Bachelor of Science in Information Technology




The Carlos Hilado Memorial State University has full-time academic administrators for the College of Computer Studies headed by the College Dean and the Program Chairperson that possess adequate and relevant educational background and experience in the ITE Programs. For sixteen(16) years that the program has been offered, there are a lot of changes in the academic instructions which the institution continuously improves for better quality services.

The College of Computer Studies

Organizational Structure


Dean, College of Computer Studies


Program Chairperson, BS in Information Technology



The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology in the College of Computer Studies in Alijis Campus was first offered in the year 2006 formerly known as the Institute of Information Technology (year 2018 below) and College of Engineering and Information technology (year 2019-2020) with the Board Of Trustees resolution No. 170, series of 2006 granting the IT program offering in the college. Also, the Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) was granted last January 8, 2020 by the Commission on Higher Education and was accredited and granted a certificate last October 1, 2018 for Level 2 status by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines, Inc. (AACCUP).



Graduates of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Alijis Campus

Mark Allen Margallo Batch.mp4


The graph presented is the five (5) years of enrollment data of the students enrolled in the BS in Information Technology program in the College of Computer Studies, Alijis Campus both in the first and second semesters of Academic Year 2017 - 2018 until the Academic Year 2021-2022.



This shows the student cohort presented in detail from 2017 to 2022 and its trend.

The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology shows the graph of the number of graduates from Batch 2018 to Batch 2022 whereas the completion percentage was also shown compared to the number of first-year students enrolled from the year 2014 to the year 2019.


Curriculum 2018 to 2022


The Information Technology curriculum includes basic and advanced courses on planning, development, integration, and management of information technology infrastructure that provide computing solutions to address the needs of the organizations. The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Program Curriculum in CHMSU comprises 50(6) Units of General Education Courses, 18 Units of Common Courses, 57 Units of Professional Courses, 18 Units of Professional Elective Courses, and 15 Units of Additional Professional Domain/ Specialization with a total of 158(6) Units. The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology curriculum was designed in compliance with CHED Policies and Guidelines [CMO No.25, S. 2015 and CMO No.34 S. 2012] in HEIs offering ITE Programs.

Detailed Course Description


The Information Technology detailed course description of the common, core, and professional courses highlights the general contents of the courses being offered in the College of Computer Studies curriculum. The development of these course descriptions is the collaborative efforts of the core faculty members of the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

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Comparative Detailed Report on Course Curriculum

2018 to 2022


The attached comparative reports contain the recommended CHED courses based on CMO No. 25, series of 2015 versus Carlos Hilado Memorial State University courses offered for Academic Year 2018 to Academic Year 2022. Thus, the total variance for each component was also presented and compared.

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Curriculum Map


The College of Computer Studies has organized the crafting of a curriculum map with the curriculum review and revision of the ITE Programs. Curriculum mapping is the process of tracing and identifying the courses that the student may learn from basic to advanced courses until they graduate. This also addresses academic gaps, redundancies, and misalignments for purposes of improving the overall consistency of a program of study and its effectiveness. Thus, the criteria to identify the courses are I-introductory course (an introductory course to an outcome), E-enabling course (a course that strengthens an outcome), and D-demonstrating course (a course demonstrating an outcome).

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Consultancy Services by the Faculty Members

IT expert services are provided to IT Industries/ academic institutions or companies by the faculty members under the Information Technology Program to support in improving the skillset of the faculty members and as well as engaging in linkages between the academe and the IT industry.


Students are Engaged in Actual Training

The On-The-Job training endeavor of the students in different companies or industries in line with the field of study gives a significant role in attaining the goals and objectives of the program. Showing the sample portfolio of the students whereas their evaluation is based on their actual performance at work.

OJT Sample Portfolio.pdf

ON-THE-JOB Training Partners

Industry Deployment Matrix


Involvement in Faculty Immersion and Training Activity

The hands-on and actual use of the equipment and other ICT resources in the industry is essential in teaching our students in the field. Teachers are funded by the institution to be involved in training and industry immersion to continuously supplement the needs of the academe in terms of the needed industry skills. It is also supported to better understand the actual scenario of the industry and apply those concepts in teaching.


