Financial Aid for College

Paying for College is one of the most important steps in planning for College. We can help! Financial Aid can be in the form of grants, loans or work-study. In order to access this apply for Financial Aid by completing and submitting your official FAFSA applications as early as October 1st of your senior year. 

FAFSA and Financial Aid Specialist

Coach Chris is back working at Klahowya with Seniors on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Working for Olympic College as a Financial Aid Outreach Specialist, Coach Chris is here to help all of our Seniors with Financial Aid FAFSA questions and completions, as well as any post-high school plans.  Appointments may be booked at with Coach Chris  and visit him in room 139 near the SSC.  


Here is a link to all Financial Aid and Financial Literacy events taking place in Kitsap County:

Debunking Financial Aid Myths

Don’t Let Financial Aid Myths Limit Your Options for the Future

Think you can’t afford college or career education? Financial aid helps many students pay for education after high school, and more families in Washington are now eligible. Even if you didn’t qualify before, you might now!

Myth #1: My parents make too much money, so I won’t qualify for financial aid.

Fact: Applying for financial aid is the only way to know for sure whether you qualify. With the new Washington College Grant, an eligible student from a family of four making up to around $107,000 per year can receive some money for their education.

Myth #2: Financial aid only pays for universities. That takes four years—I need to start working now.

Fact: Financial aid can be used for many types of full-time or part-time education, including career and technical schools, community colleges, some apprenticeships, and yes, universities too. You have options!

Myth #3: I can’t apply for financial aid, because I don’t know what I’m going to do after high school.

Fact: You can complete a FAFSA or WASFA financial aid application before applying for college or training. You can make your final choice about whether and where to go later, and you’ll know more about what you can afford. It's not too late to apply for fall 2023!

Learn more and apply for financial aid on the Washington Student Achievement Council website.

It’s Never Too Late to Apply for Financial Aid

With all the disruption caused by COVID-19, college or career training after high school is more important than ever. Filing a financial aid application gives you more options for the future. There’s still time to apply for this coming fall.

Many families assume they won’t qualify for aid, but there’s more help available than ever before. The new Washington College Grant (WCG) gives more money to more students for more kinds of education after high school. WCG is available year-round—if you meet the eligibility requirements, you have money waiting for you. The only way to know for sure if you’ll qualify is to apply for financial aid.

In Washington, there are two ways to apply for financial aid. U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens can apply with the federal FAFSA form. People who can't file the FAFSA—due to immigration status or other issues with federal aid—can apply for state aid, including WCG, using the WASFA.

Completing a FAFSA or WASFA financial aid application is a crucial first step toward college or career training. It’s not too late to apply for the 2023-24 academic year.

Learn more, get support, and apply for financial aid at

Understanding Financial Aid

See full GOOGLE SLIDESHOW and Financial Aid Overview google doc below for detailed information & steps.

Financial Aid Presentation.mp4

Financial Aid Presentation

KSS Financial Aid Overview 2023-24

Financial Aid Overview

After the FAFSA: What Happens Next

 Understanding Financial Aid Award Letters

For seniors who have filed their Financial Aid application…  Now What?  I’m offering virtual Award Letter Comparison workshops that are great for senior advisory periods. Please contact me at if you’d like to schedule a workshop for your seniors.

Helpful FAFSA Planning Worksheets

Students & families should start the process by applying for separate FSA IDs online BEFORE they fill out the FAFSA application. These worksheets will help! Start at

 After ID's are verified, you may begin your FAFSA application at  

FSA.ID.worksheet WA ReadySetGrad
FSAID worksheet-FAFSAsteps.pdf

Helpful Financial Information Links

Financial Aid Award Letters

 Understand your award letter after you have applied & been accepted to college.

All About Financial Aid Award Letters.pdf