Kindergarten Q1

Theme:  Algorithms

Vocabulary Word

Algorithms are all around you! A recipe for making food, the directions to play a game, and even your daily routine are all algorithms!  Computer programmers write algorithms for the computer to follow. 

Lesson Opener


What are the first 5 things you do when school starts?

How do you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?

Unplugged Activities

You should have this puppet in your lab for use with this lesson.

Al the Algorithm Alligator

Show this presentation in editing mode.  You can then drag and drop items to make different algorithms.

Original Lesson Plan


You should have this puppet in your lab for use with this lesson.

Plugged Activities

Set Up Code Spark Teacher Account

Start here to set up your students to use the foos online at CodeSpark Academy.

Video Tutorial

Set Up Lab for Code Spark

Follow these instructions to allow your students to access your CodeSpark classes on all lab computers.

CodeSpark Academy

Introduction Slides

Use these slides to introduce CodeSpark's The Foos and solving puzzles with them .

Suggested activities for kindergarten 1st quarter are Donut Detective and Builder Foo. 


Supplemental Resources

Code Monkey Jr.

**Do not make accounts or have students login at this time.  Students can do all of the free puzzles.

Each CS classroom has this set of LEGO.  Students can use the included cards to follow algorithms.


What is an algorithm?

How did you use algorithms to help the foos?

What was your favorite activity we did today?  Why?