
第21周 音檔 發佈於 2022-06-22

Family Finds Bears Living Under Their House 一戶人家發現熊住在他們家底下

Does your mommy or daddy snore when they sleep? No? Well, some people snore really loudly.

當你的媽媽或爸爸睡覺時,他們會打呼嗎? 有一些人打呼的聲音非常大。

Last winter, a family in California heard some strange noises.

去年冬天, 加州有一戶人家聽到怪聲音。

Later, they asked their neighbors. "Have you heard any strange sounds? It's a deep rumbling sound. It kind of sounds like snoring."

不久, 他們跑去問鄰居:「你們有聽到任何奇怪的聲音嗎? 一種低沉連續的聲音。類似打呼的聲音。」

But the neighbors said, "No, we haven't heard anything. It's probably nothing. People sometimes think they hear things, but it's just the wind or something. Don't worry about it."

但是鄰居說:「我們沒有聽到任何聲音。可能沒什麼吧。有時候人覺得他們有聽到聲響, 但可能只是風聲或其他的吧,別擔心!」

Then one day the family noticed something under their house. Bears! Yep! A bear family was sleeping under their house!

這家人後來發現有某物在他們的房子下面。熊! 是的! 一隻熊正睡在他們的房子下面。

Many kinds of bears sleep in the winter. These bears saw a home with some space underneath. 很多種熊都會冬眠。剛好這些熊也找到一戶人家是有地底下的地方。

The people called a special team that knows how to take care of bears. The special bear team helped lead the bears to the forest and away from people.


So maybe the noise was snoring! -Not from people; from bears!





1) snore 打鼾,sleep 睡覺

Do you snore, Paz? 你會打鼾嗎?

I hope I don't. 我希望不會。

But I'm not sure. 但是我不確定。

Do you? 你呢?

I do. I snore like a bear. 我會。我打呼聲像一頭熊。

Oh my, we can't sleep in the same room then. 那我們不能睡同一間房。

I also talk in my sleep. 我睡覺時也會講夢話。

2) space 空間

Hmmm, this space is too small. 這個空間太小。

It can only take about 20 people. 只夠容納約莫20個人。

And we need a space for 50. 而我們需要可以容納50個人的空間。

3) strange 奇怪的

Today's clouds look strange. 今天的雲看起來很奇怪。

Yeah, the color is so red. 對,顏色太紅了。

Could the forest be on fire? 可能是森林起火了嗎?

I hope it's not a forest fire! Let's read the words.

snore 打鼾

sleep 睡覺

space 空間

strange 奇怪的



1. What do many bears do in the winter?

A: Drink hot soup

B: Wear warm clothes

C: Sleep

2. What did the family think the noise was?

A: Screaming

B: Snoring

C: Singing

3. What did the neighbors say the noise was?

A: "It's nothing. Maybe it's just the wind."

B: "That sounds like a train."

C: "Maybe it's a baby or a cat."


1. C

2. B

3. A

第16-20周 音檔 發佈於 2022-05-18

How Cockroaches Survived the Asteroid that Killed Dinosaurs 蟑螂是如何生存在讓恐龍滅亡的星球上

Ahhh! Cockroach!! 有蟑螂!!

I hate cockroaches! But they're so hard to kill! I have tried every kind of bug spray, but they keep coming back! 我討厭蟑螂! 但蟑螂怎麼樣都殺不死!我試過各種殺蟑噴劑,但他們持續出來!

That's because cockroaches are very good survivors.


Dinosaurs lived on Earth 66 million years ago, but they all died when a giant asteroid crashed into our planet.


Well, guess who survived that crash? That's right, cockroaches!

但是你猜猜看誰活下來了? 沒錯,蟑螂活了下來!

Cockroaches are very good at staying alive. If you look closely at a cockroach, you can see their bodies are very flat. This means they can squeeze into smaller, tighter places.


This helps cockroaches hide almost everywhere, and protects them from things like asteroids… and my slippers!


Cockroaches are also able to eat many different things. This includes plants, animal parts, even cardboard, clothing, and poop!


Ewww! That's gross, but it helps them stay alive.


And this is how cockroaches are such great survivors, and it is how they lived even when all the dinosaurs died.


Oh no, I see a cockroach now! 喔不,現在我看見一隻蟑螂!




1. million 百萬

There are millions of ants in the world. 世界上有好幾百萬隻螞蟻。

I believe it's more than that. 我相信比好幾百萬多。

2. alive 活著

How do ants stay alive? 螞蟻如何維持生存?

By eating my bread? 靠吃我的麵包嗎?

No, they stay alive by eating almost everything.


3. hide 躲藏

A fat cockroach is hiding in my coffee maker! 一隻胖蟑螂躲在我的咖啡壺裡!

Why is it hiding there?! 牠為什麼要躲那裏?!

Maybe it's a coffee drinker? 也許牠習慣喝咖啡?

4. protect 保護

Protect your head during an earthquake. 地震時要保護你的頭。

Just my head? 只有頭嗎?

Okay, protect your neck too. 好吧,也要保護脖子。


million 百萬 alive 活著 hide 躲藏 protect 保護



1. What killed the dinosaurs on Earth?

A: Aliens

B: An asteroid

C: Cockroaches

2. Why can cockroaches hide in small spaces?

A: They are very flat

B: They are very fat

C: They are very shy

3. Why are cockroaches good survivors?

A: They will eat anything

B: They can see the future and avoid problems

C: They are stronger than dinosaurs


1. B 2. A 3. A

第15周 音檔 發佈於 2022-05-06

Dog That Can Deal Cards Hired By Hospital 醫院聘請了會洗牌的狗

Aw… what a mess. I'm so bad with cards! 一團亂。 我很不會洗牌。

I try to keep them ordered, but it's so hard. There are so many cards! I always drop them on the floor! 我嘗試要把牌按照次序排好,但是太難了。 牌太多了! 我每一次都撒了滿地。

Did you know there is a dog who is really good at keeping cards in order?


This dog lives in the USA. His name is Parks. He is very smart. His owner taught him many, many tricks! And he understands all of them.

這隻狗狗住美國。 牠的名字叫Parks。牠很聰明。主人教牠很多很多把戲。而且牠學會了全部的把戲。

He knows easy commands. When his owner tells him to "sit" he sits. When his owner tells him to "stay" he stays. But he also knows how to turn on lights, open doors, and help with laundry!


But what is really cool is that he knows how to deal cards! 可是真正酷的事是牠還會發撲克牌!

Well, he knows how to pick cards and give them to other people. This is very difficult for a dog, because dogs don't have fingers! So, he has to use his mouth!

牠知道如何拿牌並發牌給玩家。這對狗狗很困難,因為狗沒有手指! 所以牠是用嘴!

Parks works in a hospital. He helps make sick children feel better by cuddling them, and walks with them around the hospital.


Maybe he could help teach me how to keep my cards in order too! 也許牠可以教我把牌按照次序排好!

OK, here I go… Arrgh! Hey, where's that dog?! 好了,我來了…. 嘿,那隻狗狗在哪? ________________________________



1. help 幫忙

Could you turn on the light? 請把燈打開好嗎?

Here, Buddy can help you. 來,巴蒂可以幫你忙。

Wow, what a dog! 哇,好棒的狗!

How did he learn to do that? 牠怎麼學會的?

I taught him. 我教牠的。

2. owner 主人

So you're the proud owner of Buddy. 所以你是芭蒂驕傲的主人。

I am, and I'm also the owner of three cats. 我是,並且我還是三隻貓的主人。

3. trick 把戲

Did you teach Buddy other tricks? 你有教巴蒂別的把戲嗎?

Yeah, he gets me my bag every day. 有,牠每天把我的包包拿給我。

4. hospital 醫院

He also helps out in a hospital. 牠也在醫院裡幫忙。

What does he do? 做什麼呢?

He plays with children. 牠陪小孩玩耍。

Would you like to have such a smart dog? 一起來讀單字。

help 幫忙 owner 主人 trick 把戲 hospital 醫院



1. What kind of animal is Parks?

A: A dog

B: A bird

C: A monkey

2. Where does Parks work?

A: At a veterinarian's office

B: At an animal shelter

C: At a hospital

3. What can Parks do with cards?

A: Choose cards to give to players

B: Make a mess

C: Count cards


1. A 2. C 3. A

第14周 音檔 發佈於 2022-05-03

An Air-Con You Can Wear! 你可以穿戴的冷氣機!

Taiwan gets very hot in the summer.夏天台灣很熱。

I like the summer, but it is so hot! Sometimes after just a short walk… I'm dripping with sweat!

我喜歡夏天,但是非常熱! 有時走路幾分鐘後,我就滿頭大汗了!

Most of us use air conditioners at home in the summer. But what about when you go out for a walk? You could carry a small fan, or a bottle of water… but… I want an "air con", or air conditioner, I can wear! 夏天在家我們很多人都會開冷氣。但是當你走路外出時會如何? 你可以帶個小扇子或一瓶水但是我想要一個冷氣機或風?

Does that sound silly? Well, guess what? A company has just made the world's first air conditioner you can wear! 聽起來很好笑嗎? 你知道嗎? 有一家公司已經做出來世界第一個可以穿戴的冷氣機了!

It looks a little like a dog collar. You wear it around your neck, and it blows cold air up to your head!


So when you are walking in the hot sun you can keep nice and cool… Ahhh! 所以當你走在炎熱的太陽下,你可以保持舒適和涼爽!

It is much smaller and lighter than the air-conditioner in your home… phew! That would be too heavy to carry on your neck! 當然,它比家裡的冷氣更為輕巧許多。家中冷氣太重不能放在脖子上!

This air-con has a very strong, very tiny fan… but it's not just a fan. It really blows out cold air… it's a real air conditioner! And, it's a smart air conditioner too! 這台冷氣機有堅固小巧的風扇但它不只是電風扇,它真的會吹出冷風!它是一台真的冷氣機! 而且也是一台智慧冷氣機!

The wearable air con has a small computer inside it. This computer knows how hot it is… so, it will blow out cold air on hot days… not-so-cold air on not-so-hot days… and super cold air on super hot days! 這台穿戴式冷氣裡有一部小電腦。它會根據氣溫調整風的溫度所以它會在大熱天吹冷風不太熱就吹不太冷的風在超熱時就吹超級的冷風。

What do you think? Is a wearable air-con a good idea? Would you want to wear one? 你覺得呢? 穿戴式冷氣機是個好主意嗎? 你想要穿戴一個嗎?

I think I like this idea! I want to wear it and go to the beach! 我想我喜歡這個想法! 我想要穿帶它去海灘!




1) air 空氣

Can you feel the cold air? 你能感覺到冷空氣嗎?

Yes, I can! 有感覺到。

Did you turn on the air conditioner? 你開了冷氣機嗎?

Yeah, I'm testing it. 對,我在測試。

2) neck 脖子

What's that around your neck? 你圍在脖子上的東西是啥?

It's a fan. 是一台電扇。

A fan for your neck? 給脖子吹電扇?

Yeah, it's very hot. 對啊,天氣非常熱。

3) wear 穿戴

I would never wear a machine. 我絕不會穿戴機器。

But you are wearing a watch. 但是你戴著手錶。

That's totally different. 那完全不一樣。

4) blow 吹氣

The wind is blowing hard! 風好大! Yeah, I think it will rain soon. 就快下雨了。

I'm so glad I'm home now. 我真高興我到家了。


air 空氣 neck 脖子 wear 穿戴 blow 吹氣



1. What is the story about?

A: The world's first fan for dogs

B: The world's first wearable air conditioner

C: The world's first computer you can eat

2. What does this new air-con look like?

A: A dog collar

B: A monkey tail

C: A pencil case

3. What does 'wearable' mean?

A: You can wash it

B: You can see it

C: You can wear it


1. B 2. A 3. C

音檔 發佈於 2022-04-22

Purple Tomatoes are the New Designer Fruit 紫色番茄是新設計出來的水果

Name some fruits and vegetables that are the color purple!


Well, there are grapes, eggplants… And I've also seen some purple carrots… But have you ever seen a purple tomato?


Probably not. 大概沒有吧?

That's because there is no such thing as a purple tomato, right? Well, you're wrong!

那是因為沒有像紫色番茄這樣的東西, 對吧? , 那你就錯了喔!

A very smart farmer in the U.S. invented a purple tomato. This farmer did something special during the process of growing tomatoes, and ended up inventing a new kind of tomato! A purple tomato! 美國有個聰明的農夫發明了紫色番茄!這位農夫在種番茄的過程中他做了特別的事,結果發明出新品種的番茄! 紫色番茄!

Don't worry, purple tomatoes don't taste any different. They taste just as delicious as regular red tomatoes.

別擔心, 它們吃起來跟普通番茄一樣。它們就像紅番茄一樣美味。

The other thing that makes this purple tomato special is that it seems to stay fresh twice as long as regular red tomatoes.


That's great! That means it won't go bad as easily as regular tomatoes.

這很棒! 那就是說紫色番茄不會像一般番茄一樣容易壞掉。

What's also really cool is that this special kind of purple tomato might be sold in the future. Which means you might be able to buy a purple tomato and eat it!


I hope I will be able to buy these purple tomatoes in the future! I would like to make tomato sauce for pasta with it.


Just think about it, purple pasta sauce! That would be fun to eat! 想像一下, 紫色義大利麵醬! 吃起來會很有趣喔



1. invent 發明

What new food would you like to invent? 你會想發明什麼新的食物?

Crabs that are easy to eat. 容易入口的螃蟹。

You must love crabs a lot. 你一定很愛吃螃蟹。

2. purple 紫色的

I don't eat eggplants. 我不吃茄子。

Because you don't like the taste? 因為你不喜歡它的味道嗎?

No, because they're purple. 不,是因為它是紫色的。

3. delicious 美味的

How about grapes? 那葡萄呢?

They're purple but delicious. 它是紫色不過很好吃。

Grapes are fine. 葡萄可以。

4. buy 購買

Where can I buy carrots? 我在哪裡可以買胡蘿蔔?

At any supermarket. 任何超市都可以。

So would you like to taste purple tomatoes? Let's read today's vocabulary.

invent 發明 purple 紫色的 delicious 美味的 buy 購買



1. What is the new kind of vegetable mentioned in this story?

A: Grapes B: Eggplants C: Tomatoes

2. What color is the new vegetable?

A: Purple B: Yellow C: Pink

3. What else is special about this vegetable?

A: It stays fresh longer

B: It does not stay fresh as long

C: There's nothing else special about it


1. C 2. A 3. A

音檔 發佈於 2022-04-21

70 Years on the Throne: Queen Elizabeth II 在位70年:英國女王伊莉莎白二世

Not very many places in the world still have a king or a queen… but the United Kingdom, or the U.K. for short, has a queen. And guess what? She's been queen for 70 years!

並非世界上很多地方都還有國王或皇后…但英國有女王。你知道嗎? 英國女王已經在位70年!

Her name is Queen Elizabeth the Second… and today, April 21st, is her birthday! She's now 95 years old! WOW! Happy Birthday, your Majesty!

她的名字叫做伊莉莎白二世… 而今天4月21日,是她的生日! 她95歲了。哇! 生日快樂, 女王陛下!

Queen Elizabeth the Second became queen in 1952.


No king or queen in the history of the UK has ever been king or queen for 70 years before!


That's a really long time… and in June this year, they will have a big party in the U.K. to celebrate the Queen's 70 years… and to celebrate her birthday. It will be a 4-day holiday!

真的很久… 今年六月,英國會大肆慶祝,女王在位70年和她的生日。還會放四天假!

It's really cool that she's been Queen for so long! Queen Elizabeth the Second is very popular in the U.K.... Many people there say she has helped the country stay strong,even in bad times, like during a big war.

女王在位這麼久真的很酷! 英國女王很受民眾愛戴,很多人說她帶領英國保持強盛, 甚至像是在大戰期間,她幫助國家度過許多難關。

Of course, one day she will pass away, and her son will become the new king…but the people of the U.K. will always remember Queen Elizabeth the Second…a wonderful person, and a wonderful queen.

當然,有一天她將離世,而她的兒子將成為新的國王…但是英國人會永遠記得伊莉莎白女王二世…一位很棒人- 一位很棒的女王。




1. celebrate 慶祝

British people celebrate the Queen's birthday every year.


Of course, she's the Queen. 當然啦,她是女王啊。

2. queen 女王

She became a queen at the age of 25! 她25歲就成了女王。

That's very young. 很年輕呢。

That's too young. 太年輕了。

3. remember 記得

I remember when I was 25. 我還記得我25歲的時候。

Did you want to be a queen? 你那時候想當女王嗎?

Not at all! I wanted to see the world. 一點也不。我想看看世界。

4. wonderful 很棒的

Was it wonderful, seeing the world? 去看世界很棒嗎?

It was. I saw a lot of amazing things! 很棒,我看到好多驚人的東西。

Did you remember these words?

celebrate 慶祝

queen 女王

remember 記得

wonderful 很棒的



1. What's the name of the Queen of the U.K.?

A: Queen Elsa

B: Queen Elizabeth the First

C: Queen Elizabeth the Second

2. How long has she been the queen?

A: 700 years

B: 95 years

C: 70 years

3. Why is the queen popular with many people?

A: They think she helped the U.K. stay strong, even in bad times

B: Because she is young and beautiful

C: They think she has a nice son


1. C

2. C

3. A

音檔 第11周 ICRT 發佈於 2022-04-14

Bear Keeps Lost Boy Safe 熊維護了迷路小男孩的安全

Have you ever gotten lost? Have you ever been in a place where you did not know how to get home? 你有迷路過嗎? 你曾到過一個你不知道如何回家的地方嗎?

Well, let me tell you, it is a very scary feeling. It is even scarier if you're all alone.

好, 讓我告訴你。迷路很可怕。更可怕的是尤其是只有你一個人迷路的時候。

This is what happened to a three-year-old boy named Casey in the United States. He was playing outside his grandmother's house, when he went a little bit too far into the woods. 這發生在美國有個叫做Casey的三歲男孩。他在外婆家外面玩,結果他跑的有點遠而進了森林裡面。

And he was lost for two whole days! That's a long time to be away from home. Casey's family was very worried about him.


Thankfully, somebody was there to protect Casey … a wild bear!


Casey met a wild bear while he was lost. Bears are usually very dangerous, and people should not go near wild bears if they see them. 當Casey迷路時,他遇到了熊。 一般來說,野生的熊很危險,不可以靠近,如果人們看見熊時,他們不應該靠近熊的。

But this bear kept Casey warm and safe until people found him.


The bear did not hurt Casey. And even though Casey was very cold and very hungry, he was healthy when he returned home. 這隻熊沒有傷害Casey。Casey回到家時,雖然又冷又餓,但他很健康。

I'm glad for Casey, but remember, even though his story turned out okay, you still shouldn't try to make friends with wild bears! 我為Casey感到高興,但是記住雖然他的故事結果是好的,但是你仍然不可以和野生的熊當作朋友。




1. Lost 迷路

I think we're lost. 我覺得我們迷路了。

No, we're not lost. I know exactly where we are.


Okay, so turn right or left? 好吧,那右轉還是左轉?

Uh…I'm not sure. 我不確定。

2. Bear 熊

I heard there are bears here. 我聽說這裡有熊。

I'm so scared! 我怕死了!

