On-Site Chiropractic Care

Dr. Amanda Blonigen and Assistant Nadine Bresina


We are so grateful to be providing chiropractic care for the CFAUSD teachers, staff, and students this 2023-24 school year. For those of you who don't know us, we'd like to introduce ourselves.

Dr. Amanda Blonigen, DC, has been practicing chiropractic care in the school district for the past six years. She lives in Chippewa Falls with her husband, adorable 6-month-old son, and two dogs. She is passionate about helping others on their healing journey and holding space for their greatest potential of living. 

Nadine Bresina is a chiropractic assistant and has been working alongside Dr. Amanda from the start. She lives in Tilden with her husband and has three grown children and three grandchildren. Nadine is passionate about helping our youth be the best version of themselves and is wonderful with children.

New patient exams are $60.00

Adjustments are $55.00

On-Site Schedule


Parkview 8-11:30

Korger 2:00-5:00


Halmstad 8:00-10:00

Chi Hi 10:30-12:30

Stillson 1:00-2:30


Jim Falls  9:00-10:00

Hillcrest 10:30-12:00

Middle School 1-4:30


Southview  7:45-9:30

CVHS 9:45-11:00

Korger 2:00-5:00