Advertising on radio works.

96% of all consumers listen to Radio every week. A majority listen to radio a minimum of 2 to 3 hours per day. There are more radios in circulation than television sets or daily newspapers.

  • Targetability – Reach your target customer/audience with frequency.

  • Immediacy & Urgency – Radio is the closest to the “point of purchase” of all major media and delivers immediacy to drive consumers. “Buy Now”.

  • Timing & Location – Radio reaches customers EVERYWHERE! Cars, Offices, Homes. It is the “at work” medium and the “on the go” medium - reaching the Bay Area’s active adults, and your best prospects, all day long.

  • Flexibility – Creative revisions can be done to accommodate the changes in any business.

  • Consistency – Radio’s audience is consistent.

  • Cost Effectiveness – You can afford to deliver your message with frequency. You can reach your target customer/audience several times a week for what it costs to run 1 print ad or to produce a local TV spot. Repetition sells!

  • Education – Radio allows you to educate consumers about your product/services and

  • Stand Out – Radio allows retail advertisers to have the same big sound as the national advertising. And without all the cookie-cutter-clutter, your strategic advertising message

  • Engaging – Listeners feel connected to their radio station. Radio is emotional, persuasive, intrusive. People buy EMOTIONALLY and justify LOGICALLY and are more open to messages in an environment they feel a part of.

  • Build Image – Build image, name awareness, and prestige for your company through radio. It also partners well with and extend the reach of all other advertising.

Tap the power and reach of Internet Radio

Over the past couple years, Roger Henson at Advertising Business Consultants has become an expert at Pandora and Spotify Internet Radio advertising. By combining audio ads with display ads that are placed online and through Pandora's mobile apps for phones and tablets, Pandora Radio is an amazing opportunity to leverage your local radio creative to supercharge your marketing messages. Plus, activity that Pandora display ads drive to your web site can be tracked all the way from Visits to Conversions, so you'll know exactly what your dollar is driving.