Don't be scared. I know how to handle bears. 別怕,我知道怎麼對付熊。

3. Dangerous 危險的

Bears are dangerous animals! 熊是危險動物!

They are not dangerous if we stay away from them. 只要我們保持距離就不危險。

4. Return 回到

I want to return to camp. 我要回露營區。

There's no way to return now. 現在回不去了。

These are fun words to remember.

lost 迷路

bear 熊

dangerous 危險的

return 回到



1. What is the name of the boy who got lost?

a. Casey

b. Cady

c. Candy

2. What kind of animal protected him while he was lost?

a. A bear

b. A deer

c. A gorilla

3. How long was he lost for?

a. 2 hours

b. 2 days

c. 2 weeks


1. A 2. A 3. B

音檔 第10周 ICRT 發佈於 2022-03-31

25 Years of Beach Legos 25年的海灘樂高積木

In 1997... 25 years ago... way, way, way before some of you were born… a container ship got hit by a huge wave!

在1997… 25年前,在你出生前… 有一艘貨櫃輪被大浪打中!

The ship was sailing near the UK when the wave hit. The ship was lucky. It didn't sink… but more than 60 containers fell off the ship and into the ocean.


One of the containers was full of Legos! Lots of Legos. There were about 5 million Lego pieces in that container.


Legos are made out of plastic... so they float. Every year since the Legos fell in the water in 1997, Lego pieces have been washing up on beaches in the UK.

樂高積木是塑膠做的… 從1997年那時候開始,每年都有樂高積木被沖到英國的海灘。

Every year, some people in the UK like to go hunting for Legos… yup! They go to the beaches and try to find Legos. The hunters like to show each other what Legos they found… and hunting for Legos is kind of fun.

每年,在英國都有人去海邊尋找樂高積木! 他們去海灘試著找樂高積木。然後尋找的人喜歡拿給同好看他們找到的積木…找積木是種樂趣。

But, of course, it's not so fun for the ocean. There is a lot of plastic in the ocean… and the problem is that plastic doesn't go away.

可是, 當然這些積木是塑膠做的,對海洋來說有一點不妙。有很多塑膠物品在海裡,而且問題是因為它們不會被分解。

So… make sure you don't throw any plastic into the ocean! 所以…務必別丟任何塑膠製品到海裡去!




1. Hit 打

Our ship was hit by waves after waves. 我們的船被一波一波的海浪打到。

What happened then? 然後怎麼樣?

Then I fell into the sea! 然後我掉到了海裡!

2. Beach 海灘

Wow! Were you washed up onto a beach? 你被沖到了沙灘上嗎?

Like in the movies? 像在電影裡那樣?

No, I wasn't! 我沒有!

I swam to the beach. 我游到了海灘。

3. Float 漂浮

Ice floats on water. 冰塊浮在水上。

Plastic floats too. 塑膠也會漂浮。

That's right. 對的。

4. Sink 下沉

Ice and plastic don't sink. 冰塊和塑膠不會下沉。

But coins always sink in the water. 但是硬幣總是沉在水裡。

Yeah, they are heavy. 對,硬幣很重。


hit 打 beach 海灘 float 漂浮 sink 下沉



1. Why did the Legos fall into the ocean?

A: A kid threw them in

B: A wave pushed containers off a ship

C: An airplane full of Legos crashed into it

2. What do some people in the UK like to do?

A: They like to hunt for Legos on the beach

B: They like to play with Legos under the ocean

C: They like to find huge waves of Legos

3. How long can plastic stay in the ocean?

A: Not long. Maybe for one year

B: Super long. Maybe for 1000 years!

C: A little long. Maybe 25 years


1. B 2. A 3. B

音檔 第9周 發佈於 2022-03-25

Animals Laugh, Too動物也會笑

Here's a question for you. Can animals laugh? Many people think only people laugh. But animals can laugh, too! Well, not like that. They don't sound like humans.有個問想問你。動物會笑嗎? 許多人認為只有人會笑。 但是動物也會笑喔。當然不是像你想的那樣。牠們聽起來跟人不太一樣。

But at least 65 animals can laugh in their own way.


Some researchers from the USA found this out. They found out that dogs, seals, cows, monkeys and dolphins laugh. I wish I could tell you all of the 65 animals that laugh. But we don't have enough time.


Why do animals laugh? Researchers think they know why. Animal laughter usually happens when animals play. Many animals play. They often play fight.


They don't want to hurt the other animal when they play fight. They just want to have fun. The researchers think laughter is a signal. 當他們在打打鬧鬧時, 牠們不是要傷害對方。他們只是玩得很開心。研究員認為笑是一種信號。

Laughter is a signal to other animals that says, "Hey, I'm only playing. I don't want to hurt you."


Maybe that's why we laugh, too. Laughter might be a signal to other people. What do you think?





1. Laugh 笑,laugher 笑聲。

Have you ever heard animals laugh? 你有聽過動物笑嗎?

Sure, my dog laughs all the time. 當然有,我的狗一天到晚笑。

How do you know it's laughing? 你怎麼知道牠在笑?

Its laughter is different from barking. 牠的笑聲跟叫聲不一樣。

2. Sound like 聽起來像。

What does its laughter sound like? 牠的笑聲聽起來像什麼?

It sounds like coughing. 像咳嗽。

3. Signal 訊號。

Your dog is playing with the bowl. 你的狗在玩牠的飯碗。

It's a signal that it's hungry. 這是牠餓了的訊號。

4. Human 人類。

Dogs are like humans in many ways. 狗狗在很多方面跟人類好像!

I think they're smarter than humans. 我覺得牠們比人聰明。

These are fun words to learn!

laugh 笑

laughter 笑聲

sound like 聽起來像

signal 訊號

human 人類



1. How many animals can laugh?

A: 16

B: 60

C: 65

2. When do animals usually laugh?

A: When they are eating

B: When they are playing

C: When they are running

3. Why do animals laugh?

A: To make themselves feel better

B: To scare other animals away from them

C: To tell other animals they won't hurt them


1. C

2. B

3. C

音檔 110下8周 ICRT

發佈於 2022-03-16

Make Sure to Get Enough Sleep 務必有充足的睡眠

Hey kids! Today I want to talk about a very important topic... sleep! , 小朋友! 今天我要說一個非常重要的主題睡眠!

Sleep is really important. Many people don't get enough sleep.


How much sleep is enough? 多少睡眠才夠呢?

Adults should get about eight hours of sleep. What about kids? Babies need a lot of sleep. They need 12 to 16 hours of sleep. Wow! That's a lot of sleep.大人需要睡八個小時。那嬰兒呢? 嬰兒需要很多睡眠。嬰兒要睡1216個小時。哇, 真的要很多睡眠。

What about you guys? 你們呢?

Well, if you are 6 to 12 years old, you should get between 9 and 12 hours. If you are a teenager, you should get from 8 to 10 hours of sleep.


So, do you get enough sleep? If you don't, you should go to bed earlier. 所以, 你有獲得充足的睡眠嗎? 如果你沒有, 你應該早點睡覺。

I know you guys have to wake up early for school. 我當然知道你們要早起去上學。

There are many reasons why you should get enough sleep. First, it helps you to stay healthy. Second, it helps you to think well. 有很多為什麼你應該獲得充足睡眠的理由。首先,充足的睡眠會讓你更健康。第二點,幫助你想事情也可以更清楚。

It's hard to think if you are tired, right? 如果你很累,很難思考事情,對吧?

There's also another interesting reason. People who don't get enough sleep eat more food. That's because people who don't sleep long enough are hungrier. 還有另一個理由。睡不夠的人會吃得更多。那是因為沒有睡飽的人,他們更容易覺得餓。

So, if you sleep longer, you won't eat as much food. If you don't want to feel so hungry all the time, you should sleep more. 所以如果你睡久一點,你不會吃那麼東西。 如果你不想一直覺得餓,你應該多睡一點。

Well, I think it's time for me to go. It's time for me to take a nap! 好了,我想我該離開了。該是我小睡一下了!




1. Hour 小時。

I usually sleep 6 to 7 hours a day. 我一天通常睡六七個小時。

Lucky you! 你真幸運!

I can only sleep 4 hours. 我只能睡四個鐘頭。

2. Tired 疲倦。

Don't you feel tired? 你不覺得累嗎? Of course I do. 當然會。

But I'm never too tired to have a good lunch. 不過從來不會累到沒辦法吃中飯。

3. Sleep 睡覺。

Why can't you sleep more? 你為什麼不能多睡一點兒?

I have too much work to do. 我有太多工作要做。

4. hungry 飢餓的。

And all this talk is making me hungry. 而且這些談話讓我肚子餓了。

Me too. Let's go out and eat. 我也是。我們出去吃吧。

Let's all get more sleep! 一起來讀單字。

hour 小時 tired 疲倦的 sleep 睡眠 hungry 飢餓的



1. What is this story mainly about?

A: Why people don't get enough sleep

B: Why sleep is important

C: Why people eat so much food

2. If you are between 6 and 12 years, how much sleep do you need?

A: 6 to 8 hours B: 8 to 10 hours C: 9 to 12 hours

3. What happens if you don't get enough sleep?

A: You don't eat as much food.

B You don't eat healthy food.

C: You are hungrier.

Answers 1. B 2. C 3. C

音檔 110下7周 ICRT

發佈於 2022-03-14

The ISS is Going to Fall Back to Earth 國際太空站即將墜落到地球上

Have you ever wondered what happens to all of the machines that people have sent into space?


For example, the International Space Station, or ISS, is like a giant "building" in outer space that astronauts use.


But NASA, the U.S.'s space agency, say they need to shut it down soon.


So what will they do? Leave it in space?

所以他們將做些什麼? 被關掉的太空站會被留在太空嗎?

Nope, they're going to let the station … crash back to Earth.


But don't worry, it's not as dangerous as it sounds.

但是不用擔心, 它不會像聽起來那樣的危險。

Really smart space scientists know how to control the International Space Station as it comes back to Earth, and they will make it land in a spot far away from any people.


The spot is about three-thousand miles from the coast of New Zealand in the ocean. This spot is called Point Nemo.


In fact, a lot of space junk has been dumped in this spot over the years. Over two hundred and sixty-three pieces of space junk has fallen back to Earth in this area since the year 1971.

事實上, 很多太空垃圾都被丟在這裡已經好多年了。 1971年開始,已經有超過263多個太空垃圾掉在那裡。

That's a lot of space garbage in the ocean. But until scientists can figure out a better way to bring things back to Earth, that's where they will all go. 很多垃圾在海洋中。在科學家找到更好的方式將太空垃圾帶回地球前,尼莫點仍將是放太空垃圾的地方。




1. Space junk 太空垃圾。There's so much space junk up there!

天上有好多太空垃圾! Really? How much? 真的喔? 有多少? NASA says over 27,000 pieces! 太空總署說超過兩萬七千件。

2. Dangerous 危險的。Is it dangerous for Earth? 對地球來說那些垃圾會危險嗎?

It can be dangerous for satellites. 對人造衛星可能會危險。

3. Land 降落。The spaceship will land in a desert. 太空船會降落在沙漠中。When will it land? 它什麼時候降落? At 7 tonight. 今晚七點。

4. Go 去。Where are you going? 你要去哪裡? To Yilan. 去宜蘭。Didn't you go

there last week? 你不是上星期去過了嗎? I did. But I'd like to go again.


These are fun words to learn. Space junk太空垃圾 dangerous危險的 land降落




1. What is NASA planning to shut down?

a. The moon

b. The International Space Station

c. The Tiangong Space Station

2. Where is this thing from outer space going to land?

a. In Taiwan

b. At Point Nemo

c. In New Zealand

3. How many pieces of space junk have fallen in this place?

a. Over 200 pieces

b. Over 2,000 pieces

c. Over 2 million pieces


1. B 2. B 3. A

音檔 110下6周 ICRT

發佈於 2022-03-09

"Sea Dragon" Fossil Found in the U.K. 在英國發現海龍化石

A really big sea dragon has been found in England. And I mean a really, really, really big sea dragon.

有人在英國發現了一條非常大的海龍。我的意思是說一隻真的, 真的,真的大海龍。

But of course I'm not talking about a real sea dragon. I'm actually talking about a dinosaur. 但當然我是說它不是一隻真的海龍,而是一隻恐龍!

And of course I'm not talking about a live dinosaur. I'm talking about one that has been dead for millions and millions of years! 而且我不是在說一隻活恐龍。我是說這隻恐龍好幾千萬年前就死了。

A British scientist was taking a walk one day, when he found giant dinosaur bones in the ground. When scientists finally uncovered all the bones, they found out the dinosaur was over 10 meters long!


They found out that this dinosaur could actually swim in the ocean when it was alive... about 180 million years ago. 他們發現在18千萬年前當她還活著的時候,這隻恐龍可能確實在海洋中游泳。

This is the biggest and most complete group of dinosaur bones that anyone has ever found in England. So scientists who study dinosaur bones are very excited!


This kind of dinosaur is called an ichthyosaur.這種恐龍叫做魚龍。

They had very long snouts... the snout is their nose area... and they looked very similar to the dolphins that exist in the world today.


What an interesting discovery! I wonder what people millions of years in the future will say when they find stuff that we leave in the ground. 真是有趣的發現! 我在想當未來幾百萬年後的人發現了我們遺留在地裡面的東西, 會說些什麼。




1. Nose 鼻子。

I like dogs that have long noses. 我喜歡有長鼻子的狗。

Like the German Shepherd? 比如說德國牧羊犬嗎?

Yeah, its nose makes it look smart. 對,長鼻子讓狗看起來很聰明。

2. Scientist 科學家。

Scientists say dogs have a keen sense of smell. 科學家說狗狗有敏銳的嗅覺。

I have a good sense of smell, too. 我也有很好的嗅覺。

I always know where the cookies are. 我總是知道餅乾在哪裡。

3. Dolphin 海豚。

Aren't dolphins cute? 海豚不是很可愛嗎?

They really are. 真的是。

They have cute smiles. 牠們有可愛的笑容。

4. Talk 談論。

How do dolphins talk to each other? 海豚如何交談?

I guess they use body language and sounds. 我猜牠們用身體語言和聲音。

Shall we read the words?

nose 鼻子 scientist 科學家dolphin 海豚 talk 談論



1. Where did someone find big bones in the ground?

a. Taiwan

b. England

c. Africa

2. What kind of animal did the bones belong to?

a. Dinosaurs

b. Dragons

c. Sea monsters

3. What part of the animal was very long?

a. Their snouts

b. Their hair

c. Their nails

Answers 1. B 2. A 3. A

音檔 110下5周 ICRT

發佈於 2022-02-25

Massive Kaohsiung Cabbage高雄碩大無比的高麗菜

Can you imagine a cabbage that weighs 15 kilos? Many young children don't weigh 15 kilos!

你可以想像一顆重15公斤的高麗菜嗎? 很多小小孩都不到15公斤!

But there is a cabbage that was grown in Kaohsiung… and it's 10 times bigger than most cabbages... and weighs almost 15 kilos! 但在高雄有一顆將近15公斤重的高麗菜,比一般的高麗菜大十倍!

How did the cabbage grow so big? The Kaohsiung farmers found some land that was very clean... no pollution... and they didn't use any chemicals when they were growing it.

怎麼長出這麼大顆的高麗菜? 在高雄的農夫說他們找到一塊非常乾淨且沒有汙染的土地,他們也不使用任何化學藥劑,才會種出這麼大的高麗菜。

And… the farmers played music to the cabbage! 而且他們還放音樂給高麗菜聽!

Some people think talking to plants and playing music to plants makes plants happy… and, well, it might be true!


Whatever the Kaohsiung farmers did… it worked! This huge Kaohsiung cabbage is amazing…


And the farmers say if we use clean land with no pollution and don't use chemicals… we could grow better and bigger vegetables.


Hmmm… Maybe we should think about how we grow our fruits and vegetables… not just to make them big, but to make them healthier for us!





1. Cabbage 高麗菜。

I love cabbage. 我喜歡高麗菜。

It makes wonderful soup. 它可以做很棒的湯。

And your cabbage is growing big! 而你的高麗菜長好大了!

2. Amazing 驚人的。

It's amazing that cabbages can be so big. 高麗菜能長這麼大,真驚人。

I know. I can't wait to eat it. 我知道,我等不及要吃它了。

I hope it tastes good. 希望它好吃。

3. Grow 種植。

I'm growing some roses. 我在種玫瑰花。

Wow! So colorful! 哇,真是色彩繽紛!

I'm also growing tomatoes and potatoes. 我也在種番茄和馬鈴薯。

4. Farmer 農夫。

So are you turning into a farmer? 所以你變成農夫了嗎?

Yeah, a farmer on the roof. 對,屋頂上的農夫。

Do you like cabbage? Let's read the words.

cabbage 高麗菜

amazing 驚人的

grow 種植

farmer 農夫



1. How much does the big Kaohsiung cabbage weigh?

A: Almost 150 kilos

B: Almost 5 kilos

C: Almost 15 kilos

2. What's one special thing the farmers did for the cabbage?

A: They played music for it

B: They played video games with it

C: They screamed at it

3. What do the farmers hope we can learn?

A: How to grow better vegetables with no chemicals

B: How to swim

C: How to listen to music


1: C

2: A

3: A

音檔 110下4周 ICRT

發佈於 2022-02-21

It's Raining Fish and Frogs 下傾盆大雨

Woah! That rain is really heavy! ! 雨下好大啊!

Some people might even say "it's raining cats and dogs''! But that's just a funny expression. It just means heavy rain.有些人甚至可能會說” it's raining cats and dogs”(在下動物雨)。但是這是有趣的表達方式。意思就是在下傾盆大雨。

But there actually is a very strange and rare weather event called animal rain! Yep. And it happened not long ago in the state of Texas in the USA.但真的有被稱為動物雨的非常奇怪及罕見的事情! 是的。不久前美國德州最近真的發生下動物雨!

On what seemed like just a normal rainy day, people suddenly noticed fish and frogs falling to the ground! 在一個似乎看起來平常的下雨天,人們突然注意到魚和青蛙掉到地面上!

How does this happen?怎麼發生的呢?

Sometimes a swirling wind, like a tornado, happens over water. This is called a waterspout. 有時候龍捲風會在水上形成,叫做水龍捲。

Sometimes small animals like fish and frogs get pulled into the waterspout and carried away from the water. They then come back down to the ground with the rain.


That's how it rains fish and frogs! 那就是如何下魚或是青蛙這些小動物的雨!

That's so weird, right? There have even been reports of other animals coming down with rain. Birds, crabs, and even snakes and spiders! 很奇怪, 對吧? 一直也有人看過其他種類的動物,像是鳥、螃蟹、蛇跟蜘蛛,跟著雨從天而降。

Woaaaah! That sounds like a nightmare! And probably another reason to always bring an umbrella! ! 聽起來像是個夢魘! 也許另一個隨時要帶把傘的理由吧!




1) Rain 下雨。

Are you going out? 你要出門嗎?

It's raining hard outside! 外面在下大雨。

That's okay. I have a raincoat. 沒關係,我有雨衣。

2) Umbrella 雨傘。

You'll still need an umbrella. 你還是需要一把傘。

Here, take mine. 來吧,你拿我的。

But I don't like carrying an umbrella around. 可是我不喜歡拿著雨傘到處走。

3) Tornado 龍捲風。

Tornadoes are scary! 龍捲風很可怕!

