Bachelor of Science in Information Technology





Instructor I

Master of Science in Computer Science


Asst. Professor IV

Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Management


Asst. Professor III

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management


Instructor I

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management


Instructor I

Master in Information Technology


Instructor I

Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Management


Asst. Professor I

Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Management


Asst. Professor III

Master of Science in Info-Bionics Engineering


Instructor I

Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Management


Asst. Professor I

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management






Every faculty member at Carlos Hilado Memorial State University (CHMSU) is held to the standard that he or she must continue to learn and grow in order to be able to respond to the quick changes and ongoing advancement in the technology, society and the communities that they serve. In order to best serve its clientele, CHMSU not only employs qualified and competent faculty but also engaged in actual teaching, research, extension and production assignments either on a full-time or part-time basis. He/she is expected to exercise the highest ethical standards and behavior, utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, service, and professionalism, in accordance with the code of conduct of government employees.

There are eleven 10 faculty members in the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) program, as core faculty and 9 are General Education faculty. For the core faculty, all (100%) are permanent/regular faculty specializing in their respective fields. 70%(7) of the faculty members in the BSIT program are PhD/doctorate degree holders, while 30% (3) are Master holders.


The BSIT program is expected that improved faculty qualifications and teaching methods will contribute directly to better student learning which in turn would translate into greater productivity of graduates.

In the pursuit of excellence in the delivery of services to its clientele, CHMSU aims to achieve the following:

1. Present structured interventions that can be utilized holistically for faculty members’ performance development.

2. Strategically associate each faculty member's field of specialization with the competencies as required by the CHMSC’s mission and vision.

3. Bring out personality development to different behavioral dimensions that have significance in organizational and institutional effectiveness.

4. Provide faculty members with proficiency development opportunities to harness their competencies in their current responsibilities and prepare them for higher-level designations within the institution.

5. Support and uphold concerning health, safety, and well-being.

6. Construct a healthy working climate that encourages collaboration, teamwork, cooperation, and empowerment of the institution’s faculty and other team members.


Objective 1: Structured intervention that can be utilized for faculty members’ performance development holistically.

To enhance faculty members’ performance development holistically, CHMSU designed and implemented the following programs or interventions:

I. Rights

RA 4670 otherwise known as the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers provides for the tenure of office, remuneration, academic freedom, health measures and injury benefits, leave and retirement benefits, and tax reliefs among others.

CHMSU implements a system of promotion in rank and salary based on the existing policies and guidelines. The system of promotion on rank and tenure is based on official issuances such as the DBM circular No. 461, BOT approved Merit System for Faculty and Academic Staff and Faculty Manual. Faculty members are informed of the institutional policies on probation, extension, renewal, or termination of contract, promotion, and retirement. The faculty are satisfied with their rank and employment status.

EVIDENCES_1. Rights.pdf
EVIDENCES_1.2 Rights.pdf

RA 11466 otherwise known as the "Salary Standardization Law of 2019," modifies the Salary Schedule for Civilian Personnel and authorizes the grant of additional benefits. The modified Salary Schedule for Civilian Personnel shall be implemented in four (4) tranches, from FY 2020 to FY 2023.

CHMSU follows the DBM Salary Standardization Scheme and the most recent government issuances on compensation. In addition, fringe benefits of the faculty such as leave privileges and financial assistance are embodied in the Institution’s Code or Manual in consonance with CSC and other government policies and guidelines. Moreover, overloads are appropriately compensated.

II – Benefits, Privileges, and Incentives

RA 4670, Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order and other laws provide for the benefits, privileges and incentives for the promotion and improvement of the well-being and economic status of the faculty.

The benefits, privileges, and incentives of the faculty include clothing/uniform allowance, 14th-month pay / mid-year bonus -1-month basic salary, 13th-month pay/year-end bonus -1-month basic salary, cash gift, Enhanced Performance-Based Bonus (PBB), Productivity Enhancement Incentive (PEI), Personal Relief Economic Allowance (PERA) - P2,000 monthly, anniversary bonus, and Proportional Vacation Pay (PVP),

In addition, the faculty can also enjoy other benefits and privileges such as tuition discounts for faculty dependents, sabbatical leave, compensatory leave credit, thesis/ dissertation aid, leave of absence, vacation leave, sick leave, leave credits for designees, study leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, and parental leave.

