
In 2018 when Farideh Hosseini Narouei attended her first Electrochemical Society (ECS) conference as a second year PhD student. She discussed with Prof. Podlaha Murphy the possibilities of starting the ECS student chapter at Clarkson University. Following their discussion in Spring 2019, Farideh and Cheng Wang organized the first pre-meeting for discussion with other Clarkson university faculties and students to initiate the ECS chapter at Clarkson. In Fall 2019, Clarkson University ECS student chapter (CU-ECS) was officially approved by the ECS among other several student chapters worldwide.

The CU-ECS student chapter was founded to connect the electrochemical community at the Clarkson University. Since its initiation the CU-ECS is dedicated to encouraging communication and collaboration in electrochemistry research at Clarkson University and helping its members succeed in their academic careers. CU-ECS was honored to be the first student chapter consisting of wide spectrum of members including faculties, graduate and undergraduate students from interdisciplinary fields covering chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, environmental engineering, civil engineering, and mechanical engineering at Clarkson University. In 2020, CU-ECS has been named as Chapter of Excellence recipient by the ECS Board of Directors. The award recognizes CU-ECS as one of the top three outstanding student chapters globally by ECS. The founding officers served the chapter as below.

Farideh Hosseini Narouei

Former president

Cheng Wang

Vice President

Aswin Prathap Pitchiya

Former Secretary

Ben Slenker

Secretary (SocialMedia)

Allie Bowman


Gavin Prevatt

Undergraduate Outreach

Aria Stephan

Undergraduate Outreach