Indeed. Tornadoes can pick up a person and throw them down.


4) Happen 發生。

What's happening? 發生了什麼事?

Why are you running downstairs? 為什麼你們往樓下跑?

A tornado is coming! 龍捲風要來了!

Let's read the words.

rain 下雨 umbrella tornado 龍捲風 happen 發生



1. What kind of weird weather is the story about?

A: Cake rain

B: Animal rain

C: Dry rain

2. Where did this kind of weather recently happen?

A: Texas

B: Paris

C: Singapore

3. What came down with the rain?

A: Fish and frogs

B: Cats and frogs

C: Bears and pigs


1. B 2. A 3. A

音檔 110下3周ICRT

發佈於 2022-02-11 2 2022/2/21-25

Tiny Book Sold for Big Price 極小書賣出好價錢

Oh, hello. I'm reading a book. It's a really interesting story. But it's a big, heavy, and long book! It's taking a long time to finish.

, 哈囉。 我正在看一本書。它真的是一個有趣的故事。但我現在看的書又厚又重,而且已經看很久了。

I might try a shorter, smaller book next time. 我下次可能嘗試讀短一點,小本一點的書。

Not too small though. Not like a tiny book I heard about recently that's so small you can't even read it! 但不是很小。不像我最近聽說有一本書非常小,小到你看不見寫什麼!

Made in Germany, this book is just 5 millimeters by 5 millimeters. That's the size of the end of a pencil! 這本書是德國做的,長跟寬都只有5釐米,像鉛筆的筆尖那麼小!

If you want to read it, you'll need a magnifying glass because the words are so small!


The book was recently sold for over 130,000 NT! Someone paid a lot of money for a teeny-tiny book that's really hard to read! Unbelievable!

最近這本書以13萬台幣賣出。這位付這麼多麼錢的人, 買了這本字很小很難閱讀的小書!真的很不可思議!

Not only that, but if you put the book down for a second, it could be gone! It's so small you could easily lose it! 不僅那樣,而且如果你暫時放下這本書,它可能會不見! 那麼小的書你應該也很容易弄丟吧!

I think I'll stick with my big book. Now, where was I? 我想我會把它黏在我的大書上。現在我書讀到哪了?




1) Story 故事。

Toy Story is a fun story. 玩具總動員是很好玩的故事。

It's a story for children. 那是兒童故事。

I know, but I enjoy it too. 我知道,不過我也喜歡看。

2) Interesting 有趣的。

Many adults find children's books interesting. 很多成年人覺得童書很有趣。

You mean like the Harry Potter books? 你是指哈利波特那種書嗎?

Yeah, don't you find them very interesting? 你不覺得它們十分有趣嗎?

3) Word 文字。

Those books are not easy. 那些書並不簡單。

You're right. There are many difficult words. 你說對了,它們有很多困難的字。

4) Tiny 很小的。

This is a really small hamburger. 這是個好小的漢堡。

Mine is tiny, too. 我的也很小。

It's only a mouthful. 只有一口就沒了。

Let's read the words together.

story 故事

interesting 有趣的

word 文字

tiny 很小的



1. What item is the story about?

A: A book

B: A car

C: A pencil

2. Where was it made?

A: Germany

B: Spain

C: Canada

3. What is special about the item?

A: It's huge

B: It's tiny

C: It glows in the dark


1. A

2. A

3. B

音檔 110下1-2周ICRT

發佈於 2020-02-25

Lantern festival in Taiwan 台灣元宵節

Narrator: Oh, hey there! ! You've all heard music like this before, right? 你曾聽過這種音樂吧? Well, it's from a video I'm watching of a lion dance! 音樂是來自於我正在看的一支舞龍 舞獅的影片!I love watching lion and dragon dances! 我很喜歡看舞龍舞獅! It's so cool how the dancers know exactly where they're going, even though they're underneath a giant costume! 這實在很酷, 舞者正確地知道他們該往何處去, 即使他們是在大的道具服底下。

I watched a lot of lion dances earlier this month for the lantern festival. It's one of my favorite holidays! 這個月初,我看了很多為了元宵節的舞獅表演。 元宵節是我最喜愛的節日之一!

We celebrate the lantern festival in lots of different ways, and today, the lantern festival is mostly about celebrating, reunions, and families being together. 我們用許多不多方式來慶祝元宵節,今日的元宵節多半和慶祝,團員及家人相聚有關係。

And it's about eating too! 元宵節也吃有關! During the lantern festival, it's tradition to eat sticky rice balls. 元宵期間,吃湯圓是傳統!

And of course, we hang lanterns everywhere! 當然,我們還有到處掛燈籠。

In Pingxi, which is a small town not too far from Taipei, people light hundreds of sky lanterns every year. 在平溪是個離台北不遠的小鎮,人們每年會放很多很多天燈。

Each lantern has a small flame inside, and this makes the lantern float into the sky. 每個天燈都一盞小火在裡面,這會使天燈飛上空中。

It's beautiful when there are hundreds of them in the sky at night. 那樣會很美,當有數以百計的天燈在夜晚的星空中。It looks like fireflies! 看起來就好像螢火蟲。

There is also the Yanshui fireworks festival in Tainan.台南鹽水有放蜂炮 It's very dangerous, so if you ever go, you have to be very careful! 很危險,所以如果你要去,你一定要很小心!

People need to wear thick clothing and helmets to protect every part of their bodies. 人們需要穿厚衣服和戴頭盔為了好好保護他們的身體。

Then, they stand next to big piles of fireworks that are lit at once. 接著, 會站在被點燃的蜂炮旁邊,然後被蜂炮炸!(SFX: fireworks going off) If you're not protected, you could get hurt! 如果你沒有保護自己,你可能就會受傷!

People in Yanshui do this every year to honor Guan Gong, the god of war. 鹽水居民每年放蜂炮是為了紀念戰神關公。

All of these events are so much fun! I'm a little sad though the lantern festival is already over.所有的活動都好有趣喔! 雖然元宵節已經結束了,可是我有點難過。

But that's okay, there's always next year! 沒關係,明年還會有!

In the meantime, I can still watch cool lion dances on video! 此時, 我還是可以看很酷的舞龍舞獅的影片!



元宵節英文叫做 Lantern Festival, lantern 其實是燈籠,sky lantern就是天燈。Have you ever seen sky lanterns in the sky at night?你有在晚上看過放天燈嗎?

1. Sky天空。I love winter days with a blue sky and sunshine. 我喜歡冬天時的藍天和陽光。Look, there are two eagles in the sky! 你看,天上有兩隻老鷹!

2. Costume戲服。I would like to buy an Iron Man costume. 我想買鋼鐵人的戲服。

3. Clothing衣服。You need warm clothing for winter.你需要冬天的溫暖衣服。

4. Protect保護。Sunglasses can protect your eyes.太陽眼鏡可以保護你的眼睛。Parents need to protect their children from using cell phones for too long. 父母需要保護孩子別用手機太長時間。

So did you go out to see the lanterns? Let's read the words. Lantern燈籠 sky天空 costume戲服 clothing衣服 protect保護



1. What does the lantern festival celebrate?

a. Reunions and being with family.

b. How pretty lanterns are.

c. Dancing lions.

2. Which Taiwan town lights hundreds of sky lanterns every year?

a. Pingxi. b. Puli. c. Hengchun.

3. What god does the Yanshui fireworks festival honor?

a. Guan Gong, the God of War.

b. Kwan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy.

c. Zao Jun, the Kitchen God.

Answers 1. A 2. A 3. A

音檔 第21周ICRT Hero Dog Saves Koalas from Bushfires狗狗英雄從叢林火災拯救無尾熊

發佈於 2022-01-07

Many places have forest fires… but in Australia, they have bush fires.


In 2020 there were some terrible bush fires in Australia. The bushland caught fire and it burned for many weeks! 2020年,澳洲發生好幾起叢林大火。叢林地著火了並連續燒了好幾個星期。

The firefighters in Australia tried to put out the fires. They even used airplanes and dropped water on the fires… but the fires were too big.


Many koalas were trapped in the fires. But… 100 koalas were saved… by a hero dog!


The dog's name is Bear. 牠的名字叫小熊

Bear has lots of energy and loves to play… so he became a koala rescue dog. 小熊充滿活力並愛玩所以他成為無尾熊搜救犬。

A koala rescue dog goes into the bushland after the fire stops and finds koalas that need help.


The ground is still very hot after a fire, so Bear wears special dog shoes to protect his feet.


Bear found 100 koalas that needed help. That's a lot! 小熊發現100隻需要幫忙的無尾熊。真的很多!

Firefighters gave Bear a medal because they say Bear is a hero.


Saving 100 koalas is amazing... What a good dog! 救難犬能夠幫忙救出上百隻的無尾熊,真是了不起!



1. Koala 無尾熊。

Koalas are so cute! 無尾熊好可愛!

They are, but you have to go to Australia to see them.


I saw koalas yesterday, at Taipei Zoo! 我昨天才看到無尾熊,在台北動物園!

2. Firefighter 救火員,消防員。

Finally, firefighters are here! 消防隊終於來了!

Yeah, they need to put out this fire fast! 他們得趕快把火撲滅!

3. Rescue 搶救。

Can they rescue the trees? 他們能搶救那些樹嗎?

I think they should rescue the animals first. 我想他們應該先救動物。

4. Forest 森林。

Animals can run, but the forest can't move. 動物會自己跑,但是森林動不了。

I guess you're right. 我想你是對的。


koala 無尾熊

firefighter 消防員

rescue 搶救

forest 森林



1. Where did the big bush fires happen in 2020?

A: Australia

B: Taichung

C: England

2. What is the hero dog's name?

A: Monkey

B: Giraffe

C: Bear

3. How many koalas did the hero dog save?

A: 1,000

B: 100

C: 10


1. A 2. C 3. B

音檔 第20周ICRT Space Hotel 2027 2027年太空飯店

發佈於 2022-01-05

Staying at a nice hotel is fun! But in just a few years … some people could be staying at a nice hotel… in space! 住在一間好飯店是有趣的! 但幾年後有些人可能會住在太空中的好飯店

Yeah! A space hotel is going to open in 2027! 2027年太空旅館即將開始營運。

You will be able to look out the window and see Earth far below you.


What a great view! 真是一幅美景!

The space hotel will look like a Ferris wheel. 這個太空旅館看起來就像一座摩天輪。

The hotel will spin like a Ferris wheel, and that will give the people inside some gravity so you won't fly away all the time.


But not too much gravity… it will still feel a little like floating, and the hotel wants to set up fun things to do… like basketball! 但引力不大所以你會感覺輕輕飄飄,而且飯店想要架設一些有趣好玩的東西像是籃球!

Can you imagine playing basketball with only a little gravity? You could jump super high and super far! 你可以想像引力不大的狀態下打籃球嗎? 你就可以跳得又高又遠喔!

But…. there is one thing not so cool about the space hotel. It's going to be very expensive to go there. The cost for flying in a rocket and staying at the space hotel for three days is $140 million NT dollars! 但太空飯店只有一件事不是那麼的酷! 那就是去到那裡費用很貴。搭火箭去住太空旅館三天要1.4億台幣!

Wow, 140 million?! Woah! Well, let's hope someday it gets cheaper. 哇,1.4億台幣? 好吧,希望有一天費用會便宜些。




1. Expensive 昂貴的。

I'd really love to travel to space, but it's too expensive!


It's expensive and dangerous. 它很貴並且很危險。

2. Space 太空。

So you don't want to stay in a space hotel? 所以你不想住在太空旅館嗎?

No, I'll just stay here and watch the moon. 不想,我只想待在這裡賞月。

3. Gravity 地心引力。

Then you can't experience almost zero gravity.


What's wrong with gravity? 地心引力有什麼不對?

I don't want things floating around! 我可不要東西飄來飄去!

4. Hotel 旅館。

This hotel is very special. 這間旅館很特別。

You can feed giraffes from your window. 你可以從窗戶餵長頸鹿!

These are useful words to learn.

expensive 昂貴的

space 太空

gravity 地心引力

hotel 旅館



1. What is the space hotel going to look like?

A: A swimming pool

B: A Ferris wheel

C: A rocket

2. How much is a 3-day stay going to cost?

A: About NT$140 million!

B: About NT$400!

C: About NT$400,000!

3. What is one fun thing you can do at the space hotel?

A: Play basketball in low gravity

B: Ride a horse

C: Shoot a bow and arrow


1. B 2. A 3. A

音檔19ICRT Customers Trapped by Snowstorm 客人被暴風雪困住

發佈於 2021-12-28

Brrr… It's a little cold out there. No snow though. We don't get much snow here, but some places get a lot of it. 外頭有點冷。但是沒有雪。台灣不太下雪, 但是有一些地方會下很多!

Snow can be pretty, but it can also cause problems! 雪很漂亮, 但是也會造成問題!

In Denmark recently, some customers were doing some shopping when heavy snow trapped them and staff inside a couple of stores all night!


Luckily, they were pretty good stores to get stuck in! One was a furniture store, and the other was a toy store! 好險待在那兩家店很不錯。一家賣傢俱,另一家賣玩具。

Those in the furniture store could sleep in any bed they wanted! And getting trapped in a toy store could be pretty fun! 被困在傢俱店的人愛睡哪一張床都可以,另外,被困在玩具店應該也很有趣!

In England, a similar thing happened! The snow there trapped customers in a pub!


The pub had a band to play music, they had quizzes and movies, and of course food and drink, too! 酒館裡有現場樂團彈奏音樂、問答比賽、看電影,當然還可以吃吃喝喝!

They were stuck for three days! But they had a pretty good time! One lady said she didn't want to leave! 他們在那裡待了三天,但是過得很開心!有位女士說她都不想要離開了。

Nobody wants to be stuck anywhere, but being stuck in a furniture store, a toy store, or a pub is not too bad, right? 沒人想要困在任何地點,但是困在家俱行、玩具店或一間酒館是不錯的, 對吧?

Which would you prefer to be stuck in?你比較想要困在哪個地點?




1) Furniture 傢俱。

Let's go to a furniture store on Saturday. 我們星期六去傢俱行吧。

What do you need? 你需要什麼?

Chairs and a coffee table. 椅子和咖啡桌。

Okay, I know a good furniture store on Spring Road.


2) Trap 困住。

Look at this rain! We're trapped! 你看這個雨 ! 我們被困住了。

Don't worry. We can wait there. 別擔心,我們可以在那裡等。

3) Store 商店。

See, this is a nice store. 你看,這家店很不錯。

Yeah, I like a store that sells coffee and books.


4) Snow 雪。

There's a lot of snow on Jade Mountain! 玉山上有好多雪!

That's strange. It's not even cold. 真奇怪,天氣並不冷啊。

Let's read the vocabulary together.

furniture 傢俱

trap 困住

store 商店




1. Why were the customers trapped?

A: They couldn't find the key

B: Because of snow

C: Because it was too hot

2. Customers in Denmark were trapped in what places?

A: A shoe store and a candy store

B: A supermarket and a school

C: A furniture store and a toy store

3. Where were customers stuck in a pub?

A: In England

B: In South Africa

C: In Germany


1. B 2. C 3. A

音檔第17周 ICRT NEWS FOR KIDS 佈於 2021-12-13

World's Largest Chocolate Box Opens in Belgium 世界最大的巧克力工廠在比利時

Mmmm… I love chocolate. It tastes so good. Chocolate might be my favorite kind of candy.


I wish I could visit a chocolate factory and see how people make chocolate. That would be so much fun! 我很想去參觀巧克力工廠,看看人們如何製作巧克力。那一定很好玩!

The chocolate factory I really want to visit is called The Barry Callebaut Chocolate Box in Belgium.

我很去參觀的巧克力工廠叫做The Barry Cllebaut 巧克力工廠-它在比利時。

Belgium 就是比利時, and it is a country in Europe.它是個在歐洲的國家。

And this chocolate factory is very special because it is the largest chocolate factory in the world.


It's as big as 12 soccer fields! 有十二個足球場那麼大!

That is huge! If you had to run from one end of the factory to the other that would take you a long time. And you would be very, very tired! 很大!如果你要從工廠這頭到另一頭去,你要花很久的時間。而且你會很累很累!

This factory also makes a lot of chocolate. They make so much chocolate because they send it to 140 countries around the world. 這間工廠也製造很多很多巧克力。他們製作這麼多巧克力是因為它們的產品要送到世界各地的140個國家。

The building even looks like a box of chocolate! 這棟建築物看起來像是一個巧克力盒!

I would love to visit this chocolate factory in Belgium. Maybe I'll become a chocolate maker, and I can go there to learn how to make chocolate. 我想要參觀在比利時的這間巧克力工廠。或許我可以去那裡學習如何製作巧克力。

Then I can eat all the chocolate that I want, all the time! Yum! 那麼我就可以一直吃全部我想要吃的巧克力! 好吃!




1. Largest 最大的。

What is the largest city in the world? 世界最大的城市是哪個? Let me guess.

我來猜一猜。New York? 紐約? No. 不是。 Shanghai? 上海? No. It's Tokyo! 不對,

是東京。Tokyo is the largest city. 東京最大。

2. World 世界。

The world will be watching the 2022 World Cup. 全世界明年都會看世界盃比賽。So

will I. 我也會。I love World Cup games. 我喜歡世界盃足球賽。

3. Factory 工廠。

They have a coke factory here. 這裡有個可樂工廠。 But I want to see a toy

factory. 可是我想看玩具工廠。

4. Visit 訪問。

So would you like to visit this place? 所以你想看看這個地方嗎? No, not now.

現在不想。Maybe I'll visit next year. 我也許明年來拜訪吧。

Have you ever seen a factory? 我們來讀今天的單字。

largest 最大的

world 世界

factory 工廠

visit 訪問



1. What kind of candy is this story about?

a. Gummy candy b. Bubble gum c. Chocolate

2. Where is the biggest chocolate factory in the world?

a. The Bahamas b. Belgium c. Botswana

3. How big is the factory?

a. As big as 12 soccer fields b. As big as 12 ping pong tables c. As big as 12 swimming pools


1. C 2. B 3. A

音檔 第十周 ICRT NEWS FOR KIDS 2021-1213-12/17

發佈於 2021-12-06

Meteorite Almost Hits Woman While Crashing to Earth


Argh! Okay, okay, stop! That is not a pleasant way to wake up. ! , ,! 那不是個愉快的醒來方式。

But do you know an even worse way to wake up? A giant rock falling into your bed! 但你知道一種更糟的醒來方式嗎? 一顆巨石掉到你的床上!

Yep, that is something that has really happened! A woman named Ruth in Canada was woken up one day when a large rock fell through her roof, and landed right in her bed.


Ruth didn't know right away what happened. She woke up and saw there was a hole in her ceiling, and a lot of dust on her face.


But when she looked around, she saw there was a rock between her pillows.


The rock weighed 2.8 pounds, and was about the size of a small cabbage.


And guess what else? It came from space! 而且你知道嗎? 它是從外太空來的!

A smart scientist found out that the rock was part of a meteor shower that had passed by.