This pertains to a document that includes a detailed outline of the objectives, selection, and sequence of the contents, mode of delivery, materials to be used, learning tasks and activities, expected learning objectives or outcomes, and assessment or evaluation schemes of a specific course, unit of study or teaching subject and, etc. CHED Memorandum Order No. 46 s. 2012 whereas the policy standard to enhance quality assurance (QA) in Philippine higher education through an outcomes-based and typology-based QA is implemented. These syllabi have undergone proper review and revision with the committee's involvement in review and revision.

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Sample Syllabi 2021-2022

ITPFL4_Web Design and Development_2021-2022.pdf

Sample Syllabi 2018-2020



Gearing up for the New Normal: Training of Teachers on Flexible Learning

The invitation from the University of the Philippines Open University and an endorsement letter for the College of Computer Studies faculty members to attend the Training of Teachers on Flexible Mode of Instructional Delivery and Development and Adoption of Open Education Practices for Quality Tertiary Education offered by the University of the Philippines Open University.

This training was to supplement the needs of the faculty members for the better delivery of instructions despite the effect of the pandemic in the country.

CHMSU Faculty Training on Google Applications

Training of faculty members with the use of google classroom, forms, and drive for implementation of AFLEx. The training services office has designated the ITE Faculty members to be the trainers for the said activity. It was participated by the faculty members of Carlos Hilado Memorial State University on all campuses. Also, the IT faculty members are sharing the knowledge and skills of using the ICT resources with other institutions.




WI 5 - Review of Curriculum.pdf


The purpose of this work procedure is to establish the process of review, revision, and endorsement of the curriculum. The Dean together with the Program Chairpersons ensures that the current curriculum is aligned with the requirements of Policies, Standards, and Guidelines of the programs.

The curriculum review commences with the Dean reviewing the proposed curriculum submitted by the Program Chairperson or the Coordinator. After a careful review of the proposed curriculum, the Dean then organizes a stakeholders’ consultative meeting where members from the other HEIs are invited, so too with the alumni, industry experts, and students. Their inputs are considered in the final preparation of the proposed curriculum. The proposed curriculum is being presented to the Local Academic Council for comments and suggestions before it is presented to the Academic Council. Once the proposed curriculum is endorsed by the Academic Council prior to the approval of the Board of Trustees, it is endorsed by the CIMD Director together with the VPAA to the Commission on Higher Education. Once the curriculum is approved, the Deans together with the Chairpersons, implement the approved curriculum.




The College ensures the quality of instruction by following the work procedure/instruction by establishing the process of review and revision of the course syllabi developed by the faculty members of the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. The Dean together with the Program Chairperson ensures that the course syllabi will undergo the review process of the committee on review and revision to improve and to make sure that it follows the guidelines of the institution. The College of Computer Studies conducted a CCS Forum & Syllabi Review and Revision on August 18, 2021 headed by the CIMD Director, to orient the faculty about the Review Process and composition of the committee for the review of the course syllabi. Thus, together with the CIMD Director, the program chairperson plan, implement, and coordinate with the committee for the review and revision of the syllabi.

The syllabi were reviewed by the Committee on Review and Revision of Syllabus (CRRS) using the syllabi review form which comprises correctness of content and constructive alignment between course outcomes and course description; course objectives and teaching-learning activities and assessment.

After the course syllabi review, the committee on review submitted the evaluation and suggestions form for improvement and was given to the faculty to revise their course syllabi. Then, the CRRS ensures that the recommendations are incorporated into the revised syllabi for the Dean’s approval. As part of the procedure, the syllabi were patterned into the outcomes-based format that was mandated by the institution and the Commission on Higher Education.


The instructional materials are required from the faculty to support the Alternative and Flexible Learning Experience (AFLEX). The instructional materials, modules, and PowerPoint presentations are subjected to review by the Instructional Materials Review Committee (IMRC).

The criteria include content quality, curricular value, appropriateness to users, organization, and packaging. The IMRC members identified the instructional materials' strong points and provided comments and suggestions to improve the modules and PowerPoint presentations.



Sample BSIT Reviewed Instructional Materials

The instructional materials were developed by the BSIT teachers to supplement the teaching and learning of the students in a synchronous and asynchronous modality.


Class observation for teachers under the program is done every semester of the academic year. A faculty member is observed with his or her performance in the classroom or virtually with the stated goal of providing the teacher with relevant feedback based on their interactions with students and their execution of teaching methods with the primary goal of making improvements in their classroom management and instructional techniques. The program chairperson evaluates their performance with the use of the institutional classroom observation form and consolidates the scores and submitted to the dean.

