Standing Ovation Boosters

Our Next Booster Meeting will be 

Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 6 p.m. 

in Malcolm Brown Auditorium!  

What is it?

The Standing Ovation Boosters are the Booster Wing of The Ovation Club. This is a group of parents and community members who are dedicated to providing any food or labor the department may need for shows. The executive officers of The Ovation Club will also be elected from this committee.

How much time is involved?

As much as you want!  It is expected that each member contributes to each show in some way.  This can be through working Box Office, providing food for long rehearsals, helping with costumes or set construction at weekend work sessions, publicizing shows, and any other active involvement in the Theatre  Department. 

If you would like to be more actively involved on a regular basis, the Executive Board for the Standing Ovation Committee will be required to hold monthly meetings with the possibility of smaller committees meeting on a more regular basis.