actions with only environmental factors. Behaviorism overlooks past trauma, genetics, and emotions and only leaves for one cause and effect when there could be multiple. 

Another arena of materialism is identity theory or physicalism. Identity theory is the belief that every mental state is identical to a physical one. Unlike behaviorism, identity theory does not deny the emotional aspect of actions. It uses neurological observations of the brain with reference to one's actions. This is more reliable than behaviorism because it takes account of one's emotions and desires, and uses neurological sciences while canceling the problem of mind and body. However, since the identity theory uses brain scans to develop a response for physical actions, it is not always reliable. Philosophers argue that brain scans do not truly show mental states and how someone is feeling. Physicalists are explaining mental states with physical factors, such as brain scans, which some may argue as non-practical. For example, you may spend your whole life learning about Sour Patches without ever tasting them. You’re instead only able to assume how they taste and feel primarily through other people’s descriptions. You may even know the molecular structure of Sour Patch and how they are made, but you will never truly know how they taste since you've never tasted one before. The identity theory can only provide scientific research and does not show what is within. An alternative to this is functionalism.

Functionalism is behaviorism and the identity theory combined. It compiles both cause and effect, as well as desire and drive. If something or someone shows a certain type of emotion, then it is feeling that emotion. If we display the same response and emotion, then we are in the same mental state. According to functionalism, a mental state is a function of the brain due to a cause. Given this definition, the mind sounds pretty similar to a computer and AI. Your mind is a computer that takes inputs and gives outputs through emotion and actions. Unlike the identity theory and behaviorism, functionalism gives an explanation for mental states and does not discard them. It also gives a relation to computers and AI, which gives inspiration for advancement in the production of AI displaying humane characteristics. Yet still, there are some complications with this theory. According to functionalism, if something displays certain emotions, then it is feeling those emotions. If it acts a certain way, then it becomes what it is portraying itself to be. This statement is the same as saying, if something acted like a human enough, then it would have a conscience. The problem here lies in the fact that there is no way of knowing whether something has a conscience. If a robot displayed certain emotions, there is no way of knowing if it actually feels those emotions or if it is all just programmed. To wrap up, materialism is a very broad belief which mainly details how a person's identity is their body. The three arenas all solve the problem of mind and body, while still introducing drawbacks of their own.

Collected Works by  Daniela Julaj 

Polka Dots by Elizabeth Worthington

Spacious but orderly 

Flashy but Classic 

A reminder of the moon 

And how life is biphasic 

Black and white

Not a grayscale 

As  many may say

But the world is many colors

Aside from black, white and grey 

My body is 

A  game of twister

And as you reach 

For my polka dots

I wish 

You could stop missing her

I never thought a misfit 

Could pose  this gently 

Are you truly filled with love

Or just cunning?

Collected Works by Ahmet Mert

Acrylic on canvas

Teen Dating by Leilani Lopez

Choosing to date at such a young age as ours is allowing yourself to feel heartbreak. Some people date for no other reason than boredom, or feeling that it is cool or something that everyone else is doing. It's not. Dating is something you do to find that special someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Dating is something you do to find the other piece of yourself. These days chivalry is dead, love isn't the same, everyone just wants one thing and quite frankly that is very sad. But, I get it; some people think that when they find someone to date that they really like in high school, that they are “the one”, that there is no one that is better than them, that they will never find anything more than what they have. That is wrong; there is a big world out there. Do you really think that the special someone you are meant to be with is going to the same high school as you? Maybe. But, then again, maybe not. 

I did not want to date when I was in middle school even though it was what everyone was doing. I do not want to date in highschool. I want to wait till I am old enough to be able to know what I want and what I do not want in the person I choose to be with. I would never carelessly date someone for the mere reason of their looks, charm, or words, or even the fact that they like me. I would love it if my significant other exhibited attributes through actions rather than words, highlighting their true personality, their true selves, not what they think they should be just to impress. When you're young, all disappointments  feel like the end of the world. When you're young, all of the little things feel  important. But, when you look back in the future, you will see that what you thought was your “everything” was nothing. 

 In high school,  everyone's the same, few people are unique for fear they will be made fun of. People these days think they must act as everyone else is acting just because that's how they think they can then date someone. That is wrong. There are billions of people in the world. Each and every single one is special  in their own way. Everyone is just trying to find that other person. I know what attributes I want to see  in my significant other: that they know exactly what they want, that they make me laugh, and that they stick by my side in any given situation. 