Clothing / Uniform Allowance


Performance Based Bonus (PBB)

Study Leave

Bonus (13th & 14th Month)

Dissertation Aid


EVIDENCES_2. Benefits.pdf

Other Benefits, Privileges, and Incentives

III – Professional Growth and Development

CHMSU establishes a well-funded Faculty Development Program. It carries out the criteria for the selection of scholars/grantees and available opportunities/ study privileges, research grants, training, and others. Faculty members are also encouraged to join professional organizations and continually upgrade their knowledge and competence by participating in in-service training activities such as seminars, conferences, workshops, etc.

Moreover, the Faculty Manual furnishes further faculty development on top of the minimum required by existing laws.

EVIDENCES_3. ProfessionalGrowth-FSDP-Policies-and-Guidelines-2.pdf

FSDP Manual and CMO 27 S 2017

EVIDENCES_3. ProfessionalGrowth-scholarship.pdf

Scholarship for Graduate Studies

EVIDENCES_3. ProfessionalGrowth-Research Grants.pdf

Research Grants

EVIDENCES_3. ProfessionalGrowth-TrainingsandCert.pdf

Training, Seminar and Conference

EVIDENCES_3. ProfessionalGrowth-Membership.pdf

Professional Membership / Certificate of Membership

Objective 2: Strategically associate the field of specialization of each faculty member with the competencies as required by the CHMSC’s mission and vision.

The faculty member of the program under examination has the appropriate academic preparation and experience relevant to the program. They are a holder of appropriate degrees. Faculty members exhibit competence as evidenced by their professional license (where applicable), performance evaluation, and scholarly works

The faculty members are encouraged to pursue graduate studies relevant to their specialization to ensure quality instruction delivery. Likewise, the faculty members teaching load assignments are based on their areas of specialization. Moreover, the participation of the faculty in Extension Community Services is based on areas of specialization.

In granting a scholarship, one of the criteria is that the faculty must ta Faculty members are encouraged to attend seminars and training relevant to their area of specialization.

EVIDENCES_3.2 ProfessionalGrowth -ExtensionServices.pdf

Extension Community Service

EVIDENCES_3. ProfessionalGrowth-TeachersIndividualPerformance.pdf

Teachers Individual Program

EVIDENCES_3.2 ProfessionalGrowth -IPCR.pdf

Individual Performance Commitment and Review

EVIDENCES_3.2 ProfessionalGrowth -CompetencyAssessment.pdf

Competency Assessment Result

EVIDENCES_3.2 ProfessionalGrowth-ScholarlyWorks.pdf

Scholarly Works

EVIDENCES_3.2 ProfessionalGrowth-FacEvaluation.pdf

Faculty Evaluation


EVIDENCES_3.2 ProfessionalGrowth -FacLoading.pdf

Faculty Loading

Objective 3: Bring out personality development to different behavioral dimensions that have significance in organizational and institutional effectiveness.

The institution implements policies to be followed and adhered to by faculty, such as submission of accomplishment report for faculty under the work-from-home scheme, and Daily Time Record for faculty with designation; submission of grades; preparation of instructional materials and syllabus.

Newly hired faculty undergoes orientation to be aware of policies. Moreover, faculty members are sent to attend the Integrity, Transparency, and Accountability in the Public Service (ITAPS) seminar.

EVIDENCES_3.3 ProfessionalGrowth-WFH.pdf

Work from Home Scheme

EVIDENCES_3.3 ProfessionalGrowth-Mentalhealth.pdf

Mental Health and Wellness Break

EVIDENCES_3.3 ProfessionalGrowth-OrientationNewlyHired.pdf

Orientation on Newly Hired Faculty

Objective 4: Provide faculty members with proficiency development opportunities to harness their competencies in their current responsibilities and prepare them for higher-level designations within the institution.

The administration provides financial support for faculty members' professional growth and development. Hence, they are sent to attend the local, national, and international training and seminars relevant to their area of specialization. Moreover, the institution conducts in-house training and seminars to help faculty members adapt to the academic institution’s current trends.

