
CU ECS Wins Electrochemical Society

Chapter of Excellence Award!

Our chapter has been honored with the Electrochemical Society's Chapter of Excellence Award! This is thanks to all of the support that our chapter has received from students and faculty at Clarkson.

Look out for more information in a coming edition of the ECS Interface Journal!

Professor Khosla Virtual Talk

Professor Ajit Khosla of Yamagata University, Japan, is a renowned electrochemist and the chair of the Sensor Division of the Electrochemical Society. His research has netted over $5,000,000 in funding. He highlighted some of this research in his talk, "Sustainable Advance Manufacturing: Sensors, Energy Storage Devices, and Soft Robotics."

Professor Khosla Virtual Talk

Professor Ajit Khosla of Yamagata University, Japan, is a renowned electrochemist and the chair of the Sensor Division of the Electrochemical Society. His research has netted over $5,000,000 in funding. He highlighted some of this research in his talk, "Sustainable Advance Manufacturing: Sensors, Energy Storage Devices, and Soft Robotics."

ECS in Interface !!

Our CU-ECS have been exposed in the latest issue of The ECS magazine, Interface.

Click the following link for more info


Spring 2020 Workshop

CU-ECS organized its first one-day workshop entitled "The Capacity of Electrochemistry," on February 14, 2020 featuring scientific talks from renowned Professors in electrochemistry including Prof. Katz, Dr. Kim, Dr. Bollella, and Dr. Yang, and a panel discussion with Prof Krishnan, Prof. Andreescu, Prof. Podlaha-Murphy, Dr. Bollella, and Dr. Kim. It attracted over 50 participants from different departments of Clarkson University and generated a great discussion about research and involvement with the student chapter, and it also featured numerous opportunities for discussion and networking.

Prof. Goluch

Invited Talk #2: Professor Edgar Goluch

Professor Edgar Goluch (North eastern University, Boston) has significant contribution in the field of electrochemical sensors. In 2015, he founded QSM Diagnostics, Inc., a diagnostics company developing electrochemical sensor technology for rapid bacterial identification and monitoring. He also founded Microbial Devices, LLC, which provides research groups with devices that passively isolate and cultivate microbes in situ. His talk focused on "Electrochemical Detection and Monitoring of Bacterial Infections"

Prof. Zamborini

Invited Talk #1: Professor Francis Zamborini

Professor Francis Zamborini (University of Louisville, KY) has contributed significantly to the field of electrochemical deposition research. His talk focused upon "Measuring the Size, Size Stability, Aggregation, and Unique Reactivity of Metal Nanoparticles by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry"

RAPS Conference

NNY ECS at summer RAPS conference

ECS students have introduced a separate session for electrochemistry for both oral and poster presentation at the summer research and project showcase (RAPS - 2019). Many students from different disciplines actively participated and we had a good number of attendees in the electrochemistry section.

In addition, the NNY ECS student chapter had a table focusing on electrochemistry, and we conducted a small game where winners were given awards.