2nd Grade Q4

Theme:  Events, Input, Output

Vocabulary Word

WHEN the fire alarm sounds, we evacuate the building.  WHEN the recess whistle blows, we line up.  WHEN the teacher says "Class, Class", we say "Yes? Yes?" 

All of these actions (or EVENTS) cause something else to happen.

Can you think of other events that happen at school or at home?

Lesson Opener


Can you think of some EVENTS we have used in our coding lessons?

What are some examples we have used in Code.org?  Or Scratch?

What are some EVENTS you have used when you've played video games?

Unplugged Activities

Plugged Activities

Teaching slides to use with Build a Flappy Bird.  Focus on adding in the terms input and output.

Code.org - Course C - Lesson  12

Lesson Plan

Optional Pear Deck Slides

Robot Activity

Patterns with Dash

Optional Activities

Students will create a maze adventure game while focusing on Events in code.

Formative Assessments


Chase Games with Events


How are events used in coding?