
Your presence at our school is vital to the success of all students.  We want to welcome you to our program! When your background check is complete we will work with you to find the best position for you to volunteer in a school.

How can you get involved?

Mentor or tutor a student.

Read to or be read to by a student.

Serve as judge in an academic competition or fair.

Sponsor or chaperone a field trip.

Agree to be an Expert For Education Speaker.

Donate equipment, training, or materials.

Be a BAM Volunteer.

Co-sponsor a school-wide activity.

Sponsor an honor event for students and parents.

Provide a tour of your workplace.

In order to comply with the state law designed to ensure the safety of our students, a criminal background check is mandatory.  The PIE Staff will submit the information to the Administrative Office of the Courts in Frankfort.  All information will remain confidential.  Once your background check is received and passed, you will be notified by a PIE representative to begin helping us for the school year. 

Additionally, you must read the Tutoring Handbook and Tips and pass the Tutor Training Quiz before volunteering.