Trainings and Seminars

EVIDENCES_3.4 ProfessionalGrowth-GAD.pdf

GAD Training and Seminars

EVIDENCES_3.4 ProfessionalGrowth-GISTraining.pdf

Inhouse Trainings

EVIDENCES_3.4 ProfessionalGrowth-TrainingResearchExtension.pdf

Researchers and Extension Trainings

EVIDENCES_3.4 ProfessionalGrowth-TO.pdf

Travel Orders

Objective 5: Support and uphold concerning health, safety, and well-being.

The administration is concerned and upholds the health, safety, and well-being of faculty members by hiring the services of a medical, dental, and nurse to attend to the medical needs of faculty and students in compliance with the health protocol issued by the Department of Health (DOH).

The medical services are available and are managed by a licensed medical doctor Dr. Noelito A. Recamara who was hired on a permanent basis. He is assisted by a licensed nurse Stephen Rey R. Cabardo. Dental services are available and managed by a licensed dentist Dr. Glenda Rose C. Espiritu.

The medical and dental clinics have adequate facilities, ventilation, and lighting and provide basic first aid and emergency services. Other services include faculty health assessment, emergency referral, emergency treatment, and immediate medication. Annual health orientation (face-to-face and virtual) and online transaction/referrals are conducted on health issues and concerns, especially during the pandemic.

EVIDENCES_3.5 - Health Facility.pdf

Various Medical and Dental Activities

EVIDENCES_3.5 - Nurse.pdf


EVIDENCES_3.5 - Dentist.pdf


EVIDENCES_3.5 - Doctor.pdf


Objective 6: Construct a healthy working climate that encourages collaboration, teamwork, cooperation, and empowerment of the institution’s faculty and other team members.

Collaboration is fostered among faculty members through active involvement in activities such as Extension Community Services, ISO Internal Audit Team, working committee during CHED/OIQCAG (University hood) and AACCUP Accreditation, graduation rites, and sports and cultural events.

EVIDENCES_3.6 ProfessionalGrowth-Extension.pdf


EVIDENCES_3.6 ProfessionalGrowth-UniversityConversion.pdf


EVIDENCES_3.6 ProfessionalGrowth-ISO.pdf


EVIDENCES_3.6 ProfessionalGrowth-ISOCompletion.pdf



A. Recruitment, Hiring Procedure, and Orientation

Faculty recruitment is guided by an institutional Human Resource Development Plan/Program. The dean, concerned chair, faculty representative/s, and other officials are all involved in the recruiting and selection process. Academic credentials, personal traits, communication skills, teaching ability, medical examination findings, and psychological assessment results are mandatory recruitment and selection criteria. The employment procedure uses an open competitive selection process based on the Institution's CSC-approved Merit System, which is widely publicized and distributed through different media. The screening committee recommends the best and most qualified applicants. The newly hired faculty receives orientation on the CSC, PRC, DBM, and administrative policies on their roles, responsibilities, benefits, and other academic matters.


B. Appointment

A faculty member of the academic staff is involved in full-time or part-time teaching, research, extension, and production tasks. In line with the code of conduct for government workers, he/she is required to exercise the highest ethical standards and behavior, as well as the utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, service, and professionalism.

Teachers in any teaching position shall have the following employment status: Permanent - an appointment issued to an appointee who meets all of the requirements of the position; Substitute - an appointment issued to an appointee when the regular incumbent of the position is temporarily unable to perform the duties of the position. It will be in effect until the incumbent returns. Appointees for substitute teaching posts must be eligible under RA 1080 (Teacher).


C. Promotion and Advancement

Based on current regulations and guidelines, CHMSU creates a rank and salary advancement system. The rank and tenure advancement system is based on official issuances such as the DBM circular No. 461, the BOT-approved Merit System for Faculty and Academic Staff, and the Faculty Manual. Similarly, suppose it is critical to the operation to replace vacant positions caused by retirement, resignation, permanent disability, death, or other types of employment termination as soon as possible; the promotion is based on Guidelines established by BOT Resolution No. 13, s. 2018. Faculty members are notified of the institution's procedures regarding probation, contract extension, renewal or termination, promotion, and retirement. The faculty are satisfied with their rank and employment status.


D. Faculty Adequacy and Loading

CHMSU has an adequate number of faculty members with the necessary credentials to conduct the program's courses. According to the program's CMO and institutional requirements, regular full-time instructors are allocated the maximum total load. Professional subjects are handled by subject specialists, whereas general education courses are taught by general education teachers depending on their area of specialty. The provision for overload teaching incentives complies with the program's CMO and/or institutional requirements.


