Teacher Certification Institute

Option 7 for Initial Certification

Click HERE to learn more!

Continuing Education Option for Rank Change

Click HERE to learn more!

Administrative Certification Programs

CKEC partners with Campbellsville University to offer a Principal Certification Program for Principal (Level 2) certification.

Click HERE to learn more!

KAET Grant

Kentucky Academy for Excellence in Teaching (KAET) offers aid to applicants entering the teaching profession by means of:

Click HERE to learn more!

Payment Methods

Payments are non-refundable - CKEC Payment Solutions - Payment may be made below or Remit Check to:
2331 Fortune Drive, Suite 270
Lexington, KY 40509

For the Credit card or PayPal option to the left, in the box  titled "CKEC/Program or Service", please type your program, such as "Rank Change" or "Option 7".

The participant may be responsible for chargeback fees.

For payments by check, please include Your Program (Rank Change or Option 7) and Your Name in the memo line.  

Send checks to:


2331 Fortune Drive, 

Suite 270
Lexington, KY 40509