Sample Screenshots


Sample Communication letters, Summary of Evaluation, and Class Observation Form

BOT Approval of the ITE Senior Capstone Project Manual



The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) and Bachelor of Science in Information Systems (BSIS), which is a part of the Information Technology Education (ITE), is a four-year program that is designed to prepare students to be IT and IS professionals and is well versed on disciplines such as application installation, operation, system development, maintenance, and administration, familiarizing hardware installation, and be experts on design and implementation of business processes.

The Capstone project is required for BS Information Technology and BS Information Systems (Section 10, CMO 53 series of 2006). It should be in the form of system application (BSIT) or enterprise resource planning (BSIS). The project is a requirement for graduation in all computing programs that would not only demonstrate a student’s comprehensive knowledge of the area of study and research methods used but also allow them to apply the concepts and methods to a specific problem in their area of specialization (Section 1, CMO No. 25 series of 2015).

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Sample Capstone Projects

Sample Capstone Project.pdf

Sample Screenshot of the Students' Presentation

BS in Information Technology CapstoneProjectPresentation.pdf

ITE OJT Manual.pdf

These training programs expose the students to work realities that will ideally hone their skills and prepare them once they get out of the university or college. A study conducted by the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) in 2006, emphasized the importance of an effective on-the-job training program. Achievement of the OJT program objectives ensures the possibility of good-performing graduates. The opposite will most likely produce poor performer graduates thus, promoting job-skill mismatch. Hence, on-the-job training programs, vital as it is, should be dynamic and skill-centered for the students to grasp practical learning in the workplace effectively.

OJT Sample Portfolio.pdf


Academic institutions are responsible for developing graduates’ competence that matches the needs of the industry and is responsive to present and future challenges. A critical component of competence is the skills that must be provided in and out of the schools. On this note, on-the-job training becomes necessary to complement classroom instruction.

The on-the-job training (OJT) program is required under the CMO 25 Series of 2015. Revised Policies, Standards, and Guidelines for BS in Computer Science, BS in Information Systems, and BS in Information Technology. This provides students the chance and opportunity to apply the skills, knowledge, and attitudes learned in college and, at the same time opportunity to experience the corporate environment.

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Learning Continuity Plan (AFLEx) Implementation

Adaptive and Flexible Learning Experience (AFLEx)

The Carlos Hilado Memorial State University (CHMSU) adopts the Adaptive and Flexible Learning Experience (AFLEx). It is a type of learning that takes place off-campus or in the confines of homes with or without internet technology. The transition to AFLEx involved tweaking the syllabus into a course blueprint for flexibility and conducting training on creating modules, course guides, course schedules, and assessment guides. Furthermore, it entailed designing modules and instructional materials for flexible learning, adopting of revised grading system, and drafting on-the-job training guidelines and evaluations for the on-campus activities.

There are policies on intellectual property rights (IPR), OER plagiarism, attendance, reporting and updating, and teaching guidelines adopted by the institution such as evaluation and approval of faculty modules by Curriculum and Instructional Materials Development (CIMD) before distribution to students. Additionally, the Council of Deans has provided the guidelines for faculty and student monitoring of attendance, assessment, and other related guidelines.

Moreover, the institution has adopted mechanisms for continuous quality improvement of the AFLEx such as continuous guiding is done to faculty members in the creation or construction of their online class platform and reviewing of instructional materials by the program chairpersons.

Implementation of Adaptive and Flexible Learning in the University teach us to be more resilient despite of hardship that both of the students and teachers experienced during the pandemic. The Information Technology Program shows that teaching and learning online is fun with the use of different online tools and softwares.

CHMSC’s Learning Continuity Plan (AFLEx).pdf

ISO 9001:2015

CHMSU ISO CERT AUGUST 3, 2021 - JULY 4, 2024.pdf

Work Instructions

The Work Instructions (WI) of the program chairperson are the approved procedure for the quality management system (ISO 9001:2015) of the college that serves as a guide in the implementation of the policies and guidelines of the processes of academic instruction. It consists of eight (8) Work Instructions such as WI 1 - Evaluation of Faculty Teaching Performance, WI 2 - Review of Examination Questionnaires, WI 3 - Screening of New Students and Transferees, WI 4 - Evaluation of Students Academic Progress, WI 5 - Review of Curriculum, WI 6 - Assignment of Program Teaching Load, WI 7 - Review of Revision of Syllabi, and WI 8 - Review of Instructional Materials