E. Intellectual Property Policy

CHMSU established an Intellectual Property (IP) Policy to govern all operations in the Institution relating to the creation, ownership, protection, and usage of intellectual property and other intangible assets. Through diverse access to the Institution IP, the IP Policy allows the most comprehensive use of intellectual assets developed by the Institution. It also strives to secure legal protection when necessary. Ensure effective administration and commercialization of Institution IP while not compromising educational and scholarly traditions, academic freedom, open and timely publications, Institution sovereignty, and the Institution's objective of serving the public interest.


F. Extension

Incentives such as the Grant of Equivalent Teaching Units (ETU) and Service Credits may be available to faculty extensionists.

Faculty awarded de-loading or ETU for extension may not use service credits for activities related to the same project/program.

On the other hand, the faculty extensionist may get service credit for every eight hours worked, equating to one (1) day of service credit. This applies to extended activities outside of working hours, such as weekends, vacations, or holidays.


G. Production

Incentives are given for the production of instructional materials financed by the Institution and authored by faculty, such as laboratory manuals, workbooks, and modules, if the net income of Income Generating Projects during the production or service year is 10% or higher and shall be allocated.

A maximum of 3 points and a minimum of 1 point may be earned for NBC credits for each instructional manual/audio-visual material developed and approved for instructional use by the College, which includes a published set of complete modules, laboratory manuals, operation manuals, workbooks, teaching guides, including software, prototype, and Computer-Aided Instruction materials. Meanwhile, the following credits may be gained for each original, edited, collated, copyrighted/published book produced within the previous ten (10) years.


H. Benefits, Privileges and Incentives, and Awards

CHMSU faculty members are eligible for various benefits, privileges, incentives, and awards. GSIS Benefits and Loans, Pag-ibig Benefits, General Leave Benefits, Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, Parental Leave, Special Leave Benefits for Women, Privileges and Incentives, and Awards and Recognition are among them.

H.1. GSIS Benefits and Loans

The GSIS Benefits and Loans are granted to all government personnel, whether elective or appointive, regardless of appointment status, provided they receive fixed monthly compensation and have not reached the mandatory retirement age of 65 years. All government personnel are compulsorily covered as members of the GSIS and must pay contributions.

H.2. PAG-IBIG Benefits

Faculty members are entitled to PAG-IBIG benefits and privileges due to their membership in the PAG-IBIG Fund.

H.3. Leave Benefits

In general, leave benefits are governed by the CSC Omnibus Rules on Leave. Leave of Absence, Vacation Leave, Sick Leave, Leave Credits for Designees, Terminal Leave, Leave Without Pay and Unexplained Absence, Military Service Leave, Special Detail, and Leave for Victims of Violence Against Women and their Children are all available to faculty members (CSC MC No. 15 series 2006).

H.4. Maternity Leave

Pregnant female faculty shall be granted maternity leave of one hundred five (105) days with full pay regardless of the manner of the delivery of the child. An additional fifteen (15) days of paid leave if the female worker qualifies as a solo parent under Republic Act No. 8972 or the "Solo Parents' Welfare Act of 2000."

H.5. Paternity Leave

A married male faculty member shall be entitled to a paternity leave of seven (7) days with full pay for the first four (4) deliveries of the legitimate spouse with whom he is cohabiting on the condition that his spouse has delivered a child or suffered a miscarriage to effectively lend support to his wife during her period of recovery and/or in the nursing of the newly-born child.

H.6. Parental Leave

Parental leave refers to leave benefits offered to a single parent to enable him or her to execute parental tasks and responsibilities that necessitate physical presence. In addition to current leave entitlements, each solo parent employee who has served for at least one (1) year will be allowed parental leave of no more than seven (7) working days per year.

H.7. Special Leave Benefits of Women

Special Leave Benefits for Women refers to a female employee's access to two (2) months of full pay from her employer following surgery for gynecological problems, provided she has supplied continuous aggregate employment service of at least six (6) months in the previous 12 months

H.8. Privileges and Incentives

Privileges and Incentives include Basic Incentives and Faculty and Staff Development Program (FSDP), In-breeding Policy, Tuition Fee Waiver, Sabbatical Leave, External Funded Scholarships.

