Reading Rockstars!

Oglethorpe Wildcats are wild about reading!


What is reading rockstars?

Reading rockstars is our monthly reading initiative! Students will complete a grade-level appropriate reading challenge each month to earn rewards. Twice a year, we will have a party for the students who completed an entire semester's worth of reading logs. We will also have a big reward for those students who blast though the galaxy, completing the entire year's worth of challenges!

 How does my student participate?

Each grade-level band has a different reading log to complete for the month. Reading logs can be downloaded below if you've misplaced yours and need a replacement. Teachers will begin moving student pictures across the galaxy on the library windows as they progress through each month's challenges. We can't wait to see all of our Wildcats on Neptune!

 When are reading logs due? 

Reading logs are due on the Wednesday before our WOW Celebrations, which are the First Friday of each month.  The dates are listed below as well as on our school calendar.  Your child can turn these into their teacher. We will not be able to accept late submissions as we need time to plan and purchase rewards. You are more than welcome to turn logs in early!



What kind of reading counts?

Your child's teacher can provide their specific requests, but in general, all reading counts! We want students to explore a galaxy of literature and informational text and find the kind of books that resonate most with their own interests. We want to promote reading as an enjoyable pasttime. This is not about levels and lexiles. We want to promote a commuity of readers and encourage family literacy, so I even encourage older students to read to younger siblings for credit!

Can my student do an alternative literacy-related activity?

At this time, no. Reading rockstars is our way to promote reading among our student body. There will be alternative literacy events and opportunities throughout the year!

Download Extra Reading Logs Here

Please note: Your child's teacher may have a separate reading log they use for weekly homework. These are standardized backups you are welcome to use if you've lost yours or didn't receive one. You should default to the log assigned by your teacher.