Loose Parts Learning Series
Everything you need to know about Loose Parts Play
What is Loose Parts Play.mov
What is Loose Parts Play?
An informational guide to help you understand what loose parts play is all about and the benefits of implementing this type of play in your dayhome!
Why Implement Loose Parts Play.mov
Why implement Loose Parts Play
The value of implementing Loose Parts materials in your dayhome environment!
How to implement Loose Parts Play.mov
How to Implement Loose Parts Play
How you can support learning through loose parts play & your role as an educator!
Documenting Loose Parts Play.mov
Documenting Loose Parts Play
Documenting refers to how we make children's learning visible. In other words, how can we showcase children's learning?
Watch the video to find out!
Loose Parts Play Poster.pdf
Loose Parts Play 101
This poster is a brief overview of key points within our loose parts learning series powerpoint. It is intended to be an easily accessible tool that can be referred to within your daily practices.
CDDH Loose Parts Resources
Loose Part List (1).docx
Loose Parts and Natural Materials
loose-parts-by-schema (1).pdf