The LSW Boys Soccer Program 

Culture & Traditions

"If you don't cut the grass, it grows, and if you ignore poor standards, it grows. To avoid an untidy field, maintain high standards." 

Academic Excellence

The LSW Boys Soccer Program acknowledges that participants in the program are Student-Athletes. Being a student comes first and academics are the priority. During the 2024 season, the program had 28 LPS Scholar Athletes (out of 53 Total). That means over 50% of our players achieved a 3.5 GPA or higher. 

Additionally, The 2024 Varsity Team had 10 Academic All-Conference Recipients, 4 LJS Academic All-State Recipients, and 2 NSAA Academic All-State Recipients. At LSW, the opportunity to represent the program is directly tied to how you perform in the classroom. Those who cannot meet this expectation risk not being selected for a team and/or limited field time. In summary, if you want to make it onto the field, you have to take care of business in the classroom.

Sportsmanship and Citizenship

The LSW Boys Soccer Program demands sportsmanship and positive representation from its Student-Athletes both on and off the field. Players are expected to be leaders in the classroom/community and gentlemen on the field. Conduct detrimental to the team is not tolerated. Those who cannot uphold the program's standards will receive additional guidance from the coaching staff and teammates until these expectations are met.

Holistic Coaching & Player Development

Made up of coaches from all different backgrounds, ages, and experiences, The LSW Boys Soccer Program Coaching Staff Coaches strives to foster a holistic environment in which the player is seen as a person first and athlete second. The objective would be to meet the needs of the player (physical, mental, emotional, and psych-social) and use this information to continue to aid them in their short-term and long-term development as people and players. The LSW Coaching Staff is committed to being open, transparent, honest, and empathetic when communicating with players and parents.By creating a positive, inclusive, player-centered culture, we create success on and off the pitch. 

United As One

"Side over self - every time". Before every Varsity Match, starting lineups are announced to the program supporters in attendance. While many teams tend to have players step out as individuals, the Varsity Team has a longstanding tradition to link up in unison as one when the LSW lineup is being announced. This gesture is symbolic in that it shows the team's belief that strength comes through unity and that the team is more important than the individual. No one player is more important than the collective group.


Whenever any LSW Boys Soccer Team breaks the huddle, you will always hear the word "Family!" proclaimed in unison by the boys. That is because we are more than just a group of individuals, we are more than just a team. we are more than just a program. The boys know that they can rely on one another and that we are all supportive of each and every player as if they were family.

At Southwest, We Are Family. This Means More.

Leadership - Captain Selection

LSW Boys Soccer has a rich tradition of allowing all 3 levels of the LSW Boys Soccer Program to select Team Captains each season. These young men are chosen by their peers to lead their respective teams throughout the season. They serve as leaders not only on the field, but on the training grounds, in the classroom, and out in the community. They help facilitate team dynamics, act as a liaison between the players and coaches, and also communicate with match officials during games.

Offseason/Preseason Strength & Conditioning

The offseason does not mean that the work stops. During the Summer months and Preseason during the school  year, the LSW Boys Soccer Program continues to work hard to improve as players by helping student athletes become bigger, stronger, and faster.  We strive to get players acquainted with proper lifting form and also work to help players avoid injury during the year by exposing players to  a variety of Strength & Conditioning disciplines (which include: lifting, calisthenics, plyometrics, stretching, mobility, single-leg stability, and cardio). Sometimes it is what you do when no one is watching that helps you outperform your opponent on the field.

"The Southwest Septuple"

In Soccer, a septuple is when a team wins 7 Trophies in one season. The LSW Boys Soccer Program played for 7 trophies every year. They are: The Lincoln Public Schools City Title, The HAC Conference Regular Season Title, The HAC Conference Tournament Title, The Interstate-80 Challenge Cup, The Silver Hawk-Spartan Community Shield, The NSAA District Title, and the NSAA State Title. In 2024, the Varsity Team came within touching distance of winning all 7 trophies before falling in the Class A Final 3-1 to Creighton Prep. 

The Interstate-80 Challenge Cup

This perpetual cup-style rivalry trophy matchup was introduced in 2019 and is played between The LSW Boys Soccer Varsity Team and our HAC Conference opponents "down the road", The Kearney High School Bearcats. The idea was to help create another layer of intrigue and motivation for the players involved in this marquee, "benchmark" matchup. The winner of the game gets to take home the silverware for the year until the next match is played between the two storied programs. They also get to inscribe their school name, score, and year on the base plate. With Kearney now in the Heartland Athletic Conference, we will look forward to this competitive fixture for the foreseeable future. LSW are the current holders of the Cup, having beaten Kearney 2-0 in the 2024 Match to win for the 4th consecutive year. 

The Silver Hawk-Spartan Community Shield

This perpetual 18" shield-style rivalry trophy was introduced in 2021 and is played between The LSW Boys Soccer Varsity Team and our LPS/HAC Conference in-town opponents, The Lincoln East Spartans. Like our first rivalry style trophy match with The Kearney Bearcats, the motivation behind this was to create another exciting layer of intrigue to our in-town rivalry with Lincoln East. The winner of the annual match gets to inscribe their name at the bottom of the shield, the inside track to the LPS City Championship, and hang onto bragging rights until the next season's match between the two most successful programs in the city of Lincoln. LSW are the current holders of the Shield, having beaten East 3-1 in the 2024 Match.

The LSW Boys Soccer Man of the Match Belt

This post-match award is given to the outstanding performer after a Silver Hawk win. Introduced as a creative way to congratulate and recognize players and their contributions, the recipient keeps the belt until the next match at which time it is given to the best performer of that game. Also, the recipient of the Belt serves as the rotating Captain for the next Match as well.

State Tournament Sendoff

One of the highlights for the program when qualifying for the postseason is seeing our supporters turnout for the State Tournament Sendoff. Family, Friends, Faculty, and Students gather at the NE corner of 14th & Pine Lake and cheer on the team as the bus passes by on the first leg of the trip up I-80 to Creighton's Morrison Stadium. Truly a special experience and one that we look forward to each season. 

Supporter Appreciation & Acknowledgement

After going through the handshake line, The LSW Boys Soccer Program always makes sure to jog over to our supporter's section to applaud and thank them for coming out to support the team. Oftentimes supporters take time off work, spending their hard-earned money to travel several hours to attend matches and cheer on the team. No matter the result, win or lose, it is important to show gratitude to those who give so much to us and support us through thick and thin.

Collegiate Soccer Opportunities

The LSW Boys Soccer Program has had the honor and privilege of helping dozens of young men achieve their goals of playing at the collegiate level.  By providing a training environment with solid technical and tactical instruction, we strive to provide our players with the best opportunities to reach their potential out on the field.  Additionally,  by maintaining rigorous academic and social expectations, we ensure that Student-Athletes are given the support and structure needed to succeed on the field, in the classroom, and out in the community. Our coaching staff regularly communicates with collegiate-level coaches and advocates on our players behalf. Whether it is Junior College, NAIA, Division III, Division II, or Division I, The Lincoln Southwest Boys Soccer Program has sent multiple players to all levels of collegiate soccer. If you are looking to try and play at the next level, this program is the place to be!

LSW Boys Soccer Program Scarves

Custom designed by Coach Kiddoo upon his arrival to the program in 2020, scarves are literally "woven" into the fabric of soccer culture all around the world. Not only are they great to keep warm with, but they help all supporters of the program show their love in the stands, at school, and out in the community. Whether you wear them, wave them, or hang them up somewhere, soccer scarves are a great way to show one's support for the LSW Boys Soccer Program! In 2024, we updated the design to show our love for the program and the City of Lincoln!