H.9. Awards and Recognition

This includes Diploma of Merit, Distinguished Teacher of the Year, Professional Chair Award, Emeritus/Emerita Award, and Recognition for Services Rendered to the College.

A Diploma of Merit is granted to faculty members for exemplary behavior, loyalty, and highly efficient and meritorious contributions to the College upon voluntary resignation or retirement after at least fifteen (15) years of service.

Another honor is the Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award, which recognizes teachers who have served the University with excellent teaching competency and devotion and uphold the teaching profession's dignity.

In acknowledgment of remarkable proficiency in his/her expertise, a faculty member or administrator with the rank of at least Full Professor at CHMSC is granted the title Emeritus/Emerita. The full title is one of the following: Professor Emeritus/Emerita, Dean Emeritus/Emerita, Vice President/President Emeritus/Emerita, or Director Emeritus/Emerita, with the first part of the word indicating the post the retiree most recently held.

Recognition for Service Rendered to the College is provided for services rendered by a faculty member for the College, whether paid or unpaid, that deserves a certificate of recognition. Two (2) days after the conclusion of the service for the activity, the head of the department, project, program, and others should award a certificate of acknowledgment to active members.

H.10. Professional Chair Awards

Professional Chair Award is a term used in educational institutions to signify a position of prominence, generally acknowledging academic accomplishment. The award is frequently accompanied by a stipend, honoraria, research funds, or other types of remuneration.




The various activities and development services with regards to the budget allocation in the College of Computer Studies of Carlos Hilado Memorial State University. As shown in Table 1 and Fig 1., Faculty Development (college wide) during 2021 was the highest, followed by ICT Facilities Support of Curricular Programs Delivery in 2020. In addition, there was also improvement of extension and research offices in 2019.

*Based on the approved document (Financial Report and Collection Report) attached.



To create effective faculty development programs, it is imperative to get the faculty members’ perspectives on what is actually needed in terms of materials and resources.

CHMSU has been providing venues, equipment, materials, and other resources for an effective teaching-learning environment and other services to its clientele and faculty, and the whole CHMSU community.

With the occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic, which greatly affects the educational and the usual classroom set-up, CHMSU provides its faculty member with laptops, pocket Wi-Fi, and internet loads in order to continue the delivery of academic services to its clientele. Resources include computers, printers, a faculty room, a chairperson’s office, a consultation room, and a lounge area that is also available for faculty use.

Computer Labs, Classrooms, Conference Room

Computer Labs, Classrooms, Conference Room_Faculty Dev.pdf

Lounge, AVR, Chairpersons Library

Library, AVR, Faculty Lounge, Faculty Room_Faculty Dev.pdf

Laptop and others

Provision of Laptops and Others_Faculty Dev.pdf


The engagement in school activities and governance, as well as the faculty's integration of the community at large into university activities, are examples of how a close link between faculty, staff, students, CHMSU and its community promotes a healthy working environment.


Research Output


Cultural and Sports Events


Araw ng Lahi

Participation of Faculty and GASS Personnel During Flag Ceremony_Faculty Dev.pdf

Flag Ceremony


Cooperative and Faculty Association

EVIDENCES_3.2 ProfessionalGrowth -ExtensionServices.pdf

Extension and Community Service


Grants and awards administered by and given to the faculty are in accordance with the regulations outlined in external legislation and CHMSU's internal policies, are based on the Vision Mission Objectives, and are cost-effective.


Awards of Distinction and Achievement



Adaptive and Flexible Learning Experience (AFLEX)

EVIDENCES_3.6 ProfessionalGrowth-ISO.pdf

ISO Trainings

EVIDENCES_3.6 ProfessionalGrowth-ISOCompletion.pdf

ISO Certificate of Completion

GAD Office, Childminding Facility_Faculty Dev.pdf

GAD Office and Childminding Facility

EVIDENCES_3.4 ProfessionalGrowth-GAD.pdf

GAD Trainings and Seminars

EVIDENCES_3. ProfessionalGrowth-TrainingsandCert.pdf

Trainings and Seminars




HIV Awareness Forum


Waste Management



Faculty Manual

Faculty Manual BOT Resolution.pdf

Faculty Manual Bot Resolution


Faculty Merit System


Research Manual


FSDP Manual


CMO no.25 s.2015


NBC 461 Guidelines