Option 7

Alternate Route to

Teacher Certification

The Central Kentucky Educational Cooperative's Teacher Certification Institute offers two alternative teacher certification programs.  The Special Education program leads to the Learning and Behavior Disorders P-12 certificate, and the High School program leads to Grades 8-12 certificates in biology, chemistry, English, mathematics, or social studies.   Both programs result in a Kentucky teaching certificate valid in any public school district in the state.

Option 7 Video Overview Final.mp4

View this Overview video to learn more about the program. 

Certification Pathways

Special Education--Learning & Behavior Disorders (LBD), P-12 

13-month learning cycle (280 total hours)

High School General Education Core Subjects, Grades 8-12

13-month learning cycle (220 total hours)

Program Components


Bootcamp will occur during the first semester of the candidate’s placement in a classroom.  Bootcamp formats would include a mix of synchronous virtual sessions, asynchronous on-demand modules, and some in-person sessions as needed. Utilizing EPSB-approved university curricula, these sessions are designed to provide candidates a solid foundation as they begin their classroom teaching assignment.   


Following Bootcamp, certification candidates continue their instruction during Seminar.  Seminar sessions also utilize EPSB-approved university curricula.  These sessions are designed to take a deeper dive into content pertinent to the certification field and pedagogy.  Like Bootcamp, these sessions could be delivered in a variety of formats (synchronous, asynchronous, in-person). 

Mentor Coaching

Each candidate will be paired with a highly effective mentor teacher. The experienced teacher will observe the certification candidate; provide feedback to the candidate on teaching and professional practice; and offer guidance on completing professional responsibilities and assignments.  

Teaching Assignment

Candidates must complete a full-time, year-long teaching assignment in order to complete the program.  The teaching assignment almost always runs concurrently with Bootcamp and Seminar.  The candidate’s placement will be supervised by school district staff and supported by CKEC.  Candidates will be formally observed in the classroom by a school principal, their mentor teacher, and a CKEC coach.  This is anchored by the KY Framework for Teaching.

capstone project

Candidates will be required to maintain a digital portfolio that includes work products/tasks and reflections about practice collected throughout the certification process. 

Each candidate will be asked to present the portfolio as a culmination of the certification process.  Certification candidates will be defending their attainment of standards using the artifacts assembled in the portfolio.  

The CKEC Option 7 Program is designed to provide continuous support for all components--professional learning (Bootcamp and Seminar), classroom (clinical) setting, frequent contact with practicing educators, PRAXIS Exam tutoring (if needed), portfolio development, etc.


Candidate Fee

District Partnership Fee

For Payment Submission, visit our TCI homepage.


Admission Requirements


Complete the online   Application.   

Note, you must include Official Transcripts and the completed Candidate Agreement.

Other Application Documents

📋Candidate Checklist

***Application window will open again in Spring 2025.***

Applicants will be notified within two weeks of reception by the CKEC Teacher Certification Institute of ALL documents required for acceptance.