Ruth is keeping the rock for now. And experts say if she wants to sell it in the future, she could probably make a lot of money! Ruth一直留著那顆石頭直到現在。而且專家說如果未來她想要賣掉它, 她可能可以賺一筆大錢!

Wow, that sounds great. But I think I would still rather not have space rocks falling into my home! 聽起來不錯,但是我想還是不要有石頭砸到我家比較好!




1. Rock 石頭。

A rock fell into the woman's bed! 一顆石頭掉在那個女子的床上!

Isn't that the strangest thing? 這真是最奇怪的事了。

There must be an earthquake. 一定是有地震。

2. Wake up 醒來。

There's no earthquake. 沒有地震。

The woman woke up when the rock hit her bed. 女子在石頭砸到床上的時候醒來。

That's a bad way to wake up! 那樣子驚醒真糟糕。

3. Look around 看一看四周。

Look around and tell me what you see. 你四周看看,然後告訴我你看到什麼。

Lots of trees and rocks? 很多樹木跟石頭嗎?

No, look again. 不對,你再看。

4. Fall 落下。

Something is falling from the sky! 有東西從天上掉下來!

It's snow! Ha ha, it's snow! 是雪,是在下雪!

So how do you like to wake up in the morning?

rock 石頭

wake up 醒來

look around 看一看四周

fall 掉下來



1. What fell through Ruth's roof?

a. An apple

b. A rock

c. A bird

2. Where did the rock land?

a. In Ruth's bed

b. In Ruth's toilet

c. In Ruth's kitchen sink

3. Where did the rock come from?

a. The neighbor's house

b. Outer space

c. Her attic

Answers 1. B 2. A 3. B

音檔 第十周 ICRT NEWS FOR KIDS 2021-12/6-12/10

發佈於 2021-11-18

Hotdogs Shorten Healthy Lifespan 熱狗縮短健康的壽命

Gosh, I love eating hot dogs. 天啊, 我超喜歡吃熱狗的。

They taste so good! And you can add lots of toppings to make them even better! 它們好好吃喔! 而且你可以加很多配料讓它們更佳的好吃!

Some people like to keep it simple with ketchup and mustard. Other people like to add chili or onions or pickles. 有些人喜歡簡單的配番茄醬和芥末一起吃。有些人喜歡加辣椒或洋蔥或是泡菜一起吃。

No matter what you add, it's all delicious! 不管你加什麼配料,都非常美味!

What was that? What did you say? Hotdogs are bad for you? Who told you that? 什麼?你說什麼? 吃熱狗會傷害身體?誰說的?

A university study? Let me see that! 一份大學的研究? 讓我看看!

Hmm…okay, according to this report, hotdogs ARE bad for you! It says here that each hotdog you eat takes away 36 minutes of healthy life! , 根據這份報告所說, 熱狗對你的身體不好! 研究顯示,如果你吃一個熱狗,你的健康壽命會縮短36分鐘!

It doesn't mean you'll die faster if you eat hotdogs, but you'll have less healthy time. 這不是說你將比較快死,而是你將會活得比較不健康。

Wow. If that's true…how many hot dogs have I eaten? , 如果那是真的我已經吃多少熱狗了?

Uh oh… Maybe that's enough hot dogs for now. I think I'll go have a salad instead!

Wait! Let me see that study again! 哎呀現在聊夠了熱狗的事。 我想我將會吃沙拉來代替熱狗!

It says here that a peanut butter and jelly sandwich adds 33 minutes of healthy life!

等等!這個研究也說,一個花生醬加果醬的三明治, 可以增加33分鐘的健康壽命!

I'll eat those more often! 我將會更常吃那兩樣東西的!




1. Delicious 美味的。This hamburger is delicious! 這個漢堡真好吃! You should try the sushi. 你應該嚐一嚐壽司。 It's even more delicious! 它更好吃。

2. Taste 品嚐。You're right! This sushi tastes really good!

你說對了,這個壽司吃起來真不錯! Wait until you taste the sandwich I made. 等一下你嚐嚐我做的三明治。

3. Better 更好的。Is peanut butter better than hog dogs? 花生醬比熱狗好嗎? I believe so. 我相信是的。Many snacks are better than hot dogs. 很多種點心都比熱狗好。

4. Healthy 健康的。 Hot dogs are not healthy because they're too salty. 熱狗不健康,因為它太鹹。What's healthy and delicious? 有什麼東西健康又美味? Sweet potatoes. 地瓜。I love sweet potatoes! 我喜歡地瓜!

So let's eat healthy foods. Delicious美味的 taste品嚐 better更好的 healthy健康的



1. What food item is this story talking about?

A: Hotdogs

B: Hamburgers

C: Ice cream

2. How are hotdogs bad for you?

A: They shorten your healthy lifespan

B: They cost too much

C: They are food for real dogs

3. What is a healthier alternative to hot dogs?

A: Pizza

B: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

C: Beef noodle soup


1. A 2. A 3. B

音檔十四周 ICRT NEWS FOR KIDS 2021-11/29-12/3

發佈於 2021-11-23

Talking to Whales! 和鯨魚說話

Do you know that scientists are trying to talk to whales? 你知道科學家正在試著跟鯨魚說話嗎?

Really, I'm not joking! 真的, 我沒有開玩笑!

Some whales sing… but some whales use clicking sounds. Scientists are using a super-powerful computer to record and listen to the clicks. The computer listens to thousands and thousands of hours of clicking sounds… and maybe soon, the computer will figure out what the clicks mean!

有些鯨魚唱歌但有些鯨魚會發出像打字一樣的聲音。科學家用超級強的電腦把那些聲音錄下來輸入電腦,聽這些打字的聲音。電腦聆聽數百萬小時的打字聲也許不久, 電腦能夠找出它們的意義。

It's not going to be easy. We don't know if the whales in one part of the ocean use the same clicks as whales in a different part. Maybe whales have different languages!

這是很困難的工作。我們不知道海洋的這一區的鯨魚和另一區的鯨魚是否用同樣的打字聲。或許大海中不同地區的鯨魚, 講不一樣的語言。

New computers are using A.I. - artificial intelligence - to try to understand the whales! The A.I. computers are working hard right now… and scientists say they think we might soon be able to understand what the whales are saying! Cool!


And, if we can understand what the whales are saying… maybe we can learn to talk with them! Wow… talking to whales?! Amazing! 而且, 如果我們可了解鯨魚在說什麼也許我們可以學習和牠們說話! 和鯨魚說話?! 太神奇了!

Hmm… what would you talk to a whale about? 你想要和鯨魚說什麼?




1. Whale 鯨魚。

Scientists know that all whales make sounds.


So they talk to each other? 所以牠們會交談?

Yes, they also make sounds to find each other. 是的,而且也用聲音來找到對方。

2. Listen to 注意聽。

I listened to whale sounds online. 我有在線上聽鯨魚的聲音。

It's interesting. 很有趣。

Listen carefully, and you'll find different groups make different sounds.


3. Different 不同的。

Let's order pizza. 我們來訂披薩。

I have a different idea. Let's go out to eat. 我有個不同的主意,我們出去吃。

4. Understand 了解。

I've been at home too long. 我在家待太久了。

I understand. 我懂。

Have you ever heard a whale talk?

whale 鯨魚

listen to 注意聽

different 不同的

understand 了解



1. What kind of sounds do whales make?

A: Clicking noises

B: They bark like dogs

C: They say 'cock-a-doodle-doo'

2. How are scientists trying to understand what whales are saying?

A. They are using a super-computer

B. They are screaming into the ocean

C. They are showing the whales cartoons, like Finding Nemo

3. New computers have a special tool called AI. What does AI mean?

A: Artificial intelligence

B: Apple igloo

C: Airplane ice-cream


1. A

2. A

3. A

發佈於 2021-11-09

音檔十三周 ICRT NEWS FOR KIDS 2021-11/22-11/26

Artist Takes the Money and Runs 藝術家拿了錢而落跑了

What is the most interesting piece of art you have ever seen? 你看過最有趣的藝術品是什麼呢?

The Mona Lisa? A sculpture by Ju Ming? 蒙娜麗莎? 朱銘的雕刻?

What about… nothing? 什麼都沒有?

A museum in Denmark is not happy with an artist named Jenns Haaning because of what he did.


Actually, they're unhappy with him because of what he didn't do.


The museum paid Jenns Haaning eighty-three-thousand U.S. dollars to make art. That is a lot of money! That is over two million NT dollars! 博物館付給他美金83千元來創作藝術!那可是一筆大錢! 超過兩百萬台幣

The museum wanted him to use this money to make something. Then they wanted to show this art at their gallery. 他們希望他用這筆錢創作藝術品,然後放在他們的博物館展示。

But when the museum looked at the canvases he sent back… they were blank!


The artist didn't draw, or paint, or create anything! 他什麼都沒有畫,也沒有創作出任何東西出來!

He said the blank canvases are his art. 他說空白畫布就是他的藝術

Now the museum wants their money back, of course. 博物館當然希望把錢拿回來。

But… it doesn't look like Jenns Haaning is going to give it back! 但看起來Jenns Haanin將不會歸還這筆錢!




1. Art 藝術。

I'm planning to study art in Paris next year. 我打算明年去巴黎學藝術。

Wow, you plan to study painting? 哇,你打算學油畫嗎?

Body painting. Body painting is a very interesting art form.


2. Artist 藝術家。

I didn't know you're an artist, Ryan. 我不知道你是藝術家呢。

I'm not an artist yet. 我還不是藝術家。

I hope I can be one in the future. 我希望將來是。

3. Draw 畫。

I'm not good at drawing pictures. 我不大會畫圖。

Well, faces are hard to draw. 人臉很難畫。

Try flowers or trees next time. 你下次試試看畫花草樹木。

4. Museum 博物館。

Museums are not fun. 博物館不好玩。

This museum is great. It's about dinosaurs. 這個博物館很棒,它講恐龍。


art 藝術

artist 藝術家


museum 博物館



1. Where does this story take place?

a. Switzerland

b. Denmark

c. The U.S.

2. How much money did the museum give the artist?

a. 83,000 U.S. dollars

b. 83,000 NT

c. 83,000 kroner

3. What did the artist do?

a. He made nothing

b. He painted two big pictures

c. He bought art


1. B 2. A 3. A

發佈於 2021-11-05

音檔 第十周 ICRT NEWS FOR KIDS 2021-11/15-11/19

The World's Youngest Astronomer 世界上最年輕的天文學家

Do you like looking up at the sky at night? You might see the moon and pretty stars all the way out in space! 你喜歡抬頭看晚上的天空嗎? 你可以看見月亮和漂亮的星星在一整個太空中!。

It's not just beautiful to look at though, there's a lot to learn from space.

觀看美麗的星空外, 太空中還有很多可以學習的。

People who study space are called astronomers. 研究太空科學的人叫天文學家。

Usually it takes many years of school to become an astronomer. But one little 8-year-old girl in Brazil could become the world's youngest astronomer!


The girl's name is Nicole. And she has been interested in space since she was about two years old! For Nicole's fourth birthday, she even asked her parents for a telescope!


If you look into a telescope you can see a long way away, all the way into space!


While looking into space, Nicole has already found 18 asteroids. If they are confirmed to be real asteroids, Nicole will become the world's youngest astronomer! 當她在觀看太空時, 妮可到現在已經找到18顆,要是那些真的是小行星,妮可就會成為世界上最年輕的天文學家。

People who discover asteroids, can also give them names! Nicole says she'll name the asteroids she finds after Brazilian scientists and her family! 發現小行星的人還可以替那些小行星取名字。Nicole說她將用巴西科學家的名字和她家人來替她發現的小行星命名!

Well done, Nicole! Keep doing what you love! 實在太棒了,Nicole! 繼續做你喜歡的事!




1. Space 太空。

People now can live in space. 人們現在可以住在太空中。

Yeah, like on the International Space Station. 對啊,可以住在國際太空站上面。

2. Telescope 天文望遠鏡。

With a telescope, you can see the spots on the moon.


I would love to see them. 很想看呢!

3. Astronomer 天文學家。

I wanted to be an astronomer when I was little. 我小時候想要當天文學家。

An astronomer? That sounds so serious. 天文學家?聽起來好嚴肅!

4. Young 年輕的,youngest 最年輕的。

The youngest student in my class is 7. 我班上最小的學生是七歲。

That's too young! 太年輕了!


space 太空

telescope 天文望遠鏡

astronomer 天文學家

young 年輕的

youngest 最年輕的



1. Where is the little girl in the story from?

a. Brazil

b. Mexico

c. France

2. What might she soon become?

a. The world's youngest astronomer

b. The world's tallest doctor

c. The world's oldest farmer

3. What can you use to help you see far into space?

a. A mirror

b. A rolled up piece of paper

c. A telescope

Answers: 1:a 2:a 3:c

發佈於 2021-11-02

音檔十一ICRT NEWS FOR KIDS 2021-11/08-11/12

Princess Gives Up Royal Status for Love 公主為真愛放棄了皇室地位

Would you like to be a member of a royal family? For example, would you like to be a king or queen? 你想當皇室家族的成員? 例如,你想當國王, 還是皇后嗎? What if it meant you could not be with the person you loved? 如果這代表你不能和你愛的人在一起?

Well, there was a princess in Japan who did not want to be a princess anymore.有位再也不是公主的日本公主

Princess Mako was a real princess in the Japanese royal family.


She married a man who is not a part of the royal family, 她跟平民男子結婚了。

But this is a big problem in Japan. This is because in Japan, princesses are not allowed to marry people who are not royal. 但在日本這是個大問題這是因為在日本, 公主不可以嫁給非皇家的人。

Princess Mako decided to give up being a princess, so she could marry the man that she wants. "give up" 就是放棄的意思是真子公主她決定放棄不當公主了!這樣她才能嫁給她愛的人。

After marrying a non-royal, she is no longer a part of the royal family.


A lot of people think that if Princess Mako loves somebody outside the royal family, she should be allowed to marry them. A lot of people think it is very brave of Princess Mako to give up being a princess. 很多人認為如果真子公主愛上非皇室成員, 她應該被允許結婚她很多人認為真子公主放棄當公主是很勇敢的。

What do you think? 你認為呢?

Do you think you would give up being royalty for love? 你會為了愛情,而放棄當皇室的一份子嗎?




1. Princess 公主。

Princess Mako finally got married last week. 真子公主上星期終於結婚了。

So she's not a princess now? 所以她現在不是公主了?

Right. 對的。

2. Marry 結婚。

I asked Katie to marry me yesterday. 我昨天向凱蒂求婚。

Wow, that's great! What did she say? 太棒了,她怎麼說?

She said she's marrying Kevin. 她說她要嫁給凱文。

Oh, no! 糟糕了。

3. Japan 日本,Japanese 日本人,日語。

Do you speak Japanese, Ryan? 你會講日語嗎,萊恩?

No, and I've never been to Japan. 不會,我也沒有去過日本。

4. Royal family 王室。

Both Britain and Japan have a royal family. 英國和日本都有王室。

Yes, and so does Denmark. 對,而且丹麥也有。


princess 公主

marry 結婚

Japan 日本

Japanese 日語,日本人

royal family 王室



1. Where is the princess from in this story?

a. Taiwan

b. England

c. Japan

2. What has the princess done?

a. Stopped being a princess

b. Became the queen

c. Married a prince

3. What is the princess' name?

a. Mako

b. Mika

c. Maiko


1. C

2. A

3. A

發佈於 2021-10-20

音檔ICRT NEWS FOR KIDS 2021-11/01-11/05

Saying Goodbye to a Pingtung Tree 向屏東霧台的櫻花樹道別

Many people in Wutai are sad. Wutai is a small village in the mountains of ingtung County. 住在霧台的人很傷心。霧台是屏東山區的小村落。

The people there are sad because a big cherry tree died. The tree was about 60-years-old.那裡的人很傷心,因為一顆大櫻花樹死掉了。這棵樹大約60歲。

But why is this cherry tree so special? Well, a long time ago, this cherry tree was the only big cherry tree in Wutai. In the spring, the tree's cherry flowers were so pretty, people from many places would come to see the tree's flowers. 但是為什麼這棵櫻花如此特別呢? 就是很久以前,這棵櫻花樹是霧台唯一一棵大櫻花。在春天,它的櫻花盛開時是十分的漂亮,人們會從四面八方來這裡欣賞它。

Then, the people in Wutai had an idea! "Hey! Maybe we should plant more cherry trees! Then more people will visit!" 霧台居民得到靈感-也許我們應該開始種更多櫻花樹,那樣一來就會吸引遊客到訪。

It worked! Now, every spring, many, many people go to walk in the mountains and look at all the beautiful cherry trees and cherry flowers. The people in Wutai can make money from the visitors and that helps them. 這個主意成功了。現在每年春天,很多很多的人到山上走走、看看美麗的櫻花樹和花朵。遊客帶動經濟,改善霧台人的生活。

But, now the first old big cherry tree has died. So the people are going to have a special day to say "goodbye" to the tree. They want to say, "Thank you, old cherry tree! You gave us a good idea! You helped Wutai! Xie Xie ni!" 可是現在第一棵老櫻花樹死掉了。所以人們將特別找一天來和櫻花樹道別。大家想對它說「謝謝你,老櫻花樹。您給了我們好點子。您幫助我們霧台,謝謝您。」

Aww... that's nice. Now I want to go to Wutai next spring and see the cherry flowers, too!





1. Spring 春天。

What flowers can we see in the spring? 我們春天時會看到什麼花?

Cherry and peach flowers and azaleas. 櫻花和桃花,還有杜鵑花。

Nice, I like spring! 真好,我喜歡春天!

2. Special 特別的。

Yeah, spring is very special. 對,春天很特別。

It means winter is over, 它表示冬天結束了,and we will begin a new semester

at school. 我們要開始新學期。

3. Sad 悲傷的。

What's the matter? You look sad. 怎麼了?你看起來很悲傷。

I am sad. 我是很難過。

There's no ice cream in the refrigerator! 冰箱裡沒有冰淇淋了!

4. Pretty 美麗的。

I need a pretty dress for the party. 我需要一件漂亮洋裝參加派對。

Then let's go shopping tomorrow. 那我們明天去買吧。


spring 春天

special 特別的

sad 悲傷的

pretty 美麗的



1. Where is the cherry tree in this story?

A: In Yangminshan, Taipei

B: In Wutai, Pingtung County

C: In Chiayi City

2. Why is the cherry tree special?

A: The tree helped the people think of a good idea

B: The tree can talk and sing

C: The tree doesn't have any flowers

3. Why do people visit Wutai in the springtime?

A: To see the cherry trees and flowers

B: Because Wutai has yummy chou dou fu

C: To see the monkeys and elephants there


1: B

2: A

3: A

發佈於 2020-10-30

音檔 第九周ICRT NEWS FOR KIDS 2021-10/25-10/29

Tokyo's Drive-in Haunted House 東京得來速鬼屋

好可怕! Do you like being scared? 你喜歡被嚇嗎?

You know, the kind of feeling you get when someone jumps out to scare you. 你知道有人突然跳出來嚇你的那種感覺, I think getting scared is really fun. 我覺得被嚇是真的很有趣。

One of my favorite ways to get scared is to go to haunted houses.我最喜歡的其中一種被嚇的方式就是去鬼屋了。

Haunted houses are where people go to get scared on purpose. Haunted houses are very popular during Halloween. 鬼屋是人們故意要去被嚇的地方。 鬼屋在萬聖節超受歡迎。

But a lot of places around the world are still worried about the coronavirus.


