Tier 1 School-Wide Systems

Centering Equity Within MTSS-B

Culturally Responsive Field Guide

Revised Culturally Responsive Field Guide.pdf

Culturally Responsive TFI Add On Scale

TFI -Cultural Responsiveness Add-On.docx

Student Voice

  • Expectations

  • Acknowledgement system and preferences

  • Responses to problem behavior

  • Student perception


  • Survey

  • Google form

  • Focus groups

  • Utilizing current student groups

Building a Positive School and Classroom Community

Community-Building Questions

Building a Classroom Community (6 Min Talk)
Copy of Community/relationship building.mp4

Examples of Positive Student/Teacher Interactions

Positive Interactions - Contingent vs. Non-Contingent

Additional Resources

Branding Quarter 1 Flier.pdf
Qtr. 3 Prevention (19-20).pdf
MTSS-B Quarter 3 Flier 2020.pdf
MTSS-B Quarter 1 (1).pdf
MTSS-B Quarter 2 Flier.pdf


Chat Questions
  1. What happened?

  2. What were you thinking and feeling at the time?

  3. What have you thought about since?

  4. Who do you think has been affected? In what way?

  5. What do you think you need to do to make things right?

Affective Statements
  • Explain the impact and scope of harm resulting from the student’s behavior
  • Humanize yourself. Share your emotions and how the student’s behavior is making you feel.
  • Use “I” statements that express a real, genuine feeling.
  • Focus on the behavior, not the individual and his/her worth.
  • Use a respectful tone.
  • Examples
    • “When ___ happens”
    • “I notice/I feel ___”
    • “I really need___”
    • “I really would like you to ___”

Restorative Classroom

  1. Restorative Mindset - "WITH" Style is dominant - High requirements/expectations and High support/encouragement; engage students in a participatory process; BOTH students and teacher are held accountable for change.

  2. Restorative Language - Encourages positive interaction; Uses "I" statements to remain non-judgmental; gives student positive feedback through empathetic listening.

  3. Restorative Questions - used to promote reflection for those harmed by others' actions and for responding to challenging behaviors/those who have caused harm.

  4. Classroom expectations are determined/agreed upon collectively and displayed in a prominent area.

  5. ALL students have a voice in decision making- Students have the opportunity to give input towards a decision that will affect them.

  6. Inclusion of all students into classroom activities, decision making, and rituals, UNLESS student is receiving accommodation which benefits THAT student.

  7. Teacher voice level remains normal in response to negative behaviors/events. Compassion/empathy is shown, actively listen to one another when speaking, attempt to understand speakers' perspective.

Additional Resource

Tier 1 Team

Agenda Examples

Tier 1 Agenda Example 1
SAMPLE Tier 1 Meeting Agenda 22-23
MTSS-B Tier 1 Committee Meetings (example)


  • Leader/Facilitator

  • Notetaker

  • Timekeeper

  • Data Manager

  • Other Members: Contribute Ideas and Participate


  • Meet regularly

  • Review action plan at each meeting

  • Review data at each meeting

  • Set actionable steps to support Tier 1

School Wide expectations

Define Expectations

branding-equity_53247603 (3).pdf

Teach All Students

Elementary Example

Secondary Example

Practice and Fidelity Checks


  • Role playing

  • Scenarios

  • Reflection

  • In specific locations

Fidelity Checks

  • Did all students receive the instruction as designed?

  • Examples

    • Exit ticket

    • Staff or students submit a Google form

    • Teacher highlight name at the end of lesson (within Google slides) to show completion of the lesson

Fidelity Check: TFI Walkthrough

Allows teams to survey staff and students about their knowledge of expectations and the acknowledgement system.

TFI Walkthrough.docx

Encouraging appropriate Behavior

Acknowledgement and Feedback

branding-equity_54099260 (2).pdf
Specific Positive Feedback Flyer#1.pdf

Specific Feedback at Home

Belmont Parent Acknowledgement.pdf

What To Do With Tickets?

Elementary Examples

  • Whole School: School-Wide Drawing

  • Whole School Goal and Incentive

  • Individual Student Drawings-Based on Interest

Secondary Examples

  • School Store

  • Drawings

  • Teacher Incentive for Giving Tickets

  • Track Ticket Data

Systems for Responding to Problem Behavior

Example: Problem Behavior Definitions

Problem Behavior & Motivation Definitions.pdf
branding-equity_53374173 (1).pdf

Elementary Flowchart Examples

Major Flowchart.pdf
Elliott Major_Minor Behavior Matrix (1).pdf

Secondary Flowchart Example

20-21 Culler Minor:Major flowchart.pdf
LHS Classroom vs. Office.pdf

Effective Responses to Problem Behavior

Supporting Implementation Through Reflection

Building Office Calls Reflection Guide

Guidance on In and Out of Class Movements (ICM/OCM)

In/Out of Class Movement Expectations



Responding to Problem Behavior Handout

Additional Resources

Tips for Challenging Behavior

Video Resources