Growing up, my mother went through a lot to find her special someone and just like many people, she is still waiting. She taught me red flags in men, how to decipher their actions for what may happen in the future. I owe a lot to her for teaching me this. When I am older and I meet someone I would like to date and, for example, we are having an argument;  let's say that when they can no longer take it anymore, they run away. That's a red flag. It shows me that they don't really care for what we have, that they do not know what they want. Let's say that I meet his friends and they say something rude to me and all he does is sit there and say nothing to defend me. That’s a red flag. It shows me that you are scared, that you for a fact don’t truly love enough to protect me or stick up for me. It may sound stupid that I read into things so deeply, but if you do not see things like this you may miss them and regret it. I do not wish to face abandonment or accept carelessness towards me from my significant other.  I would like to see from my significant other that he does not care what other people think of him. This shows me that he is comfortable with himself, that he is mature and independent. Most importantly, I would expect to see honesty, integrity, affection, empathy, humor, uniqueness, respect, and openness. This is not too much to ask.

They say the world was made for two: the sun and the moon; the land and the sea; the fire and the ice. The list goes on for eternity. It will continue until every last substance has its very own pair: night and day, lost and found, hopeful and hopeless. The world was made for two: the good and the bad, the laughs and the cries, the rise and the fall, the darkness and the light, the heartbroken and the healed. Most people do not believe they are on that list, but we all are. It may take time, but we will each find our pair. The world was made for two, even you and your special someone. 

Wonders of Life by Noor Hassan

While life is filled with adventures,

It is also filled with challenges and surprises. 

Similarly to a box

Of delectable chocolates. 

You do not know what type 

Of chocolates you are getting.

Life is unpredictable, 

And full of surprises. 

You never know what 

Event will happen next. 

Some people go 

With the flow. 

While other people 

Change the event.

We live in a willful, worrisome,

Wondrous, witty world, 

Where every person is 

Going through something. 

Whether the situation be 

Bad or good, 

Everyone endures hardship.

While we continuously go 

Through tough times, 

The light at the end of the 

Tunnel remains ahead. 

Life is short and moves pretty fast. 

Thus, we cannot let our 

Tough times stop us from 

Moving on from our past. 

Terrific, tremendous, triumphant 

Times lie ahead for us. 

Where the sun smiles at you

And the clouds wave at you. 

Where life will be thriving, thrilling

And people are thankful. 

People tend to take life for granted. 

We should appreciate all that we have

And build a healthy, happy, 

Harmonious environment for all. 

Although life can be difficult, 

We need to continue to push through

And to be continuously grateful.

Because every day is a new day 

To learn something new 

And to develop our perspectives. 

“Everyday above ground is a great day, 

Remember that.” 

And Everything In Between by Pelin Cokuslu


The Wandering Phantom by Saly Moubayed

It is said that when someone passes

Their memory will never fade 

but their voice will be forgotten. 

The same soft voice that sang you to sleep will cease to exist

You will remember their smile and the way they held you

But the voice that made you laugh 

It’s like it was never there: a phantom

You spend hours and hours

Envisioning what they used to sound like

The way their voice would change a pitch when they were nervous

How soft it got as they were comforting you

The way they said good night as they tucked you to bed

How their voice quivered when they were excited

You almost grasp a whiff of their magical voice, but 

Drifts away with the wind

Hopelessly wandering. 

Oda a la pizza by María Santiago

Oh pizza deliciosa,

te como en una mordida,

te como toda solita,

rebanada tras rebanada.

Tu queso derretido,

tan gruesa, 

tan elastica y rica

hace hilos de oro.

Tu corteza tostada,

tan crujiente y ruidosa.

Fresca y esponjosa

como una nube.


Oh delicious pizza.

I eat you in one bite,

I eat you all alone,

slice after slice.

Your melted cheese,

so thick,

so elastic and rich,

makes threads of gold.

Your toasted crust,

so crispy and loud.

Fresh and fluffy

like a cloud.

The Withering of Janus by Saul Ventura

Who is the self, but an ambivalence 

of being the viewer,

and the viewed

I want to be a duality that rejects its own dichotomy

In the attempt to contort me into a box,

a cube,

I became

A tesseract of human archetypes.

But those who line the flatland will never be able to comprehend

that which evolves;

That which contains multitudes

Of anima and animus

And Priapus is disheartened by my rejection of his gifts.

Comic Reproduction by Sofia Martinez

Ink on paper

Reproduction of Detective Comics #609 Batman by Grant Breyfogle