Dremel Tool Bit Organizer

Dremel Tool bits tend to come in blow-molded containers.  As bits accumulate from different sources, the collection outgrows those containers or they don't fit well.  Here's a quick tip to organize your grindstones, cutoff wheels, saws and other assorted bits.

Strips of corrugated plastic, often used for yard signs, can be purchased at home center stores.  The ~ 0.157" material, available from several manufacturers, is perfect for storing 1/8" shank bits.  If cut into strips and placed in a suitable container with a secure cover, you have a perfect storage solution.

I think this container held an Ikea hardware kit prior to being purchased at a thrift store.

This will work will for 1/8" shank CNC bits as well.

The ideal container is slightly deeper than the length of the bits, with the corrugated plastic tall enough the bits can't fall out when the cover is closed.

The corrugated strips are cut to length to fill the container.  It may be a good idea to use dabs of hot melt or superglue to hold the strips in a block - otherwise a strip may lift up when a bit is removed.