Anya Burns, Work Based Learning Coordinator
Morrow High School
Room 2130
770-432-3241, ext. 503152
What is work-based learning?
Education through the work-based learning program is a means to improve the educational outcomes for students, by allowing them to earn high school credit while gaining essential employment skills. The intent of preparing students for work is not to take away from academic excellence, but instead, to integrate academic and occupational curriculum to connect school and work.
What are the benefits?
Benefits to Students
Increases motivation by showing the relevance between school and work
Provides opportunities to explore possible career field
Gives a realistic view of specific career fields
Helps to develop workplace responsibility, positive attitudes, and habits
Increases motivation by showing the relevance between school and work
Provides opportunities to explore possible career fields
Gives a realistic view of specific career fields
Helps to develop workplace responsibility, positive attitudes, and habits
Offers opportunities for leadership development
Improves job prospects after graduation
Allows for interaction with adults in a work-based setting
Encourages the pursuit of education after high school
Benefits to Employers
Offers a source of skilled and motivated future employees
Provides an opportunity to prepare and train future employees
Reduces the costs of recruitment and training
Improves employee retention
Offers an opportunity to provide community service
Increases employee visibility in the educational community
Encourages involvement in the curriculum development process