This means many places don't let you stand too close together or be in small spaces. So how can anyone go to a haunted house this way? 意思就是說許多地方不讓你和別人站的太靠近或擠在狹小的空間。這樣一來人要怎樣才能去鬼屋玩呢?

Well, some people in Japan had a great idea! They have a drive-in haunted house! 日本人想到了一個很棒的主意。他們有個….像得來速一樣的鬼屋!

Their drive-in let's people drive into a haunted house. So they don't stand or walk in a haunted house. 開車進鬼屋,不用下車。所以在鬼屋裡他們不用站著或走路。 People just stay in their car and the ghosts will scare you from outside! 人們只要待在他們的車裡,然後鬼就會從車外嚇你。

What a creative idea! 這個好有創意! I hope Taiwan also makes a drive-in haunted house, because I would go right away! 真希望台灣也做這樣的得來速鬼屋,那麼我一定馬上去!




1. House房屋,haunted house鬼屋。Have you ever been to a real haunted house?

你有沒有去過真正的鬼屋? You mean a house with ghosts?你是說鬧鬼的房子嗎?

Yeah.是啊。NoI've never been inside such a


2. Scared害怕。I would be very scared in a haunted house.我在鬼屋裡面會很害怕。Me too! I don't like to be scared.


3. Together一起。Let's get together this weekend! 我們這個周末聚一聚吧! Okay,

how about going to a hot pot place? 好啊,去吃火鍋如何? Good idea! 好主意!

4. Stay停留。Stay in the car. Don't go anywhere.

你留在車子裡,哪裡也別去。How long do I have to stay here? 我得待在這裡多久?

Ten minutes. 十分鐘。

Please repeat the words after me. House房屋 scared害怕 together一起




1. What country has this special haunted house?

a. Taiwan

b. Japan

c. United States

2. What kind of haunted house does Japan have?

a. A drive-in haunted house

b. An airplane haunted house

c. An underground haunted house

3. How does a drive-in haunted house work?

a. People drive cars into the haunted house

b. A ghost drives them into the haunted house

c. There is a haunted house inside your car


1. B 2.A 3.A

發佈於 2021-10-11

音檔 第8周 ICRT 2021/10/18-10/22

China Limits Kids' Video Game Time 中國限制小孩打電動的時間

That's my alarm clock! 我的鬧鐘響了!

Oh no! I was playing video games for so long that I forgot to sleep! And now the sun is shining, the birds are singing… it's morning! I played video games all night!

天啊!我玩電動玩太久而忘了睡覺!而現在陽光閃耀, 鳥兒在唱歌. 現在是早上了! 我玩了一整晚電動!

I guess video games is a problem for a lot of kids in China, too, because a lot of parents in China say their kids are playing too many video games. 我猜想電玩對中國的小孩也是個問題, 因為中國的家長說他們的小孩玩太多電玩了。

The parents say too much time staring at screens is bad for their kids' health. 中國的父母說小孩玩太多電動遊戲,而且一直盯著螢幕看對身體很不健康。

I guess they want their kids to spend more time playing outdoors.


The government in China is planning to do something about this. 中國政府正在計畫為這件事做些什麼!

They are going to stop kids who are younger than 18 years old from playing video games on weekdays. Weekdays are Mondays through Fridays. 他們正在阻止18歲以下的人,星期一到星期五不能打電動。

Kids can play video games on the weekends, but only for three hours.


I don't think anything like that will happen in Taiwan…


But we should really try to control ourselves… don't be like me and forget to go to sleep. 但我們真的應該試著控制我們自己…不要像我還忘記去睡覺。



兒童打電動太入迷怎麼辦? 中國的做法是規定只有週末才能玩。

1. Weekend 週末。

Weekends are my favorite time! 週末是我最喜歡的時間。

They are not mine. I prefer weekdays. 對我來說不是。我比較喜歡平日。

2. Weekday 平日。

I have too much housework to do on the weekend. 我週末有太多家事要做。

Maybe you should do some of it on weekdays. 也許你應該在平日做一些。

3. A lot of 許多。

A lot of students go to cram schools on the weekend. 很多學生週末去補習班。

I don't. I play video games. 我不去,我打電動。

4. Go to sleep 去睡覺。

You do go to sleep at night, right? 你晚上還是會睡覺,對吧?

Yes, but usually after midnight. 對,不過通常在午夜以後。

We use these words all the time.

weekend 週末

weekday 平日

a lot of 許多

go to sleep 去睡覺



1. What do parents say kids in China are doing too much?

a. Eating junk food

b. Playing video games

c. Sleeping

2. What is the Chinese government going to do?

a. Stop kids from playing too many video games

b. Tell kids to play more video games

c. Tell parents to play video games

3. Will kids be allowed to play on weekdays?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Yes, but only if they finish their homework first


1. B

2. A

3. B

發佈於 2021-10-07


New Taipei Gold Museum Launches Virtual Museum 新北市黃金博物館推出虛擬博物館

I am so bored… Because of COVID, I try not to go out that much. If I don't go to places where there are a lot of people, I may avoid getting sick.

我好無聊, 因為COVID的關係,我現在都避免外出。如果我不去人多的地方, 我可以避免生病。

But I miss going out! I miss seeing different things. I miss going to department stores, I miss concerts, I miss museums.


Luckily, there is one museum that I can visit without even leaving the house!

幸運地是, 有個我即使不離家也可以去參觀的博物館!

The New Taipei City Gold Museum has created a "digital museum,"


This means they put the things in their museum online. This way people can see the things inside the museum through their computers, phones, and tablets. 意思就是說它們將在博物館的展覽品放在線上。這樣一來人們用電腦、手機, 跟平板電腦就可以看到博物館裡面的東西。

Their system also lets people explore the museum using virtual reality technology, 他們的系統透過虛擬技術,就可以讓人們探索博物館! Virtual reality technology makes it seem like you're really there. 虛擬實境的科技使你像是真的到了這間博物館裡!

You can also look very closely at some of the things inside the museum by clicking on them. 只要點一點滑鼠,就可以近距離觀看。That is so convenient! 實在很方便!

More museums should do this. 更多博物館應該要這樣做。




1. Convenient 方便的。

You can buy so many things online! 上網可以買好多東西!

It's very convenient, isn't it? 真方便,不是嗎?

2. Digital 數位的。

Everything is digital now. 現在所有東西都數位化了。

Not everything. 並不是所有的東西。

For example, we can't eat digital food. 比如說我們就不能吃數位食物。

3. Look 看。

But you can look at the food and order what you like.


You don't have to go out. 都不必出門。

That's true. 這是真的。

4. Gold 黃金。

I love gold. 我愛黃金。

Who doesn't? 誰不愛呢?

Let's visit the Gold Museum this weekend. 我們這周末去拜訪黃金博物館吧。

Alright. 好啊。

So what have we learned today?

convenient 方便的

digital 數位的


gold 黃金



1. Where is the museum in this story?

a. New Taipei City

b. Taipei City

c. Tainan City

2. What is the museum called?

a. The Gold Museum

b. The Rock Museum

c. The Virtual Reality Museum

3. What can you use to visit this museum online?

a. Computers, phones, and tablets

b. Computers, phones, and glasses

c. Computers, video games, and earphones


1. A

2. A

3. A

發佈 2021-09-30

音檔 第六周2021/10/4-10/8

Girl Has a Bee for a Pet 女孩有隻蜜蜂當寵物

Many people have pets. Some people have dogs... Others have cats... Some people even have snakes...許多人都有養寵物。有些人有養狗狗有些人養貓咪甚至有些人養蛇

There is a girl in England with a really strange pet. It's a bee... It's true! 英國有個女孩有隻真正奇怪的寵物。就是蜜蜂!這是真的!

In August, a girl named Lacey found a big bee on the road. It had a broken wing. Lacey picked it up and tried to help it. She put the bee in a safe place. She put it on some flowers in a park.

8月時, 一位名叫Lacey的女孩發現一隻大蜜蜂在路上。這隻蜜蜂一邊的翅膀斷裂,她小心地把蜜蜂撿起來並且試著幫助它。她把蜜蜂放在一個安全的地方。她放蜜蜂在公園裡的花上面。

But the bee crawled back on Lacey and wouldn't leave her. So Lacey decided to take the bee home and keep it as a pet. She gave the insect a name, too:

Betty. 結果蜜蜂爬回她身上,不願離開。於是Lacey 決定把蜜蜂帶回家並把它當成寵物,也把牠取名為Betty.

Betty the bee is really like a pet. She goes with Lacy to many places. Betty likes to climb in Lacey's hair. They share snacks together. Lacey even took Betty bowling. Betty


At night, Betty stays in a jar next to Lacey's bed. 在晚上,Betty待在Lacey床邊的罐子裡。

Most people are afraid of bees. But Betty sounds like a nice bee. Probably the nicest bee in the world!





1. Pet 寵物。

Do you have a pet, Jane? 你養寵物嗎?

I have a fish tank with several fish in it. 我有個金魚缸,裡面有幾條魚。

Cool! Fish are very nice pets. 真酷! 魚是很好的寵物。

That's right. They are quiet. 沒錯,牠們很安靜。

2. Share 分享。

Let's share this pizza. 我們來分這個披薩。

Looks delicious! 看起來很好吃。

I'll also share my fries with you. 我也跟你分薯條。

Thank you! 謝謝!

3. Afraid of 害怕。

Are you afraid of bees? 你怕蜜蜂嗎?

Well, I don't like them, but I'm not afraid of them.


4. Sleep 睡覺。

Young people should sleep 8 to 9 hours a day. 年輕人ㄧ天應該睡八到九個小時。

I only sleep 5 hours a day. 我每天只睡五個小時。


pet 寵物

share 分享

afraid of 害怕

sleep 睡覺



Q1: Where did Lacey find the bee?

A: In a park

B: On some flowers

C: On the road

Q2: What does the bee like to do?

A: Fly into Lacey's shoe

B: Jump on Lacey's hand

C: Climb in Lacey's hair

Q3: Where does the bee stay at night?

A: In a jar near Lacey

B: In Lacey's bed

C: In Lacey's garden


1. C

2. C

3. A

發佈於 2021-09-14

音檔 第五周2021/9/27-10/1

Man Skates Across Canada 一位溜冰橫跨加拿大的人

Hi everyone! Do you like riding a bicycle? Or maybe a skateboard? 大家好!你喜歡騎腳踏車嗎? 或是溜滑板呢?

What about in-line skating? Have you ever tried it? 那直排輪如何呢? 你曾試過嗎?

In-line skating 就是溜直排輪. It's fun. But be careful not to crash into anything! 但要小心別撞到任何東西!

In Canada, there's a man called Zach, who must really like skating.


He skated from one side of Canada, all the way to the other side! From the

west to the east! 他從加拿大西岸一路溜到東岸。 And Canada is a really big

country! 而且加拿大真的是一個很大的國家!

Zach's sister, Rachel, went with him, she was driving behind him in a van.

Zach 的妹妹, Rachel,開車跟他在後面。

From start to finish, their journey took almost 3 months, and was over 10,000 kilometers! 從開始到結束,他們這趟旅行全程超過一萬公里,花了3個月。

That's a new world record for skating! 那是世界新紀錄!

They did it for two reasons. The first was to have fun!


The second reason was to raise awareness for the environment and for bees.


Zach says bees are so important for the environment. If we can help bees, we can help everyone! Zach說蜜蜂對環境很重要。如果我們幫助蜜蜂,我們會幫助到每一個人!

Great job Zach and Rachel. And congratulations on breaking the skating record! Zach和Rachel做的很棒! 並恭禧他破紀錄!




1. Journey 旅行。

The journey took Zach 90 days. 那一趟旅行花了札克九十天。

It's actually shorter than I thought. 其實比我想像的少。

Me too. I thought the journey would take at least half a year.


2. Reason 理由。

Zach's reasons are interesting. 札克的理由很有趣。

What are his reasons? 他的理由是什麼?

For fun and for raising awareness for bees!


3. West 西邊,East 東邊。

There's a lot more air pollution in the west than in the east.


That's true. 這是真的。

I think it's because all the big cities are in the west.



journey 旅行

reason 理由

west 西邊

east 東邊



1. What did Zach use to break a world record?

a. A big car

b. In-line skates

c. A bicycle

2. What journey did Zach make?

a. He went from one side of Canada to the other side

b. He went from Taipei to Kaohsiung

c. He went all the way around Hong Kong

3. Why did he make the journey?

a. Because he doesn't like skating

b. To help bees and the environment, and to have fun

c. Because he didn't have a car


1: B

2: A

3: B

發佈於 2021-09-02


Taiwan's Best Ever Olympics 台灣有史以來最棒的奧運比賽

Hey! Did any of you watch the Olympics this summer? 你們有沒有看奧運

The Olympics has many different events and many of the world's most amazing athletes go to compete for medals. 奧運有許多不同的比賽項目,世界上最強的運動員,都想參加奧運比賽,爭取獎牌

People that win events get gold medals. People that come second get silver medals. And people that come third get bronze medals. 第一名會得到金牌,

第二名銀牌, 第三名銅牌

Winning an Olympic medal must be an amazing feeling. 贏得奧運獎牌一定有很興奮的感覺。

And guess what? This summer's Olympics was the best ever for athletes from Taiwan! 本屆奧運,是台灣得到最多獎牌的一次!

They won two gold medals, four silver medals and six bronze medals.

我們榮獲兩面金牌, 四面銀牌, 還有六面銅牌!

They won medals in 贏得獎牌的項目有 taekwondo 跆拳道 and karate 空手道, gymnastics 體操, and table tennis 桌球, judo 柔道 and boxing 拳擊, weightlifting 舉重, and badminton 羽球, and in archery 射箭, and golf 高爾夫球!

Well done to everyone involved in the Olympics! I already can't wait until

the next Olympics in Paris in 2024! 每個參加奧運的人都表現好棒! 我已經等不及想看2024年巴黎奧運了!




1. Gold 黃金,金色的。

I want to win a gold medal at the Olympics! 我想要在奧運贏得一面金牌!

Sounds great! In what sporting event? 聽起來很棒喔! 在哪個運動項目呢?

Boxing. 拳擊。

2. Silver 白銀,銀色的。

Isn't Dai Ziying great? 戴資穎很棒吧?

Yeah, she won a silver medal, didn't she? 她獲得銀牌,不是嗎?

3. Win 贏得。

I win, I win...This is my second win! 我贏了,我贏了。

Okay, Ryan, you're just lucky! 好啦,萊恩,你只是運氣好。

4. Olympics 奧運。

Did you know that the Olympics are very old? 你知道奧運很古老嗎?

The ancient Olympics began 2,800 years ago! 古時候的奧運是兩千八百年前開始的。


gold 黃金

silver 白銀

win 贏得

Olympics 奧運



1. What medal do you get for finishing second in an Olympic event?

A. A gold medal

B. A silver medal

C. A bronze medal

2. In which of these events did an athlete from Taiwan win a medal?

A. Swimming

B. Badminton

C. Cycling

3. Where will the next Olympics be held?

A. Paris

B. New York

C. Sydney


1: B

2: B

3: A

發佈於 2021/6/23

音檔 第二周2021/9/6-9/11

Avengers Rides at Disneyland (迪士尼樂園復仇者聯盟園區)

That was a good movie! I love watching movies. I especially love watching

superhero movies. 那是部好電影! 我喜歡看電影。我尤其喜歡看超級英雄電影了。

I like to imagine that I live in a world where superheroes and superpowers are real.


Of course, I know that people don't really have superpowers. 當然, 我知道人類沒有這些超人能力。

But did you know there is a place you can go where you can pretend superheroes are real and experience their adventures?但你知道有個地方你可以假裝超級英雄是真的而且可以體驗他們的冒險嗎?

Disney's California Adventure, which is an amusement park in the United States, has opened a section of fun rides and games based on the Marvel superhero movies!


Have you seen the Marvel superhero movies? 您看過漫威電影嗎?

These are the films that have Iron Man, Captain America, Spiderman, and Black Widow in them! I love those movies! My favorite character is Iron Man,漫威電影裡有鋼鐵人,超人,和黑寡婦! 我最喜歡的角色是鋼鐵人。 His suit is so cool! 他的服裝很酷!

It would be so fun to go to this amusement park. There are rides based on the characters' adventures and battles. There are also places you see from the movies, built inside the park, like the Avengers Headquarters,去遊樂園一定很好玩。樂園裡有跟電影一樣的冒險以及戰鬥。你也會看到像電影裡的場景,像是復仇者總部。 I would love to see that! 我會很高興看到的!

Hopefully I will be able to go to this amusement park one day.


I will go on all the exciting roller coaster rides, and pretend like I'm a part of the superheroes' adventures! 我會去乘坐所有刺激的雲霄飛車並且假裝我是超級英雄冒險的一份子。




1) Hero 英雄。Do you have a favorite superhero movie?

你有最喜歡的大英雄電影嗎? Yeah, Hulk! 有,綠巨人浩克!

2) Amusement park 遊樂園。You have any plans for the summer?

你夏天有什麼計畫? We're going to the Ocean Park in Hualian.

我們要去花蓮的海洋公園。It's a BIG amusement park. 它是個很大的遊樂園。

3) Pretend 假裝。What are you doing, dressed in a swimsuit?

你穿著泳裝在做什麼? I'm pretending I'm on vacation. 我在假裝度假。

4) Place 地方。I'm having a party at my place Saturday night.

這星期六晚上我會在家開趴踢。Please come. 請你來吧。Sure, I'll be there.


Let's read these words together.

hero 英雄 amusement park 遊樂園 pretend 假裝 place 地方



1. Where is the amusement park in this story?

a. Taipei

b. Tokyo

c. California

2. What is the narrator's favorite Marvel superhero?

a. Iron Man

b. Captain America

c. The Winter Soldier

3. What kinds of rides does the narrator mention in this story?

a. Roller coasters

b. Water slides

c. Ferris wheels


1. C 2. A 3. A


發佈於 2021-05-12

Smallest Reptile 最小隻的爬蟲類

Crocodiles, snakes, turtles, and lizards… very different animals, right? 鱷魚, 蛇, 烏龜, 和蜥蜴....非常不同的動物, 對吧?

But... they are all part of one animal family called: "reptiles." 但是...牠們全都是同一家族叫做: 爬蟲類

Reptiles breathe air, the same way people do, but reptiles are cold-blooded

animals. 爬蟲類呼吸空氣,跟人類一樣。不過牠們屬於冷血動物。

Dogs and cats and people are warm-blooded animals. 人類和貓狗卻是溫血動物。

Almost all reptiles lay eggs. So their babies come out of eggs. 幾乎所有的爬蟲類都會下蛋。

The skin of reptiles is not covered in fur or hair. Reptiles have skin with

scales, like a snake. 爬蟲類的皮膚被毛髮覆蓋的。爬蟲類的皮膚有鱗片,例如蛇就是。

A long time ago, there were some really big reptiles - that's right! I'm talking about dinosaurs! 很久以前, 曾有一些真的很大的爬蟲類-沒錯! 我說的就是恐龍!

