CHOOSE Requirements



The time log, a weekly record that verifies the time students spend on site and/or doing research, must be submitted to the CHOOSE coordinator via the Google Classroom on a weekly basis. The link to the form will be posted as an assignment on Google Classroom. The form will become available on a weekly basis when CHOOSE starts.


The journal is a personal reflection of the student’s experience and learning. These entries might include observations, criticisms, explanations, evaluations, recommendations and references to readings. Students may write their journals in either creative or expository form. Journal writing workshops to introduce what a journal is, how it is written, how it is different from a diary and most importantly how reflections and research can be shown, will be held. Guided Reflections, a series of questions, have been provided within this site. The mentor grades the journal. Research findings should be reflected in the journal. During CHOOSE workshops, students will create a Google Document where all journal entries will be written. They will share this document with their mentor and coordinator so that all future entries will be available in this document. A minimum of 3 journal entries must be written each week.


The student is expected on average to spend 25 hours per week on site. Different internships require different time commitments; therefore, students can use time on evenings, weekends or vacations to fulfill the time requirement.


Students will propose questions to be answered in order to drive the research component of the CHOOSE experience. Students will create goals to be achieved through their on site placement via the CHOOSE experience.


Presearch: the exploration stage at the beginning of doing research during which a researcher learns background information, looks into potential topics, narrows down the focus and identifies research questions

Students will investigate background information related to possible internship placements. Research will include readings, interviews, television shows, videos, etc. A minimum of five research findings should be reflected in the student’s annotated bibliography.


Students will focus on an area of research based on their internship. Research will include relevant readings, interviews, television shows, videos, etc. Research findings should be reflected in the student’s journal and presentation. A minimum of 15 sources must be researched.


Students will comment on the value of readings done in conjunction with their projects. There should be variety of sources, including books, periodicals, films, Internet sources, and personal interviews. Sample bibliographies will be provided to the students. Students will present at least 15 sources. Five of these sources must have been used for presearch.


Students must meet with their Mentor at least once a week. The mentors and mentees will discuss journals, problems/successes with the internship site and possible research topics. The mentors will help students prepare for their presentations.


Students will make a final presentation of their work to an audience that may include the mentor, peers, parents, faculty, alumni and community members. Presenters will participate in a question and answer period. In most cases, the presentation will be evaluated by the coordinator.

Students will present their work and speak about project experiences, including accomplishments, problems, perceptions and intellectual growth. Presentations may come in a variety of different formats. The total presentation is thirty minutes divided into two parts:

Presentation- 20 minutes

Questions and answers- 10 minutes

All students may invite friends, relatives and classmates to attend.


The grade for CHOOSE will be on the student transcript as a separate grade that will not affect the overall GPA of the student.

Mentor Evaluation 30%

Presentation 30%

Annotated Bibliography 20%

Time Log 10%

Presentation Attendance(5) 5%

CHOOSE Coordinator Evaluation 5%