Commission on Higher Education Policies, Standards, and Guidelines

CMO No. 25, S. of 2015


CHED Revised policies, standards, and guidelines for BS in Information Technology(BSIT), BS in Information Systems(BSIS), and BS in Computer Science(BSCS)

CMO No. 34, S. of 2012


Addendum to CMO53, s. 2006 Prescribing Specialization Tracks on Service Management for Business Process Outsourcing

CMO No. 04, S. of 2018

3. CMO-No.4-S.2018-Policy-on-the-Offering-of-Filipino-and-Panitikan-Subjects-in-All-Higher-Education-Programs-as-Part-of-the-New-General-Education-Curriculum.pdf

Offering of Filipino and Panitikan Subjects in all HEIs Programs

CMO No. 40, S. of 2021


Implementation of Flexible Learning For Tertiary Physical Education


The sources of funds for the University are the General Appropriations Act better known as GAA and the tuition and miscellaneous fees known as STF. With the Free Higher Education Act, collection fees shifted from students to UNIFAST. The Finance Division has established mandatory and recurring operating expenses, chargeable to tuition fees. Priority projects are then identified in coordination with the Vice Presidents and the Physical Plant Development and Management (PPDM) and are included in the Five-Year BOR-approved Strategic Plan.

For Fiduciary and other fees, budget allocation is done by the end users and is based on past expenditure patterns. Other major activities are calendared like TECHNOPACER (leadership training camp), Job fair, graduation ceremony, training and development, enrolment, intramurals, sports, and cultural fests.



The Alijis campus has major infrastructure projects: the Science and Technology Green Building (STGB) and Library building which have major renovations due to the effective method of prioritizing based on actual ocular inspection of a composite team from Administration headed by Finance as this is the primordial objective in utilizing the institution’s income. The allocation is earmarked for scholarship grants, thesis and dissertation aid, stipend, faculty training, development, and upgrading. As for instruction it helped finance the review and production of modules, Mobile Data Allocation, support to Advanced Higher Education Services, and instructional services. ICT facilities in support of curricular program delivery, support for students, and curriculum development. The total fund allocation for the College of Computer Studies in the areas of Faculty Development and Instruction from 2019 to 2022 is as follows.

Presented below is the allocated budget for the College of Computer Studies from the year 2019 to 2022 which also comprises the collection and expenses.


College of Computer Studies




Computer Labs, Classrooms, Conference Room_Faculty Dev.pdf

The laboratories and academic classrooms provide computing resources and assistance to the faculty and students of CHMSU Alijis. Computers are connected to a windows network and internet.

There are six (6) usable computer laboratories that are internet ready. It has a networked printer in each laboratory and is ready for use by students with a maximum class size of 35. The computer laboratory is open from 7:30 AM - 8:30 PM. The computer laboratory is monitored and maintained by Laboratory Personnel. Each lab is composed of 35 computers and 1 for the faculty. Each computer laboratory room has two exit doors that open outward. On the other hand, academic classrooms are internet ready and equipped with projectors and smart boards where students and teachers can utilize and explore their lessons.

There is also a laboratory for specific requirements of the course like the speech/ language laboratory for SMP Courses. The speech/language laboratory plays an essential role in the language learning process. It is required of any learner to have a good command of the language for communication purposes, with clarity and accuracy being vital for effective and efficient communication. The facility has a 60 sq. m. area-wide of space with well-placed furniture and equipment for students and teachers to move around freely. To provide a conducive atmosphere for learning, the facility has well-lighted provisions and a room air-conditioning unit and has complied with the RA9514(Fire Code of the Philippines) and RA6541 (National Building Code) installed with biometrics for the additional safety security feature. Provisions for a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and emergency light were placed strategically. The language laboratory is a very helpful tool for practicing and assessing one’s speech in any language. It provides a facility that allows the student to listen to model pronunciation, repeat and record the same, listen to their performance and compare with the model, and do self-assessment.

The utilization of ICT resources was appropriately documented in order to monitor the usage and laboratory equipment. Likewise, the library common area, faculty lounge, and faculty room for ITE faculty members are provided for a conducive learning environment in the institution. There are still ongoing projects and plans to improve the quality of giving our services to be more effective and conducive in the near future like expansions of the academic buildings and improvements for the ITE Faculty Room and Consultation areas for the students.