Dinosaurs were reptiles! 恐龍也是爬蟲類喔。

Some dinosaurs were bigger than a house! 有些恐龍比房子還大。

But today, the largest reptiles in the world are crocodiles.


But guess what? Scientists think they may have found the smallest reptile in

the world.可是,猜怎麼了? 科學家認為他們可能已經發現世界上最小的爬蟲類了

On the island of Madagascar, scientists found a tiny chameleon...

科學家說,世界最小的爬蟲類在馬達加斯加… and this little lizard can fit on

your fingertip! 而且這種小蜥蜴可能就剛好是你的指尖大小!

It's super small… about 2 centimeters long! 牠超級小...大約2公分長!

Chameleons can change color to help them hide...and this tiny chameleon can

do that, too.變色龍可以變色來幫牠們躲藏...而且這種極小的變色龍也可以做得到

Wow! What a cool discovery! 哇! 多麼酷的發現!

A tiny, tiny chameleon… who knows? 一隻極小極小的變色龍...誰知道呢?

Maybe there are even smaller reptiles somewhere! Maybe someday... you will

discover one! 也許甚至有更小隻的變色龍在某處! 也許有一天...你將會發現一隻!




1. Hide 躲藏。Ryan, where are you hiding? 萊恩,你躲在哪裡? I'm here in the

garden.我在花園裡。I'm not hiding; I'm working.我沒有躲,我在做事情。

2. Tiny 很小。This butterfly is so tiny! 這隻蝴蝶真小! Yeah, it's the

smallest butterfly in Taiwan.對啊,牠是台灣最小的蝴蝶。

3. Smallest 最小的。What is the smallest country in the world?

世界最小的國家是哪一國? Singapore.新加坡。No. It's Vatican City.

不對,是梵蒂岡。Where is it?它在哪裡? It's in Europe. 在歐洲。

4. Animal 動物。Do you think animals laugh? 你覺得動物會笑嗎? I think they

do. 我覺得會耶。My dog often laughs at me. 我的狗常常嘲笑我。

These are good words to learn.

hide 躲藏 tiny 很小 smallest 最小的 animal 動物



1. What kind of animals are snakes, crocodiles, lizards, and turtles?

A: Robots

B: Reptiles

C: Rodents

2. What can a chameleon do?

A: Change its name

B: Change its color

C: Change its clothes

3. How long is the tiny chameleon in the story?

A: About 2 centimeters long

B: About 2 kilometers long

C: About 2 millimeters long


1:B 2:B 3:A



發佈於 2021-05-07

Ice Volcano

Volcanoes are scary! They're red hot, have burning rocks and fiery lava!

火山真的很可怕! 火山又紅又熱, 有很燙的岩石和火紅岩漿

But... have you ever heard about the "ice volcano"? 你有聽過冰的火山嗎?

Wait a minute? Ice volcano? What's an ice volcano? 等一下? 冰的火山嗎? 什麼是冰的火山?

Well, in a country called Kazakhstan, they have something that looks like an ice volcano, but it's not really a volcano. 在一個叫哈薩克的國家,他們有個像冰火山的東西, 不過它不是真的火山喔。

In the summer, it's like a fountain… there is an underground spring and water bubbles up. 在夏天,它像是一座噴泉。那是一處地下泉水,還會不斷冒泡泡。

It's a nice place with lots of trees! 它是個樹很多的好地方。

Animals go there to drink. 動物都去那裡喝水。

But in the winter, they call it an "ice volcano" because... it gets so cold... the fountain spring water bubbles up and... turns into ice!

但冬天的時候,他們稱它為一座冰的火山, 因為天氣變的很冷,,,冒出來的泉水結冰了,看起來就像冰火山。

Kazakhstan is super cold in the winter. If you throw water into the air, the water can freeze before it hits the ground. 哈薩克的冬天超級冷。如果你往空中灑水,在水掉到地面之前, 水會立刻變成冰。

And that's what this ice fountain is doing. 而那就是這座冷泉的這麼一回事。

It looks like a mini volcano but, it doesn't spit out fire, it spits out water that turns into ice!

它看起來像個小火山但是, 它不噴火,它噴出的水變成冰。

Brrrrr… I'm glad winter in Taiwan isn't that cold. 我很開心在台灣冬天不會那麼的冷。

I like winter, but Kazakhstan sounds a little too cold! 我喜歡冬天, 但哈薩克聽起來有點太冷了!




1. Volcano 火山。

Some of Taiwan's mountains are volcanoes. 台灣有一些山是火山。

I know Da-tun Mountain is a volcano. 我知道大屯山是火山。

So is Green Island. 綠島也是。It's a volcanic island. 它是一個火山島。

2. Air 空氣。

Wow, look at the grey sky! 哇,你看灰色的天空!

The air must be really bad! 空氣一定很壞。

I wonder where the air pollution is coming from. 我想知道空氣汙染源從哪裡來的。

3. Bubble 冒泡泡。

Su-ao has a famous cold spring. 蘇澳有一個著名的冷泉。

Iknow. I have been there. 我知道,我有去過。

You can see water bubble up.你可以看到泉水冒泡泡。

4. Freeze 冷凍。

Let me freeze the orange juice.我來把柳丁汁冷凍起來。

So you want to make orange ice cream? 所以你想做柳丁冰淇淋?

Yes! 正是!

Let's repeat the words.

volcano 火山 air 空氣 bubble 冒泡泡 freeze 冷凍



1. Where is the "ice volcano"?

A: In Taipei

B: In Russia

C: In Kazakhstan

2. What is the "ice volcano"?

A: A frozen fountain

B: A movie with Elsa and Anna

C: A volcano in Hawaii

3. Why do people call it an "ice volcano?"

A: Because it looks like a volcano

B: Because it looks like fire

C: Because it looks like an ice cream


1: C 2: A 3: A



發佈於 2021-04-30

Sympathetic Doggie 有同情心的狗狗

Some people call dogs, "people's best friends." 有些人說, 狗狗是人類最好的朋友。

Dogs sometimes understand how we feel: they have "compassion".

有時候狗狗了解我們的感受: 它們具有同情心 。"Compassion"中文的意思是同情心。

When we see an old person walking slowly, we don't say, "Hey! Get moving! You're in my way!" That's because we have compassion.

當我們看見老人家走路很慢, 我們不會說「走快點, 你擋到我的路了」。那是因為我們有同情心。

Well, some dogs have compassion, too! One time, a man in England hurt his leg… and for a few weeks, the man could only walk slowly.


Then, the man saw his dog walking slowly on one leg!


The man thought, "Oh no! My dog hurt his leg! I have to take him to the vet!"

這個人心想, 「喔, 不! 我的狗狗腳受傷了! 我得帶它去看獸醫!」

The vet checked the dog's leg... but nope... the leg was fine.


Then the man's wife saw the dog running in the garden. Hmm...


When the man was home, the dog walked slowly... but when the man wasn't home, the dog was running and fine!

只要男主人在家,牠就走得非常慢。但是當男主人不在家, 女主人看到狗狗在花園跑來跑去。

That's when they understood! Ah! The dog was showing compassion. He was copying the man.

最後他們明白了! 原來狗狗是在表達牠的同情。它在模仿男主人。

Aww... that's so sweet. Good doggie! It's great to have compassion for other people... and animals, too!

喔...真的很貼心。狗狗好乖! 對其他人以及動物有同情心是很棒的!




1. Compassion 同情心。(小狗叫) Hey, don't do that to the puppy! 嘿,不要這樣對小狗。Where's your compassion? 你的同情心去哪裡了? I didn't do anything! 我什麼都沒做啊。

2. Hurt 傷害。I think the puppy hurt its leg.我想小狗的腿受傷了。

I think it hurt more than one leg. 我覺得牠不只一條腿受傷。

Look at its eyes.你看牠的眼睛。

You're right. Something's wrong with its eyes.你說的是,牠的眼睛有點不對。

3. Walk 走路。Why are you walking so slowly? 你為什麼走這麼慢?

Because I'mtired. 因為我累了。

But you've only walked for five minutes! 但是你只走了5分鐘。

4. Garden 花園。What a beautiful rose garden! 真漂亮的玫瑰花園!

Thank you! I love this garden very much. 謝謝你。我很喜歡這個花園。

Okay, today's words are easy.

compassion 同情心 hurt 傷害 walk 走路 garden 花園



1. What does "compassion" mean?

A: Understanding how other people feel

B: A really fast car

C: Understanding that you are a dog

2. Why did the man in the story have to walk slowly?

A: He was tired

B: He was hungry

C: He hurt his leg

3. Why did the dog copy the man and walk slowly, too?

A: To show compassion!

B: Because the dog hurt his leg, too!

C: Because they lived in England


1:A 2:C 3:A

2021年4月26日ICRT影片 音檔連結

發佈於 2021-04-21

See Thru Mask for Deaf from Taiwan 來自台灣為聾啞人士為所製作出來的看得見嘴的透明口罩

Many people who can't hear use "sign language". 聽不見的人,會用手語來溝通。

Sign language uses hand signs to mean different things. But people who can't hear also need to see people's mouths. 手語使用手勢來意指不同的是事物。 但是聽不見的人也需要看著人們的嘴型。

Our lips and our mouths help show our feelings… and sometimes you can see what a person is saying even if you can't hear it. 我們的嘴唇幫忙表達我們的情感...而且有時候你能了解一個人在講些什麼, 即使你聽不見它。

Many people who can't hear watch people's mouths, because sign language sometimes isn't enough to understand feelings!

許多聽不見的人還需要讀唇語才行, 因為有時候手語無法完全表達情緒。

But here's the problem: Masks! Do you wear a mask every day? I do. They help protect us from Covid-19. 但是有個問題就是:口罩! 你每天戴著口罩嗎? 我都有戴著口罩。口罩保護我們遠離新冠肺炎。

But with a mask, no one can see your mouth~! How can someone who can't hear see a mouth behind a mask?

因為疫情需要戴口罩,沒有人可以看到你的嘴巴~! 這些聽不到的人看不到嘴巴怎麼辦?

Well, some very smart Taiwanese people worked together and have now invented a mask that lets you see the mouth! 一些聰明的台灣人在一起想辦法而且現在已經發明讓你看到的嘴巴的口罩了!

Wait! You mean a hole in the mask? That's not safe! 等等! 你是指在口罩有一洞?

(laughs) No, no, no... there is a piece of see-through plastic that covers the mouth area...

不, 不, 不... 台灣有人在口罩的嘴巴位置挖洞,然後裝透明塑膠片做了看得見嘴的透明口罩

Because it's see-through, people who can't hear can still see the movements of other people's mouths! 因為看得見嘴的透明口罩,所以聽不見得人仍然可以看到其他人的口型!

Isn't that a great idea? Now people who can't hear will be able to be safe and understand emotions and language better. Good job, Taiwan inventors! 是不是個很棒的點子? 現在聽不見的人將更能夠萬無一失的了解對方的情緒和語言。做得好, 台灣發明家!




1. Mouth 嘴巴。Please don't talk when your mouth is full.

嘴裡滿滿的時候請別講話。There. See? There's nothing in my mouth now.


2. Language 語言,Sign language手語。English and Chinese are two very

different languages. 英語和中文是兩種很不一樣的語言。Right, so are their sign

languages. 沒錯,就連他們的手語也大不同。

3. Through 穿過。I can see trees and birds through the window.


4. Understand 了解。Do you understand what he said? 你懂他說的話嗎? Yes, I

do. 我懂。He said he needs 3 thousand NT. 他說他需要三千塊。No, you don't

understand. 不,你不懂。He said he wants to borrow it from you!



mouth 嘴巴 language 語言 sign language 手語 through 穿過 understand 了解



1. What are hand signs for talking called?

A: Body language

B: Foot language

C: Sign language

2. What can we learn from looking at mouths and lips?

A: We can learn emotions and feelings

B: We can learn if they are hungry

C: We can learn what ice-cream they like

3. What did some smart Taiwanese people make?

A: A mask that lets you see the mouth

B: A mask that covers your eyes and mouth

C: A mask with big holes in it


1: C 2: A 3: A



Vegan Challenge 純素的挑戰

"Vegetarians" are people who don't eat meat... no chicken, no pork, no beef,

no fish...


"Vegans" are people who don't eat anything from animals... no meat... no

milk... no cheese... no honey...


Scientists say most people would probably be more healthy… if they ate

mostly plants and fruits... and very little; or no meat.


But many people really love meat. So one company that makes vegan food has a

challenge. They will pay a person who really loves meat… almost 2 million NT

to eat their vegan food for 3 months!


The meat-lover can only eat their vegan food for 3 months. And if after three

months, the meat-lover decides to change and become a vegan the company will

give them vegan food for the rest of their life! For free!


Eating vegetarian and vegan foods can be good for you… that's a difficult

challenge… no meat and no animal foods? I think I could do it... for 2

million NT!

吃素食和純素的食物對你的身體很好...那是個很困難的挑戰...不吃肉和不吃動物性的產品? 我想我可以....為了2百萬!




1) Honey 蜂蜜。

Honey cake is my favorite dessert! 蜂蜜蛋糕是我最愛的甜點。

But there's no honey in it. Just sugar.但是它裡面沒有蜂蜜。只有糖。

Really?! But I did taste honey. 真的嗎? 可是我有嚐到蜂蜜的味道啊。

2) Milk 牛奶。

This ice cream is made of fresh milk.


It's delicious! 很好吃。

3) Fish 魚。

Can we go to the fish market? 我們可以去魚市場嗎?

What do you want to buy?你想買什麼?

Fish, crabs and octopus. 我要買魚,螃蟹還有章魚。

4) Pay 付錢。

I only paid 100 NT for a big one last time.


But you paid 800 for the two crabs.


These are good words to remember. Shall we read them?

honey 蜂蜜 milk 牛奶 fish 魚 pay 付錢



1. What do we call a person who doesn't eat meat?

A: A vacuum cleaner

B: A librarian

C: A vegetarian

2. What do we call a person who doesn't eat meat or anything from animals?

A: A volcano

B: A vegan

C: A cow

3. How much money will the company pay someone to be vegan?

A: 5 N.T.

B; 10,000 N.T.

C: 2 million N.T.


1. C 2. B 3. C


發佈於 2021-04-09

72 Hours with 72 Snakes

Snakesssss! Oooooooh... I'm so afraid of snakes. 我超怕蛇的! And snakes can

be very dangerous. 蛇可能是非常危險。A bite from a venomous snake can kill people! 被毒蛇咬到可能會使人致命。

But… snakes aren't trying to bite you. 但是蛇不會嘗試咬你。Snakes don't eat people. 蛇不會吃人。They only bite people when they feel afraid. 蛇只有在害怕的時候才會咬人。

Mr. Khaire (Ku-AR-eh) from India, thinks people don't understand snakes. 來自印度的Khaire先生認為人們不了解蛇。To show people they shouldn't be afraid, he even stayed in a cage with 72 venomous snakes for 72 hours!


Everyone said "don't do it!"... "It's too dangerous!"... "You could die!" 每個人都說「別這麼做! 這很危險! 你可能會死!」

But Mr. Khaire likes snakes, he says "If you don't try to hurt them...they won't hurt you!" he said. 但是Khaire先生喜歡蛇,他說只要你不惹牠們,就不會傷害你。And he stayed in the cage for 72 hours. 因此他在蛇籠中待了72小時。

Some of the snakes even crawled over him, but he gently picked the snakes up

and moved them away.


And guess what? No bites! 你猜結果如何? 沒有被咬!

Mr. Khaire became famous as "The Snake Man of India", and then he opened a

zoo that has a special "snake park" where people can learn about snakes.


Wow! Cool story! And I think he's right. Snakes don't want to hurt people; they only bite when they feel afraid. 哇! 很酷的故事! 我覺得他是對的。蛇不會想要傷害人們;只有當蛇害怕時,才會咬人。




1. Afraid 害怕。Which animal are you most afraid of? 你最怕什麼動物? I'm most

afraid of spiders.我最怕蜘蛛。But they are so small! 但是蜘蛛很小。They are

big to me. 對我來說他們很大。

2. Bite 咬。Spiders don't bite.蜘蛛不會咬人。You're right. They don't.


3. Famous 有名的。Yilan is famous for its hot springs.宜蘭以溫泉聞名。And Tainan is famous for its food. 台南則是以美食著稱。

4. Cage 籠子。Why do animals stay in cages at the zoo? 為什麼動物園的動物都待在籠子裡? Many of them stay outside, like zebras.也有很多待在室外,比如說斑馬。Cages are for smaller animals like turtles. 籠子是給比較小的動物,例如烏龜。

So are you afraid of snakes, too? 一起讀讀單字吧。

afraid 害怕 bite 咬 famous 有名的 cage 籠子



1. Where is Mr. Khaire from?

A: Indonesia

B: India

C: Iceland

2. Why is Mr. Kharie famous?

A: He ate 25 hamburgers in 25 minutes!

B: He stayed in a cage with 72 snakes for 72 hours!

C: He played with 48 bears for 48 hours!

3. What do we call snakes that are super dangerous?

A: Venomous snakes

B: Silly snakes

C: Snakes and Ladders


1. B 2. B 3. A




Thistle on NT$1000 Bill 在新台幣一千元紙鈔上的雞角薊

Do you know how to talk about Taiwan's money in English? 你知道如何用英文介紹台灣的錢幣嗎?

It's called the "New Taiwan Dollar," but we usually just say... "N.T." 它叫做"新台灣錢幣"(新台幣),但我們經常只說”N.T.” For 'san-bai-kuai'... I say "300 N.T." 例如三百塊...我會說三百N.T. You can call paper money a "banknote." 紙做的錢你可以稱為鈔票

In Taiwan, we have 100, 200, 500,1,000, and 2,000 N.T banknotes. 在台灣, 我們有一百、二百、五百、一千和二千元的鈔票。

My favorite is the 1,000…Yes, I like the number "1000"...but I'm talking about how it looks. 我的最愛是一千元。是的,我喜歡數字1000的...但我是指它看起來的樣子。

I think the 1,000 N.T. banknote looks really pretty. It has a nice design. 我覺得一千元鈔票看起來珍的很漂亮。它有很棒的設計。

But, many people don't notice a special plant on the back left side of 1,000 N.T. banknotes. 但是,不是很多人會注意到一千元鈔票背面左下角的植物?

It almost looks like a snowflake... but actually it's a special plant that has pretty flowers. 它看起來很像是雪花...但事實上它是一種長著漂亮花朵的特別的植物。

It's called a "plum thistle" and this kind of plum thistle grows only on Taiwan's highest mountains.


The plum thistles in Taiwan have thorns... so you don't want to touch them… but they also have really pretty purple flowers. Cool, yeah?


So, the next time you see a 1,000 N.T. banknote... see if you can find the Plum Thistle! 所以,下次你看見一千元的紙鈔時...看看你是否能找到雞角薊。




1. Notice 注意。

It'll be hot tomorrow.明天會很熱。

How do you know?你怎麼知道?

Didn't you notice the sky? 你沒有注意天空嗎?

