2nd Grade Q1

Theme:  Programming and Debugging

Vocabulary Words

When algorithms are run by digital devices, they are called programs.  Programs can help make our every day life much easier.  When a problem arises in a program, it is called a bug.  We need to look very carefully at the program to find the bug and fix it.  We call this debugging.  

Lesson Opener


After visiting PebbleGo:

Share a fact or two that you learned about programming. 

After watching B is for Bug:

What is a computer bug?

Plugged Activities


Every CS Classroom has a physical copy of the book.

Supplemental Resources

Formative Assessments

Vocabulary Jamboard 

Have students use text and images to share what they know.


What are bugs in a program?

How did you debug a code today?

How did you show persistence when programming?