Utilization of ICT Equipment

Utilization of Laboratory Equipment.pdf


Library, AVR, Faculty Lounge, and Faculty Room

Library, AVR, Faculty Lounge, Faculty Room_Faculty Dev.pdf


The institution has provided equipment for the implementation of AFLEx in the College of Computer Studies as well as on other campuses to support the academic instruction of the faculty members and to enhance the way of delivering quality education to the students. This includes Laptops, pocket wifi/ portable router wifi, and mobile data issued to each permanent faculty member of the institution.

Provision of Pocket Wifi and Mobile Data_Faculty Dev.pdf
Provision of Laptops_Faculty Dev.pdf
Provision of Laptops, Pocket wifi and Mobile Data.pdf


The Child Minding Facility of the College of Computer Studies in Alijis Campus is a proposed project headed by the GAD Director (Dr. Samson) and GAD Alijis Coordinator(Dr. Lopez), as part of the Gender and Development Program of the institution. The purpose of this facility is to accommodate and care for infants and children whose parents are working for CHMSU, and this is to provide a secure place where employees can entrust their children and still perform their tasks and avoid frequent absences from work.


Participation of Faculty Members in Seminars, Workshops, and Trainings

GADGRC Teachers Training

GADGRC-teachers-Training_2018 (1).pdf

Integration of Gender and Development with Green Culture (GAD-GRC) in the curriculum. Intensive training of faculty to handle the subject, GAD 101 was conducted. The Gender and Development course is an institutional course added to the curriculum of the programs offered by the institution to strengthen the awareness of the faculty and students on the implementation of the local legislation and local ordinances related to women and gender equality and which discusses local policies, plans, and programs to address gender issues. The GAD Code integrates or is aligned with gender-related national laws and international conventions.

Active participation of faculty members in seminars, trainings, and conferences to continuously upgrade knowledge, skills, and capacities to deliver quality instruction to students. Both, in-house and off-campus capacity-building activities were conducted and participated in, such as competency certification by TESDA, industry training by Hytec Power, quality management system by DAP, and competency building by DICT.


AFLEx Implementation

Faculty members took an active part in the implementation of Adaptive & Flexible Learning Experiences (AFLEx) in creating and utilizing learning guides to respond to the needs of the time in both online and offline mode delivery of instruction. They served as resource persons in training other faculty members in the utilization of Google Classroom and other tools.

CHMSC’s Learning Continuity Plan (AFLEx).pdf

Involvement in Research Activities

Faculty members were actively involved in research by continually exploring areas of inquiry through participation in formulating the research agenda for CHMSC; conducting research and generating knowledge and technology to enhance instruction in their field of specialization; encouraging students to become creative, innovative, and productive researchers; participate actively in local, regional, national and international research fora and conferences; and publish refereed articles/monographs in recognized journals and magazines.

IT Consultation Services

Shared expertise on information technology by faculty members not only within the school but also to outside institutions or industry.


Flag Ceremony

Faculty and Staff participation in every monday's Flag Ceremony as an expression of nationalism and as a constant reminder for CHMSU employees to be an exemplary public servants.

Participation of Faculty and GASS Personnel During Flag Ceremony_Faculty Dev.pdf


Engagement of Students in ICT Competitions

Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators Foundation, Inc.

The Information Technology Students of Carlos Hilado Memorial State University of the College of Computer Studies in Alijis Campus have participated in the 27th Regional ICT Student Congress, wherein the Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators(PSITE) has organized several activities for the students to have involvement in the said Student Congress. It was indeed a fruitful experience for both the faculty members and the students to attend and join the competition as well.

The College has sent two students from BSIT Second year level who joined the Digital Arts and Web Design Contest. The participants for the research presentation were from the BSIT Fourth-year level. Among other schools who have joined the competition, the participant from CHMSU got 2nd Runner-up for the Digital Arts Contest.

Masskara Hackathon

The collaboration of the two programs of Alijis campus the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Bachelor of Science in Information Systems have garnered the best result for the participation in the Second Masskara Hackathon in October 19-20, 2018. The CHMSU Team won as the champion in the Student Edition among other participants from different schools and universities from Negros Occidental. The coaches are the faculty members of the Information Technology Education Department.

Actual Video grab from BNEFIT

Engagement in CHMSUyanihan

CHMSUyanihan is a portmanteau of the words “CHMSU” and “bayanihan”. It is an invitation and a challenge to all members of the Carlos Hilado Memorial State University community to respond proactively to the challenges brought about by the global pandemic, especially to individuals, families, and communities who are highly disadvantaged and in distress. CHMSUyanihan demonstrates the collaborative actions and initiatives undertaken by our faculty, staff, students, alumni, partners, and friends.