I never notice the sky.我從來不注意天空。

If you do, you'll see many stars.如果你注意,就會看到很多星星。

That means it will be sunny tomorrow. 那就表示明天是晴天。

2. Look like 看起來像。

The mountain looks like a dog. 那座山看起來像一隻狗。

I think it looks like a face. 我覺得它看起來像一張臉。

3. Highest 最高的。

The highest mountain in the world is in Nepal.世界最高峰在尼泊爾。

I know. It's 8,848 meters high. 我知道,它有八千八百四十八公尺高。

4. Pretty 漂亮的。

(bird chirping) Look at that bird! Isn't it pretty? 你看那隻鳥! 很漂亮吧?

It is indeed very pretty. 真的很好看。

Let's read them together.

notice 注意 look like 看起來像 highest 最高的 pretty 漂亮的



1. What is an easy way to say "Xin Tai Bi" in English?

A: N.T.

B: X.P.

C: LaLaLuLu

2. What do we call paper money in English?

A: A banknote

B: A coin

C: A basketball

3. What special plant does the story talk about?

A: A banana tree

B: A tomato plant

C: A plum thistle


1: A 2: A 3: C



發佈於 2021-03-16

The Flying Person 飛行的人

People can fly in airplanes... but can people fly without an airplane?


No? Actually, the answer is "yes"! 不可以嗎?事實上,答案是 "可以"

For many years, people have used "wingsuits" to help them stay in the air for a long time.

好幾年以來,人類已經使用 "翅膀裝"幫助他們停留在空中很久很久

They look like flying squirrels! 他們看起來就像飛鼠。

But you can't fly forever. After a while, you have to use a parachute and come back down to earth. 可是沒辦法永遠飛行,過一段時間,就必需用降落傘回到地面。

But, a man in Austria did something really cool. He used an electric motor and a wingsuit!


The wingsuit helps him stay in the air and the electric motor pushes him forward!飛鼠裝讓他停留在空中,電動馬達推動他前進。

And that's real flying! It's fast too!而且不只是真正的飛行,它還很快。

His electric motor can help him fly as fast as Taiwan's High-Speed Rail!


So, maybe one day… you and I could be able to fly without an airplane!


Would you like to try it? I would! Yeah! I want to fly! I would fly all over Taiwan. It would be so cool!





1. Fly 飛翔。

I'll be flying to Orchid Island this weekend. 我這周末會飛去蘭嶼。

What's on Orchid Island? 蘭嶼有什麼?

Lots of beautiful birds! 很多漂亮的鳥!

So they fly around? 所以牠們會飛來飛去?

Yes. But sometimes they stop and rest.是的。不過有時候牠們會停下來休息。

2. In the air 在空中

Birds don't stay in the air all the time.鳥類不會總是待在空中。

3. As fast as 一樣快。

Can a bird fly as fast as a plane? 鳥可以飛得跟飛機一樣快嗎?

I think it can fly as fast as a helicopter. 我想牠可以飛得跟直升機一樣快。

4. Have to 必須。

Do I have to go to a doctor? 我一定要看醫生嗎?

I'm feeling better.我覺得好多了。

I'm afraid you have to. 你恐怕一定得去。

You need to get some tests. 你需要做檢驗。

Now please join me to read the words.

fly 飛翔 in the air 在空中 as fast as 一樣快 have to 必須



1: What does a "wingsuit" do?

A: It helps people stay in the air longer

B: It helps birds fly

C: It helps you swim faster

2. How did the man in Austria fly for so long?

A: He used a wingsuit and an electric motor

B: He used a really big bird

C: He ate a lot of vegetables

3. How fast did the man in the story fly?

A: As fast as a turtle

B: As fast as a cat

C: As fast as Taiwan's High-Speed Rail


1: A 2: A 3: C


2021年 3月12日

Monkeys Invade Taiwan School! 猴子入侵台灣的學校!

Sometimes you need to watch out for monkeys… even at school! 有時候即使在學校你也需要小心(注意)猴子!

A school in Taiwan had a very interesting problem recently. It was attacked by a bunch of monkeys!


This school, which is in Yunlin County, sometimes gets visits from monkeys. 這間位在雲林縣的學校,有時候猴子會來造訪。

Usually, it's only a few monkeys. A few monkeys don't really cause a problem. But when a lot of monkeys show up, that is a huge problem!


Especially if the monkeys are mean to people! 尤其是猴子對人很凶的時候。

One day, teachers and students at the school found thirty monkeys at the school! 有一天,學校裡的老師和學生發現有三十隻猴子進到校園!

And they were creating all sorts of trouble. 而且它們製造了很多麻煩。

The monkeys were bothering students and trying to steal their breakfast. 這些猴子騷擾學生,還想偷他們的早餐。

They were also breaking things.它們也把東西弄壞了。

They broke things like some of the school's windows and security cameras. 它們弄壞東西,像是學校的窗戶和監視器。

Nobody knew what to do! Those monkeys were not afraid of people! 沒人知道該怎麼辦!這些猴子並不怕人

Finally, people had to light firecrackers. The firecrackers made a lot of noise, and scared the monkeys away. 最後,大家決定放鞭炮。鞭炮發出巨大的聲響並把猴子嚇跑了。

For now, the school will keep lighting firecrackers to keep the monkeys away. 目前學校會繼續放鞭炮來嚇跑猴子

But they really hope they will find a better way to solve their monkey problem soon!





1) Mean 很兇的。

My English teacher asked me many questions today.我的英文老師今天問我好多問題。

Why is she so mean to me? 她為什麼對我那麼兇?

She's not mean. 她不是兇。

She just wants your attention. 她只是要你多注意。

2) Noise 噪音。(鳥鳴)

Listen to the birds! Isn't it nice?你聽那些鳥叫,是不是很好聽?

No, that's noise to me. 對我來說是噪音。

3) Problem 問題。

Is there any way we can solve this problem?我們有什麼辦法可以解決這個問題?

The problem of too many monkeys?太多猴子的問題嗎?

Right! It's a big problem! 對啊,是個大問題。

4) Afraid of 害怕。

Are you afraid of dogs, Jane? 你怕狗嗎?

Yes, I am. Very much so.是,我很怕。非常怕!

How about you? 你呢

? No, I'm more afraid of monkeys.我不怕狗,比較怕猴子。


mean 很兇的 noise 噪音 problem 問題 afraid of 害怕



1. What kind of animal attacked the school?

a. Horses b. Bears c. Monkeys

2. How many of the animals were there?

a. 3 b. 30 c. 300

3. How did the school get rid of the animals?

a. By lighting firecrackers

b. By shouting loudly

c. By clapping their hands


1. C 2. B 3. A



Taiwan's Electric Trains 台灣電氣化火車

I'm going to Taitung tomorrow. I'm so excited! 明天我將去台東。 我很興奮。

Taitung is on the east side of Taiwan, we call that the "East Coast."


I'm going to take a train from Kaohsiung to Taitung! 我將從高雄搭火車到台東。

And guess what? 你知道嗎?

The train ride from Kaohsiung to Taitung takes less than 2 hours now!


It's faster now because it uses electricity. 現在更快了因為它利用了電力。

And now all of the trains in Taiwan use electricity! 台灣現在所有的火車都電氣化,也更快了。

The old trains used a kind of gasoline.like a car. 舊式火車像汽車一樣使用汽油。

They are slower and there is pollution! 比較慢而且會汙染!

The new electric trains are quiet, faster and there is no pollution!


There are about 1,100 kilometers of rail lines in Taiwan…台灣鐵路線約長1,100公里。

They make a big circle around us! 鐵路繞台灣一圈,大約有1100公里長,so it took a long time, more than 20 years, to make all of Taiwan's rail lines electric, but now it's finished. 花超過20年,把鐵路全都電氣化!

Taking an electric train is faster and quieter and there's no pollution. 搭電氣化火車比較快、比較安靜快而且不會有污染。

And, I can get to Taitung tomorrow in just under 2 hours! That's really fast! 爾且我可以在2小時內抵達台東! 真地很快!

The east coast of Taiwan is really beautiful! 台灣東海岸很美!

Looking out of the train window, I'm going to see mountains and then... the ocean! 從火車的窗戶往外看, 我會看見一座座山, 然後接著是海洋!

I can't wait to take the electric train to Taitung! 我等不及要搭乘電氣化火車到台東了!




1. Train 火車。I'm going to Matsu next week. 我下星期要去馬祖。So you'll take

the train? 所以你要搭火車去嗎? No, silly. There's no train going to Matsu.


2. Electric 電的。This is an electric piggy bank. 這是個用電的撲滿。Wow, so

fancy! 哇,真豪華。 But why does it need electricity? 但是它為什麼需要電?

Because it talks.因為它會講話。It will tell you how much money you've put in.


3. Hour 小時。It takes five hours to travel to Taipei.

去台北需要五個鐘頭。Five hours?! That's too long! 五個鐘頭?! 太久了!

4. Fast 很快。Kevin is a fast runner. 凱文跑很快。He can join our running

club. 他可以加入我們的跑步社團。I run fast, too. 我也跑得很快。Can I join?



train 火車 electric 電的 hour 小時 fast 很快



1. Where is the person in the story going?

A: Taipei

B: Taitung

C: Taichung

2. Why are trains in Taiwan faster now?

A: They use monkey-power

B: They use gasoline...like a car

C: They use electric power

3. What do we call the east side of Taiwan?

A: The west coast

B: The north coast

C: The east coast


1: B 2: C 3: C




3-D Printer Makes a House 3D列印機製作出一間房子

Oh, hi. Excuse me. I'm printing something from my computer. It's just a regular printer. It's not a 3-D printer. 抱歉。我正從我的電腦印一些東西出來。 它只是一台一般的印表機。它不是一台3D印表機。

Do you know about 3-D printers? 你知道3D印表機嗎?

3-D printers can make great things. They can make plastic cups, bowls, toys, and lots more. 3-D printers can also make houses!


That's right. You can print a 3-D house. 沒錯。你可以印出3D的房子。

A really big 3-D printer made a house in Belgium. That's in Europe.


The 3-D house has two floors and people can live in it.


The printer didn't use plastic to make the house. It used concrete, so it is really strong!


It took three weeks to make the big house. 蓋大房子花三個禮拜才完成。

But some 3-D houses can be made in less than three weeks.


I wish I had a 3-D printer. 我希望我有一台3D印表機。 I only have a regular printer. 我只有一台一般的印表機。What would you make with a 3-D printer? 如果你有3D印表機,你會做什麼呢?

Would you make a house? 你想製作房子嗎? Maybe you could make a car or a boat, too. 或許你也能夠製作一台車子或一艘船。Maybe everything you need could be printed out of a 3-D printer. 也許你所需要的每一樣東西可以用3D印表機列印出來。Wouldn't that be cool?是不是很酷?




1) Print 印刷,printer印表機。Can you print it out for me?

你可以幫我把它印出來嗎? Sorry, the printer is broken.抱歉,印表機壞了。You

can go to the store to have it printed. 你可以去便利商店把它印出來。

2) Floor 樓層。Do you live on the third floor? 你住在三樓嗎? No, my house is

on the fifth floor. 不,我家在五樓。That's a lot of stairs to climb.

要爬好多樓梯。Yes, but the air is better. 沒錯,不過空氣比較好。

3) Live 居住。Most people like to live in cities.大部分人喜歡住在城市裡。

4) Use 使用。How should I open this can? 我要怎麼打開這個罐頭? Just use the

can opener. 就用開罐器。I don't know how to use it. 我不知道怎麼用。Here, let

me show you. 我來做給你看。


print 印刷 printer 印表機 floor 樓層 live 居住 use 使用



1: How many floors does the 3-D house have?

A: 1

B: 2

C: 3

2: What is the 3-D house made of?

A: Concrete

B: Plastic

C: Wood

3: Which is true about the 3-D house?

A: It is not very strong

B: It took three weeks to make it.

C: It is too small for people to live in.


1: B 2: A 3: B




New Year's Superstitions 新年迷信

Happy New Year, everyone!

Did you know that during New Year's, many people around the world have different superstitions? 你知道世界上的人有著不同的迷信嗎?

A superstition is when someone believes in something for no real reason... or just thinks it's lucky or unlucky. Superstition 就是迷信,一個人沒有真正理由的相信某一個東西會帶來好或不好的運氣。

In Taiwan, many people believe the number 4 is unlucky and you shouldn't whistle at night!

Those are superstitions! 在台灣數字"4"代表不幸,還有晚上不可以吹口哨。就是迷信!

Today is New Year's Day.

There are a lot of superstitions around the world about New Year's Day, and some are pretty strange! 世界上有很多關於新年的迷信, 而且有些迷信真的很奇特!

Like in Spain, where at 12 o'clock, midnight, on New Year's Eve, they will eat 12 grapes.

One at each clock chime for good luck.


In Switzerland they throw ice cream on the floor! 或是在瑞士,會把冰淇淋丟到地上!

And Ireland some people will take a loaf of bread… and bang it against the wall! 在愛爾蘭,他們會拿麵包打牆壁。

In Denmark, some people will go to the homes of their friends and family… And smash plates on their doorsteps! 在丹麥,有的人會去朋友或親戚家,在他們家門口摔盤子。

And in Columbia they like to grab empty suitcases at New Year's, so they are ready for next year's adventures. 有一些哥倫比亞人,會帶空行李箱去跨年,迎接新的一年。

That's a lot of funny superstitions! And there are many more!

Do you do anything for good luck? 你知道任何可以帶來好運的事嗎?




1) Believe相信。I don't believe black cats bring bad luck.

我不相信黑貓帶來厄運。Do you? 你相信嗎? No, but I believe number 8 is a lucky number.不信。但是我相信八是一個幸運數字。

2) Strange奇怪的。The sky is a strange red color. 天空有奇怪的紅色。Hmm… it is strange! Something must be burning. 是很奇怪。一定有什麼東西在燃燒。

3) Throw扔。We should throw away all the garbage.我們應該把垃圾全部扔掉。On the first day of the New Year? What a good idea! 在新年第一天? 真是好主意!

4) Ready準備好。I'm so hungry! Is dinner ready? 我好餓,晚飯好了嗎? It'll be ready in a minute! 就快好了! You said so an hour ago. 你一個鐘頭前就這麼說了。

So are you ready for more English in 2021? Let's read the words. Believe相信

strange奇怪的 throw扔 ready準備好



1: What is a superstition?

a. When something is super sticky

b. A super train station

c. Believing something is lucky or unlucky

2: What do some people in Spain eat at midnight on New Year's Eve?

a. Eleven oranges

b. Twelve grapes

c. Thirteen watermelons

3: In Columbia, some people grab what to get ready for the New Year?

a. Empty suitcases

b. Their coats

c. Their keys


1: c 2: b 3: a





Xmas in Pingtung 在屏東的聖誕節

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! 聖誕快樂!

I love cold winters and I love Christmas… 我喜歡寒冷的冬天而且我喜歡聖誕節but I'm from North America…但我來自北美洲 and winter in Taiwan isn't very cold for me. 對我來說台灣的冬天不夠冷。

I kind of miss snow! 我有點想念下雪的日子。

But that's OK, because I can enjoy winter in Taiwan ... in Pingtung! 但沒關係,我可以到屏東過聖誕節,享受冬天!Yeah, that's right! 是的是的沒錯,沒錯!In the far south Taiwan city of Pingtung, there is a park with a Xmas winter festival!


At the Pingtung Park in Pingtung City, 在屏東市的屏東公園,there will be fake snow....lots of Xmas lights...music shows...magic shows...and even a Xmas market! 有雪、燈光秀、音樂表演和聖誕市集。

You can go to the Pingtung Government website and see videos of the park.你可以上屏東政府的網站和欣賞公園的影片It's really pretty, especially at night time … because the lights are really cool! 尤其是晚上,燈光超級漂亮!

Sometimes I miss Xmas in America, but Xmas in Taiwan is cool, too! 有時候我會想念美國的聖誕節,但台灣的聖誕節也很酷!Maybe there's no real snow, but that's OK, fake snow is fun, too! 或許沒有真正的雪但沒關係,人造雪也一樣很有趣!And anyway, the real meaning of Xmas is people having fun with their family and friends…重要的是,聖誕節和家人朋友一起快樂地過。

And that's what I'm going to do this year… in Pingtung! 而這就是今年我要在屏東做的事情!

And PS...if you can't go at Xmas time... no problem... the Pingtung Xmas Park

will stay open until next March!

聖誕節不能來沒關係,活動到明年三月,你有空再來。Merry Xmas!




1) Miss 想念。

Do you miss snow in Canada, Nancy? 你想念加拿大的雪嗎? Yes,sometimes.有時候會。But I miss my family more.不過我更想念我的家人。

2) Light 燈光。

Look at all those lights on the Christmas tree! 你看那些耶誕樹上面的小燈!

There must be hundreds of them. 一定有好幾百顆燈泡。Yeah, lights always make Christmas look so special. 燈光總是讓耶誕節那麼特別。

3) Nighttime 晚上時間。

Bats are active at nighttime, 蝙蝠都在晚上活動,so are white flying squirrels.白面鼯鼠也是。

4) Fun 樂趣。

Have you seen the Toy Story movies? 你看過電影[玩具總動員]嗎? Yes, they are so much fun! 看過,它們很有趣。

I hope you have lots of fun learning English. 來讀讀單字。

miss 想念 light 燈光 nighttime 晚上時間 fun 樂趣



1. Where is the Xmas Park in south Taiwan?

A: In Kenting!

B: In Chiayi City!

C: In Pingtung City!

2. What can you see at the Xmas Park event?

A: Monkeys, hippos and lions

B: Halloween decorations

C: Fake snow, Xmas lights and a Xmas market

3. How long will the Xmas Park in south Taiwan stay open?

A: Until the 25th

B: Until January

C: Until March


1. C 2. C 3. C



International Sounds 國際的聲音

Aiyo! … Oohh...Ouch! Aieyaiaiahayahai! 唉呦! 喔! 奧區!

Oooo. I hit my toe. 喔,我弄到我的腳趾頭, oh, that hurt! 嗚,好痛。

You know, I think the sounds we make when we get hurt are very interesting.


The sounds can be very different這些聲音會很不一樣。

If you are from South Africa and you hurt yourself, you might say "eina!"

如果你來自南非,你受傷了,你可能會說 “咿哪”

In France, they would say, "aie" … and in Russia, they might say, "oi!".

在法國他們可能說 “唉”,在俄國,他們可能說 “喔咿”。

I think in Taiwan most people say, "Aiyo" … 我想在台灣大部分的人說 “唉呦”。

But, even though these sounds are different, scientists say we usually understand what the person is feeling … even if we don't use the same



We don't even need to see your face! 我們甚至不用看你的臉

Just by listening to your voice… people understand the feeling when they hear sounds like "humph" or "oi!" “ 只要透過聆聽你的聲音,當人們聽到“humph” 或 “oi”他們就可以了解你的感覺。

But, there is one sound that almost everyone in the world uses … this sound means the same thing almost everywhere… ready?


The sound is "Huh???"這個聲音就是 “蛤”

Yeah! All over the world, people understand that "Huh?" means you don't understand something.

是的,全世界大家都知道 "蛤?" 代表你不懂、不明白某件事情。

The words we say are important … but the sounds we make are important, too!


Even little sounds … like when people say, "uh, um, oh…" tell other people about how you feel.

即使是小小的聲音,就像有人說 “阿、嗯、喔…”是在告訴其他人你的感覺如何。

Pretty cool, huh? What kind of sounds do you make? 很酷,是吧?你是發出哪一種聲音呢?




