Updated on January 7th
We need more support staff, why isn't that on there?
A school bond issue cannot pay for salaries, it is the number 1 rule pertaining to unallowable expenses.
What's going to happen to the upstairs at the middle school?
It will remain a middle school weight room - if the bond passes, it would actually receive some of the event center weight room equipment which would be a much nicer upgrade from current equipment up there.
When are we going to bring trades back to the school?
We actually have started a construction trade course new, this year. We have also begun a STEM focused career pathway that students can participate in. Our Ag Power program is better than ever and hoping to expand in the near future. Here is a story about our STEM program.
Why is there no accountability for the money being spent at the school, how do we know you aren't wasting your money?
This is actually a bit misinformed idea that we hear pretty often. Every year we have to hire an independent auditor to assess our finances and spending and ensure we are spending it correctly and on the appropriate items. Also every year, we have to submit budgets and expense reports to the state department of education. There are also public records required to be evaluated and posted by the state auditor's office. Our results are linked here. At the bottom of this FAQ page is the summary of expenses in our athletic accounts for 2024 school year. Our budget is also a public record and we review it every October. Reach out to the superintendent's office if you'd like a copy. You can also review our webpage discussing why a bond issue is needed for Cleveland Schools.
What's the deal with the current football/soccer stadium and relocation debate?
From the beginning of our adventure in Tiger Vision 2025 it was clear - School administration wants to move the stadium to campus. BUT -- 2 criteria must be met...
We must be able to afford it in our bond package.
We must have a plan for the current stadium footprint after it is gone.
This bond issue we were closer than ever with great ideas for the footprint, but affording it was a stretch. Combine the affordability compromise with the controversial feedback, we chose back in November move in a different direction. It is a commonly held notion that relocating the current stadium is a desired move by a big portion of the community. 56% of voters casted their approval in 2023 for the move. In our bond surveys 61% of respondents said that relocating the stadium should be a medium priority or high priority. 20% of respondents in another survey said it should be the most important priority. In our latest survey relocation of the stadium of the 3rd highest response when asked, what is being left out that you'd like to add.
However, back in November it became apparent that relocation of the stadium was far enough down our needs assessments that affording it was a stretch and the feedback from a large enough portion of the community feedback was simple. It was too controversial and too far down on the list be on the bond package. Essentially, we have more important things that should be dealt with first. We agreed.
THE CURRENT CONDITION OF THE STADIUM FIELD AND VISITING BLEACHERS ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH. We are actively working on making improvements to this area that will be safer for athletes and spectators. In addition be a bright spot in our community instead of a blemish.
What is the projected tax impact?
For every $1,000 you pay in property tax it will cost you an additional $3.92 a month or 7 Starbucks Lattes a Year ($47.04 a year).
Average Pawnee county property tax is approximately $750 tax impact which would be $35 a year.
How has Tiger Vision changed based on community feedback?
Our initial priority list would have been a bond issue of over $30,000,000 with construction and project costs over $25,000,0000. Based on your feedback we've narrowed down our priorities and refined the expectations in those to a more targeted approach and found stricter balance between a "want" and a "need". After much review we've also chosen to not ask the community at all for any stadium updates and find cost effective solutions within our own operating budget to help our current stadium be safer for players and fans.
Who can vote on a school bond issue?
Anyone living inside our district boundary. To make sure that is you, check out our boundary webpage.
How has the School Bond Issue in 2016 impacted my taxes?
The school impacts a millage rate of 20.64 for the year of 2025. Below is a timeline of millage rates that the school affects through the years. In January of 2016 the community approved a millage rate for the school of 25.75 to do a number of projects across out campus.
2025 - 20.64 2021 - 24.10 2017 - 25.48
2024 - 20.52 2020 - 22.88 2016 - 16.83
2023 - 20.96 2019 - 25.17 2015 - 21.85
2022 - 21.62 2018 - 25.04 2014 - 23.68
Why are the roofs on there again? Didn’t it just happen?
The Middle School Roof (with exception to the gym) and the High School Roof (with exception to the areas surrounding the gym) were worked on in the 2026 bond issue. The High School gym roof was completed as a replacement in the 2016 bond issue. The classroom (flat) portion of the high school was temporarily repaired with an outer coating of roofing spray in the 2016 bond issue. This temporary cost effective measure allowed for funds to be shared in other parts of our bond issue then such as, security cameras, new ag classrooms, and HVAC replacements. Our assessments indicate a more unified even approach to roof installation and remediation of the current roof is necessary to keep leaks from happening. Our intermediate school roof has undergone major renovations and improvements in the last year.
What are local area millage rates for school districts? (all rates are for 2024 excluding ours)
Prue - 10.46 Mannford - 21.73
Cushing - 14.26 Hominy - 21.98
Yale - 15.9 Kiefer - 25.81
Pawhuska - 16.54 Sperry - 26.8
Cleveland - 20.64 (fy25) Morrison - 27.22
Jennings - 20.83 Pawnee - 28.92
Perkins - 20.84 Berryhill - 30.28
Bristow - 21.46 Drumright - 34.94
Why isn’t HVAC on the list of short-term needs?
Over the last 4 years, we have replaced HVAC in the intermediate and primary schools. The vast majority of our middle school and high school units are less than 10 years old. With those older, being actively replaced. We have also been able to replace a large chiller in our Event Center which has been non-functional for several years. Due to a capital improvement plan, our HVAC systems are in good condition.
I hear staff and students complain about furniture, why isn’t that discussed more?
Specifically, student furniture is a massive need on our campus. The intermediate school is getting all new student furniture this summer! We hope to remodel our high school in our next bond issue to solve this for that building. The middle school would be next on the list of furniture replacements with our general budget of funds in the next 2 school years. Our youngest building is also our newest, and the furniture is still in quality condition when considering the age and disrepair of the other buildings.
Why aren’t we doing more with security?
Our last bond issue in 2016 laid solid groundwork for our campus security with door badge-controlled locks, security cameras, and secure entrances. Over the last few school years, we have increased our security cameras and upgraded our software to meet the demands of our increased system. We have installed security on all buses and ensured more security entry points in all buildings. This summer we are installing dozens of Vape, Smoke, and Bullying sensors in bathrooms and locker rooms. We improved our network security to safeguard our campus from web-based attacks. However, maintaining these must be a priority for us as well. We still need to add security bollards and provide adequate signage to our buildings as was recommended by numerous security advisors and re-emphasized in our community survey.
What is your plan for fine arts?
After listening to the community, staff, and students it became evident that the improvement of the space utilized for fine arts practice, preparation, and performance must be addressed in the short term future. Preliminary concepts have this coming to fruition after a re-imagining of the northeast section of the high school including the old gym and the rooms and hallways surrounding it.
Why are you proposing another bond issue when we still owe money on the last one?
We are actually on the very end of our current bond that we voted on in 2016. The last series of bonds were sold just a few months ago. While we actively owe some, it will be paid off soon. To be exact the bond issue from 2016 will be completely paid off by September 2025. A bond issue that passes in January 2025 would not have any money issued until July 2025. Which would essentially mean that we would only “owe” money on two different lease purchase bonds for a couple of months.
How are athletic funds distributed? It seems like some sports get all the money.
The table below indicates the summary of expenses from Athletics Activity Account organized by it’s intended use. These values are money expended and generated from July 1, 2023 to June 1, 2024.