2nd Grade Q2

Theme:  Creative Computing

Vocabulary Word

Scratch:  a block-based visual programming language

Sprite: a character in the Scratch program that can be coded

Backdrop:  the "scene" or background image in a Scratch program

Stage:  the area where the program is run in Scratch

Costume: the way a Sprite looks in Scratch.  

Lesson Opener

An Online Resource 

Getting to know Scratch

Use the Home page of the online resource Quick and Easy Scratch Lessons to learn about the Scratch Editor.  

Click on the Basics page and work through the activities on the slides to help understand how to code in the Scratch environment.

Plugged Activities

A beginning Scratch lesson.

***Start here if you have never used Scratch with your students before.

A beginning Scratch lesson.

Video instructions on creating CS First Class Sections.

Books and Other Resources


What was one thing you enjoyed learning in Scratch today?

How can loops be used in Scratch?

What is a sprite in the Scratch program?