Our ISO Journey

The Certification International Philippines, Inc. awarded CHMSU a Certificate of Registration to ISO 9001:2015 for the scope of activities, "provision of tertiary education".


College of Computer Studies


The construction and provision of the Child Minding Facility are one of the projects of the Gender & Development Office which aims to accommodate and care for infants and children whose parents are working in CHMSU-Alijis campus. This is to provide a secure place where employees can entrust their children and still perform their tasks and avoid frequent absences from work.

GAD Office, Childminding Facility_Faculty Dev.pdf

CHMSU Supports Faculty & Staff Development Program (FSDP)

The institution, through Faculty & Staff Development Program (FSDP), made available to qualified and deserving faculty and staff educational scholarships, financial assistance on thesis and dissertation writing, short courses and training, and other similar services in aid of professionalization and advancement.

Engaging in Faculty Immersion and Training Activity

The university believes in creating highly skilled and industry-oriented teaching through faculty members to provide quality education with highly skilled graduates in the field of Information Technology. Furthermore, the institution provides support to faculty development through industrial exposure/awareness by sending them to the industry and encouraging them to do research and development projects to acquire more profound insights into the course. This endeavor helps in bridging the gap between industry and academics.

Relevant Links:



The Ecological Waste Management System was implemented as a concrete response to one of the critical issues and challenges to address the waste management of the university. The Ecological Waste Management System is a result of a series of system-wide workshops with inputs from external experts conducted by the Greening CHMSU Taskforce since AY 2019 – 2020. As part of the core values of environmentalism, the EWMS encourages each member of the CHMSU Community to make waste management a personal commitment and responsibility.

CHMSU ONLINE LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in response to the New Normal Modality

The implementation of the Institution's online learning management system, NEO-LMS. Series of orientation and upskilling trainings were conducted tapping expertise of BS Information Technology faculty members as trainers and implementors.



The RIPPLES leadership camp started in April 2017, by the late SUC President, Renato M. Sorolla, PhD and Office of Student Affairs and Services in collaboration of Center for External Affairs. RIPPLES stands for Responsive, Innovative, Proactive, Passionate Leaders by Example and for Social Change. RIPPLES Training Camp is participated in by student leaders of various student organizations in a 7-day in-house training. It aims to empower the CHMSU Student leaders to respond positively to the signs and challenges of time, teach them to think of innovative ways to synergize and to collaborate with others in addressing problems and issues in school and the community, become a leader by example who serves as a living witness to positive human and sacred values, and to become actively involved and engaged in the personal transformation and the transformation of the school and society.

RIPPLES 2021.pdf
RIPPLES 2018.pdf

RIPPLES 2019.pdf
RIPPLES 2017.pdf


The 1st Seniors Aim High Week kicked off last Academic Year 2017–2018. The annual event is being organized by the Alumni Affairs Office, Career and Job Placement Office, Office of Student Affairs and Services, and the Center for External Affairs. Seniors Aim High Week is a week-long simultaneous event for all graduating students which includes Career and Job Fiesta, Alumni Orientation, Seniors-Alumni Night, a series of Career and Enhancement Talks, and other activities such as Tree Planting, Natures Appreciation, and others. Seniors Aim High Week aims to provide a platform for graduating students, alumni, and partners to interact, connect, and engage pertinently about career possibilities. Individuals who participate in career-related workshops are inspired, empowered, and educated about different choices, as well as the challenges that exist in their chosen fields. Job fairs, on the other hand, allow job seekers to meet recruiters and prospective employers while assisting them in forming a collaborative network.



CHMSU Messenger is published by the Center for External Affairs. This is intended to keep members of the CHMSU community across all campuses informed and updated on all the announcements, news, and updates. CHMSU Messenger is printed and distributed, or emailed every Friday afternoon and used as a reference for all announcements during the flag ceremony every Monday.

2nd Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022 • Issue 22• March 7 - 11, 2022.pdf
2nd Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022 Issue 21 February 28 – March 5, 2022.pdf
CHMSC Messenger , 1st Semester , AY 2021-2022 , Issue 12.pdf
CHMSC Messenger , 1st Semester , AY 2021-2022, Issue 13.pdf