What's going on?

Our Milestones & Events 


April 2024: Pattarayuth showcases his work at TURFPaG 2024

March 2024: Supakit and Nathaphong co-organize an outreach activity to teach primary and secondary school students about DNA   

January 2024: We welcome Phanomsak and cerebrate the New Year!

April 26, 2024: Pattarayuth gives an award-winning "Mission Possible" talk at the 9th TURFPaG meeting

March 4, 2024: "The Secrets of DNA" Day at Rajaprajanugroh 47 School, Petchaburi

January 2024: Our Group and CEEPP Dinners to Cerebrate the New Year!


October 2023: Our AG Project is funded, hip hip hooooray!  

August 2023: Welcome Supakit and Nathaphong!  

July-December 2023: Thanin visits IBMP, CNRS in Strasbourg  

March 2023: Thanin receives the Franco-Thai Young Talent Research Fellowship  

July - December 2023: Thanin spends six months in Strasbourg with the group of Dr. Dominique Gagliardi


December 2022: End-of-semester and lab (winter) holidays dinner 

November 2022: Congratulations to our new graduates Nene and Tiger!

October 2022: Welcome Thammaporn!

August 2022: Welcome Kittiporn!

July 2022: Welcome Pattarayuth and our project is funded!

April 2022: Welcome Supapit!

January 2022: Welcome Ayaz Ahmad!

December 22, 2022: Group Pictures and Lab Holidays Dinner

Chula 2022 Commencement Ceremony: Congratulations to Nene and Tiger!


December 2021: Thanin gives a talk at BSGC 2021

April 2021: Welcome Krissadaporn and Chokanan!


October 2020: The Chantarachot Group is established at Chulalongkorn University