Tier 3 Data

Using Multiple Sources of Data to Access and Fade Tier 3 Interventions

Data Sources

  • Minors

  • Majors: office referrals or suspensions

  • Health office visits

  • Attendance

  • Grades

  • Teacher/Family/Student referral

  • Restraint and Seclusion reports

  • Response data to Tier 2 interventions

  • Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) data

Criteria Examples

Flowchart Examples: Tier 3 Systems

McPhee Flow Chart copy (Revisions).pdf

Monitoring Tier 3 Interventions


Tier 2/3 Tracking Tool

22-23 Tier 2/3 Tracking Tool TEMPLATE (MAKE A COPY)

Fidelity of Tier 3 Interventions

Fidelity Guiding Questions

  • Are we doing what we said we would do?

  • Is the intervention being implemented as designed?

Goal: If fidelity is not in place, address the fidelity before changing the intervention

Example Fidelity Checks