

General Information:

Each class is allotted one bus ride to/from the Outdoor Classroom per year.

Beginning of the Year


  • The link to schedule a date and time for the entire 2021-2022 school year can be found here. Insert a row and reserve one date on the reservation sheet. When you enter your dates on this spreadsheet, Kristin (C & I department, ext 3006) will contact the park and let them know that you are coming out. Kristin will use the last column to document her communication with the park.The park staff will make sure the bathrooms or pit toilets are opened, snow is shoveled, heat is on, etc.
  • Follow your school's procedures for arranging bus transportation. (Usually teachers schedule buses to leave school about 8:45 and leave Lake Wissota Park at 1:45. Be sure to allow for time to eat morning school snack and arrive back at school in time to allow all students to catch their normal buses.) Wait for a signature and approval from your principal before contacting your students and chaperones. If you need a SPED bus, please talk with case manager & contact the SPED department at PSC together, prior to the field trip for approval.

  • One trip per year is assured/elementary classroom. If you would like to go more than once or pair up with another class to share a bus, check with your principal first to assure additional costs have been budgeted for or to see if he/she approves of two classes sharing a date.

  • Follow your current office volunteer procedures in finding adults to chaperone: this includes making sure they have the background check completed and sent to the board office at least 2.5 weeks ahead of time and have filled out the annual volunteer form. The school office has a spreadsheet of "approved" volunteers on file & which forms are necessary/adult. If you are snowshoeing, a minimum of 3 adults is recommended along with the teacher. Volunteers will ski & snowshoe with children.

  • The park environment is very different than what is happening in Chippewa Falls-usually cooler.

  • If it is raining, the students can use the rain jackets in the storage room.

  • The park grooms the trails as soon as there is snow. If there is not enough snow on the trails, you can hike.


  • Each school office has a key to the Outdoor Classroom. You may find it helpful to pick up the key and visit the site before your trip to plan your route and day. Please return the key the next working day so it is available for the next group. An extra key is housed at PSC

  • Create and send a note or video home to your chaperones/parents. Include:

*This field trip includes a lot of walking. If appropriate, let adults know if they will snowshoeing or skiing with your class, since walking on these specific trails is not permitted once groomed.

*You are not allowed to take photos or post photos on social media that include any child other than your own. Teachers are able to do this & post to Class DoJo with a closed audience.

*FOOD and WATER: Pack a healthy substantial lunch for your child in reusable containers OR order a sack lunch from school from the teacher (ask parents to write lunch number on field trip note and return). He/she will be hungrier than normal from the exercise and fresh air. Also pack water. There is not any running water in the park during many portions of the year.

  • Create an activity schedule, lesson plan and secure needed materials to bring along. See subsequent pages in this website for suggested activities. Grades 3-5 have been updated by your colleagues in the summer months and K-2 will have an opportunity to gather ideas later in this school year.

In the past, here is the theme/grade/season. Your day should be adjusted to fit your NGSS Science topics and the date you are visiting and be customized to your particular group. Many other books, games, resources are available at PSC and your instructional coach could bring you ahead of time.

  • Notify food service with total number of students missing lunch, if more than 50 students are involved. If special lunches are needed, please arrange in advance.

  • Notify your special education staff so they can arrange for appropriate support (may be additional special education para chaperone) for their students.

  • Notify your paraprofessionals so they know recess playground numbers/lunchroom supervision needed may be different on that date.

  • Provide student list and copy of parent letter sent home to the main office administrative assistant.


  • It is always a good idea to call the bus company at 715.726.2454 and make sure that you are on the schedule.

  • Secure first aid kit & complete field trip medication and health concern check sheet with nurse’s office. Give him/her your cell phone number in case communication is warranted.

  • Send a reminder note to your students or chaperones (SAMPLE).

*HEAD AND HANDS: Wear a hat and heavy pair of gloves or mittens. Stretchy gloves are not warm enough!! It is nice for each child to have an extra pair in case they get very wet.

*UPPER BODY: Dress your child in layers. A long sleeve shirt, light jacket, sweatshirt and last a heavy jacket. If your child warms up, they can take off layers.

*LOWER BODY: Long pants and snow pants. The snow pants should be long enough to cover the boots and not so long that they draw on the ground.

*FEET: Full socks, not anklets, are essential. Winter snow boots are also essential.

*FOOD and WATER: Pack a healthy substantial lunch for your child. He/she will be hungrier than normal from the exercise and fresh air. Also pack water.


  • Bring the Outdoor classroom key with you. You can get it from your building secretary or principal. Please return the key the next working day or sooner so it is available for the next group.
  • If school is closed for inclement weather, the trip is cancelled. Ask your office what are considered safe temperatures for outside activities while at your school and use that information to decide if you will attend your field trip that day. Remember that it is likely several degrees cooler at Lake Wissota.
  • If you individually cancel because of weather, please call Kristin at 3006 and let her know & communicate with your chaperones ASAP.
  • If it is raining, the students can use the rain jackets found in the classroom for comfort.

  • Bring a cell phone for emergencies. Be sure your school secretary has your phone number so she/he can reach you too, if needed.

  • Take garbage bags & Kleenex. For younger children, pack a couple extra sets of clothes for bathroom accidents.


  • The bus can enter the park without a sticker. Bus drivers usually know exactly where the classroom is located. If driver is new, the classroom building is right before the road to the boat launch.


  • Call 911 for a medical emergency. Then, complete an accident report with your nurse/health aide upon return.
  • Groups are responsible for their own clean up efforts. Please be sure the classroom is swept and organized for the next group to enjoy the facility. All waste should be packed out & disposed of at school.


  • Did you notice something that was broke? Missing? Needs to be fixed? If so, please Email Sue Kern & add it to this list.

  • Do you want to add something to our Wish List after visiting? If so, see sheet three of this list.