1. Understand懂,了解。(日語問句)

I'm sorry. I don't

understand.真抱歉,我不懂。 Can you understand her? 你聽得懂她的話嗎?

No, not at all. 不懂,完全不懂。

2. Hurt受傷。What happened to you?! 妳怎麼了? I fell down the stairs and got


3. Feel感覺。I feel so cold! 我覺得好冷!

That's weird. I feel very warm. 真奇怪,我覺得很熱。

4. Might可能。(雷聲)

Hurry! We might get there before the rain. 快點! 我們也許下雨之前可以趕到。

No, we won't. It's too far away. 趕不到的,太遠了。

5. People人們。

Why do Taiwanese people like hot pot so much? 為什麼台灣人那麼愛吃火鍋? Because it's simple, tasty and fun. 因為它簡單好吃又好玩。

Let's read together.

Understand懂,或是了解 hurt受傷 feel感覺 might可能 people人們



1. What do people in Taiwan often say when they are hurt?

A: Abbbaggaaabonnngga!

B: Aiyo!

C: BeeeBeeeBeeeeBeee

2. What do sounds tell other people?

A: How we feel

B: How tall we are

C: That we have toes

3. What is the one sound that almost everyone understands?

A: Oi!

B: Huh?

C: Buyakahsa!

Answers 1: B 2: A 3: B




How do bees make honey? 蜜蜂如何製造蜂蜜?

Hi, everyone! 嗨,各位!

Do you like to eat honey? 你喜歡吃蜂蜜嗎?

We can put it on toast, we can put it in drinks, we can put it in almost anything!


But have you ever wondered where honey comes from?但你可曾想過蜂蜜從哪裡來?

Do you know who makes honey?你知道是誰在製造蜂蜜嗎?

Bees! 當然是蜜蜂!

There are thousands of kinds of bees in the world, but only 10 kinds that make honey. 世界上的蜜蜂有幾千種,但只有10種蜜蜂會做蜂蜜。

Bees live together in a beehive but different bees have different jobs to do.


Older bees fly around outside looking for flowers. One of these bees visits between 50 and 100 flowers each trip!


They are called worker bees.他們被稱為工蜂

They collect nectar from the flower, which bees use to make honey. They suck it up from the flower with long tongues.


When the bee returns home, it gives the honey to a different type of bee, called the "home bee."

當工蜂回到家後,它就把蜂蜜交給不同種類的蜜蜂,稱為 “家蜂”。

This bee then puts it into little pots it makes and covers it with beeswax.


The bees then save this as food for winter, when there are no flowers.


But people take some of this food and eat it for themselves. 但人類會拿走它們部分的食物給自己吃

Delicious honey! 美味的蜂蜜!




1. Honey 蜂蜜。Farmers raise bees for the honey.農夫養蜜蜂來取得蜂蜜。

I like honey! It tastes so good on a piece of hot toast.


2. Delicious 美味的。I find dumplings delicious! 我覺得小籠包真是美味!

2. Flower 花朵。

I heard that the rose is the national flower of England.


That's true. Roses are beautiful flowers, and many people love growing them.


3. Wonder 想知道。

Tom is always late. 湯姆總是遲到。

Have you ever wondered why? 你有沒有想過為什麼?

Because he lives far away? 因為他住很遠嗎?


Honey 蜂蜜 delicious 美味的 flower 花朵 wonder 想知道



1. How many kinds of bees make honey?

a. 100

b. 10

c. Thousands

2. What do bees collect from flowers?

a. nectar

b. honey

c. money

3. Which kind of bee makes little pots to keep the honey in?

a. Worker bee

b. Home bee

c. Play bee

Answers 1: b 2: a 3: b







Venomous Trees in Australia 澳洲有毒的樹

Today we are going to talk about a tree in Australia that you don't want to touch! 今天我們要來談談你不會想碰觸的一種澳洲的樹

But first, I want to teach you two words. In Chinese, these words are the same. But in English, they are different.



The first word is poison: 第一個字是毒(poison)。

If something is poisonous, that means if you touch it or eat it, you could get sick or even die. 如果某個東西有毒,表示你如果摸它或吃它,你會生病甚至死亡

The second word is venom: 第二個(也)是毒(venom)。

But, if something is venomous, that means it has to bite you or sting you to get the venom inside of you.但是,如果某個東西有毒(venomous),表示它必須咬你或刺你把毒液送到你身體裡

There are venomous snakes 有毒蛇、and venomous spiders… 還有毒蜘蛛, but did you know? In Australia they have venomous trees!


This tree is called a Stinging Tree: 這種樹被稱作刺樹。

These trees have short, thin little hairs on them.這些樹樹上有短短的、細細的毛在上面。

But don't touch it! If you touch one of these trees, it will sting you! 但別碰它!如果你碰到這些樹的其中一棵,它會刺你!

The poison or venom inside these trees can hurt you. If you are stung, it could hurt for weeks, or even months!


Scientists say these trees are so venomous, that touching them can be like being bitten by a venomous spider!


The worst part is, nobody really knows how to make the pain feel better. So if you get stung by these trees, you might feel hurt for a very long time.


That's very scary. I hope I never accidentally touch one of these venomous trees! 真的很恐怖,希望我永遠都不會碰到這種有毒的樹



1. Poisonous 有毒的。

Some snakes and spiders are poisonous.有的蛇和蜘蛛有毒。Yes, and did you know

that some butterflies are poisonous as well? 你知道有些蝴蝶也有毒吧? No, I

didn't know that. 我這可真的不知道了。

2. Touch 碰觸。

Just touch the screen and you can turn on the TV.

你只要碰一下螢幕就可以打開電視。Oh, this is so easy. 這很容易嘛。

3. Hurt 痛。

My eyes are hurting. 我的眼睛好痛! Too much video games? 打太多電動了吧? No,

video games never hurt my eyes. 不是,打電動從來不會讓我眼睛痛。

4. Pain 痛苦。

You will feel some pain,你會覺得有點痛,but it won't be

bad.不會痛得很厲害。Ahhhhhhhhh! This really hurts, doctor! 這很痛耶,醫生!

Sorry! 真抱歉!


Poisonous 有毒的 touch 碰觸 hurt 痛 pain 痛苦



1. In this story, what do they have in Australia?

a. Venomous apples b. Venomous trees c. Venomous dogs

2. What are these trees called?

a. Biting trees b. Stinging Trees c. Funny Trees

3. If you touch one of these trees, how long does it hurt?

a. A second b. Weeks, or even months c. Forever

Answers 1. B 2. B 3. B






Fake Eyes Protect Cows 假眼睛保護牛

The lion is the king of the jungle. 獅子是森林之王。

It's called the king because of its power and bravery.因為牠很強大又勇敢所以被稱為王。

Lions are great hunters. 獅子是很厲害的獵人。

They hunt other animals, their prey. 所有動物都成了牠的獵物。

Lions are so good at hunting their prey, that it's a problem for some farmers

in Africa. 獅子太會打獵,以致於非洲的一些農夫很傷腦筋。

Their cows were being eaten! 因為他們養的牛都被吃了!

So the farmers had an idea… Butt eyes. Yep. Eyes, painted on the cows'

butts. 農民想到一個主意,屁股眼睛,是的,眼睛,畫在牛的屁股上!

Ha! But why did the farmers think painting eyes on the cows' butts would

protect them? 哈,但是為什麼農夫認為在牛的屁股畫上眼睛可以保護牛?

Well, lions like to wait until their prey isn't looking…... they wait, and

wait, until the prey turns away... ... then, the lion attacks!


But with butt eyes, the lion thinks the cow is always looking at them, even

when they've turned away! 但因為屁股眼睛,讓獅子以為牛一直在看牠!即使當牛已經轉身了

Pretty smart, right?很聰明,對吧?

So far, the butt eyes have been very successful.到目前為止,牛屁股眼睛很成功!

The lions aren't attacking the farmers' cows anymore, and have to find their

lunch somewhere else!





1: Hunt 打獵,hunter 狩獵者。

Lions hunt zebras and rhinos. 獅子獵捕斑馬和犀牛。Those are big animals!

那些是很大的動物! They must be very good hunters.獅子一定是高明的狩獵者。

2: Wait 等待。

Bye, see you tomorrow! 再見,明天見! Jane, wait, you forgot your cell phone!


Oh no, this is not your cell phone. Sorry to keep you waiting.糟糕,這不是你的手機。抱歉讓你白等了。

3: Protect 保護。

How do chicken farmers protect their chickens? 雞農怎麼保護他們養的雞? By

putting them in a chicken coop? 把牠們放進雞籠子裡嗎? Yes, that's a good way

of protecting them. 對,這是保護牠們的好辦法。

4: Attack 攻擊。

My cat sometimes attacks birds. 我的貓有時候會攻擊小鳥。That's terrible!



Hunt 打獵 wait 等待 protect 保護 attack 攻擊



1: What animal is called the "king of the jungle"?

a. The bear

b. The lion

c. The dolphin

2: What did farmers paint to protect their cows?

a. Feet

b. Eyes

c. Scary pictures

3: Where did they paint it?

a. On the grass

b. On the cows' faces

c. On the cows' butts


1: B 2: B 3: C




No Typhoons Not Good For Taiwan沒颱風,對台灣不利

Hey...have you noticed? There were not any big typhoons this year.


Some kids like typhoons because it means you don't have to go to school, but

typhoons can be scary.


Sometimes typhoons hurt people ...and that's not good.


So, maybe we should be happy! Because this year no big typhoons hit Taiwan!



Every year for many, many, many years, typhoons bring rain … and rain is

water. 每年,很多、很多、很多年,颱風帶來雨,....而雨就是水

People and animals need water to live! Trees and plants need water to live!


So no typhoons can mean no water! 所以沒有颱風就意味著缺水!

But, typhoons also help in other ways. 但颱風還有其他好處

The winds from a typhoon sometimes help some trees grow stronger!


Yeah! The winds blow away the old leaves and the tree grows new ones!


Also, typhoons blow seeds around …颱風也會幫忙散播種子,

after the wind stops, the seeds grow …and become new trees and plants!


Nature is pretty cool.大自然很酷

Typhoons bring us water and help in other ways, too.


Of course, they can be dangerous, and if a big typhoon comes...make sure to

be safe…but zero typhoons aren't good for Taiwan.


We need them!我們需要它們(颱風)




1. Nature自然。Don't you just love nature? 你不喜歡大自然嗎? The mountains,

trees and butterflies….有山,有樹,還有蝴蝶

2. Strong很強,stronger更強。Here, have some milk. It will make you strong.

來喝牛奶,牛奶讓你強壯。But I'm already strong. 我已經很強壯了。It'll make

you stronger. 會讓你更強!

3. Have to必須。Why do I have to go to school? 我為什麼必須上學? Because you

have to. 因為你就是得去。

4. Wind風。(呼呼風聲) The wind took away my hat! 風把我的帽子吹跑了。Maybe

it'll blow it back. 也許會把它吹回來。

這些字你記下來沒有? Nature大自然 strong很強 stronger更強 have to必須




2020年11月16日 ICRT NEWS FOR KIDS

Why Dogs Have Cold Noses

Oh! Stop it! Good boy! Okay, stop giving me kisses, your nose is really cold!


Do you ever wonder why dogs have cold, wet noses? 為什麼狗的鼻子是濕濕冷冷的?

Healthy people have warm, dry noses. 人的鼻子是溫暖、乾乾的。

But, have you ever touched a dog's nose? It's usually wet and cold!


Does it mean the dog is sick? 這表示狗狗生病了嗎?

Nope, a wet nose means the dog is healthy.

Some scientists think that a lot of dogs have cold noses, because it helps

them feel the temperature better.


A long time ago, dogs hunted for food by themselves. The cold noses might

have helped them find warm things to eat.


It's easier to find warm things with a cold nose than a warm one.

Scientists aren't really sure though, 但是科學家目前還不確定,and they still

need to do more studies to find out why dogs have such cold, wet noses.

But no matter what it's for, it's very useful for my dog to use his cold, wet

nose to wake me up in the morning!

Why do you think dogs' noses are cold and wet?





1) Nose 鼻子。

My dog has a keen nose.我的狗狗鼻子真靈! He can smell the dumpling in my bag!

他可以聞到我袋子裡的包子! I think he's very hungry.我想他餓了。

2) Healthy 健康的。

What do you think is a healthy diet? 你覺得健康的飲食是什麼? I'm not sure.

Maybe hamburgers, fries and ice cream? 我不確定。也許是漢堡薯條和冰淇淋? No,

no, that's unhealthy! 不對,那很不健康!

3) Easy 容易的,easier 更容易。

Is Chinese easy for your, Ryan? 中文對你來說很容易嗎? It was not easy in the

beginning. 剛開始不容易。But it got easier after a year.


Please try to use these words. Let's read them together.

Nose 鼻子 healthy 健康的 easy 容易的 easier 更容易



1. The noses of healthy dogs are usually what?

a. Wet and cold

b. Dry and hot

c. Wet and hot

2. Why do scientists think dogs have cold, wet noses?

a. They always have the sniffles

b. So they can feel the temperature more easily

c. They like putting their faces in water

3. What did dogs have to do by themselves a long time ago?

a. Hunt for their own food

b. Cook their own food

c. Order their own food online


1. A 2. B 3. A




Bear 747

Is it getting colder where you are? 開始變冷了嗎?

Sometimes, when it's cold outside, I just feel like staying at home in my

nice warm bed and going back to sleep. 變冷的時候,我只想待在被窩裡,一直睡。

Wouldn't it be nice to stay in bed all winter? People can't do that, but some

animals rest all winter! 人沒辦法整個冬天都在睡覺,可是有些動物可以!

This is called hibernating. 這個叫「冬眠」。

Lots of animals do it, including bears! 很多動物都會,包括熊也會。

Bears will eat all summer so they have enough fat in their bodies to rest all

winter. 夏天的時候,熊會吃很多食物,才有足夠的脂肪過冬。

One national park in Alaska, USA, has many brown bears.


And each year, the park rangers have a competition to see which bear gets the

fattest! 每年,公園巡守員都會比比看…哪一隻熊會變最胖!

This year's fattest bear is called Bear 747. Just like the airplane!

今年的胖胖熊冠軍,叫 Bear 747!,是用波音747命名的!

(SFX: Airplane)

This was a good year for the bears, because there was lots of salmon in the

rivers. Salmon is a bear's favorite thing to eat!


Bear 747 and the other bears will rest all winter. A lot of their fat will be

gone by the time they come out.

Then, they'll do it all again next year!




1. Winter冬天。

There are so many festivals in winter! 冬天有好多節日. Right, we have

Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. 對啊,有感恩節,耶誕節,新年。I think

people need some celebrations in winter.大家都需要在冬天慶祝一下。

2. Sleep睡眠。

What animals sleep during daytime? 什麼動物白天睡覺? Bats, owls and you?

蝙蝠,貓頭鷹,還有你? I do enjoy sleeping. 我是很喜歡睡覺。

3. Bed床。

Can I stay in bed? 我可以繼續躺在床上嗎? I think I'm ill.我覺得我生病了。I

think you should get out of bed and go to school.我覺得你應該起床去上學。

4. Fattest最胖。

Brown bear 747 is the fattest bear of the year. 棕熊747是當年最胖的熊。

Please repeat after me.

Winter 冬天 sleep 睡眠 bed 床 fattest 最胖的



1. Some animals do what all winter?

a. Play on their phones

b. Hibernate

c. Practice their dance moves

2. What competition do the bears have in Alaska?

a. The fattest bear competition

b. The most beautiful bear competition

c. The best dancing bear competition

3. What is the name of the winning bear?

a. Bear 747

b. Bear Helicopter

c. Bear Truck


1:b 2:a 3:a

2020年11月02日ICRT Q&A


Not Finger Lickin' Good

I love fried chicken!


I love the crispy skin on the outside, and the juicy meat on the inside!


I could eat it all day!

Many different stores sell fried chicken. Each one has their own recipe.


There is one store that is very famous for their fried chicken. They have a

special line they use to describe it.


They call it finger licking good!

Finger licking good means it's so good, you'll want to lick your fingers

clean after eating it!


However, because of the pandemic, licking your fingers right now isn't a very

good idea.


So the fried chicken store is taking that part out of their line.


They stopped saying their chicken is 'finger licking good', at least for now.

Maybe once the pandemic is over, they can say that again.

For now, keep washing your hands!





1. Chicken 雞。

My favorite chicken dish is chicken soup.


I like chicken curry.


It's very tasty.


2. Meat 肉。

Doctors say we should eat meat, eggs and vegetables every day.


And drink milk.


3. Store 商店。

Do you still go shopping at stores?


Yeah, don't you?


No, I don't go to stores any more. I shop online.


4. Famous 有名的。

Our school is famous for its basketball team.


5. Clean 乾淨的。

Do I look okay?


Just put on a clean shirt and you'll look fine.


So are you eating chicken now? Please read after me.

Chicken 雞 meat 肉 store 商店 famous 有名的 clean 乾淨的



1. What is the speaker's favorite food?

A. Rice

B. Fried Chicken

C. Noodles

2. Why is licking your fingers now a bad idea?

A. Because of the pandemic

B. Because they taste bad

C. Because your parents said so

3. What is happening to the finger licking good line?

A. They stopped using it for now.

B. They changed it to something else.

C. They say it even louder now


1. B 2. A 3. A

2020-10-15 Flu Shot Especially Important This Year


2020年10月26日ICRT Q&A

Flu Shot Especially Important This Year

Oh no, it sounds like people around me are getting sick. I hope it's not the



Flu season is almost here. I should remember to get a flu shot.

It's important to get a flu shot every year.


This helps protect you from getting the flu.

A lot of health experts are saying it's very important this year to get a flu

shot, because of the coronavirus. 專家覺得,今年特別重要。

The coronavirus is still a big problem in a lot of countries.

It would be bad if people got both the coronavirus and the flu at the same

time. That would make people very, very sick.


This is because both of the viruses make it hard for a person to breathe. So

if someone got both diseases together, they would be incredibly sick.

得到這兩種病毒的人呼吸會很困難, 而且會很嚴重.

Usually people who get the flu, get fevers, and they feel chills and aching.

They might also feel a cough and sore throat.

This is very similar to coronavirus, so it would be difficult to tell which

one they actually have! 流感跟新冠狀病毒他們的症狀很像,很難分辨。

So try to protect yourself from both.

Get your flu shot, and also, keep washing your hands and wear a mask!





1. Flu 流行性感冒。

I have a fever, and I'm aching all over!


I think you've got the flu.


Did you get a flu shot?


2. Ache 痛。

You need to see a doctor for your toothache.


But I'm afraid of the dentist.


Well, you don't want the ache to continue, do you?


3. Fever 發燒。

Wow, you have a high fever of 40 degrees!


That's impossible, I feel fine!


I'm not kidding. You do have a fever.


4. Sick 生病。

Does this mean I'm sick?


This means you should lie down and rest.


Let's read the words.

Flu 流感 ache 痛 fever 發燒 sick 生病的



1. What do scientists say about the flu shot this year?

a. Getting it is not that important

b. Getting it is very important

c. It's only important for some people

2. What are the symptoms of the flu?

a. Fever, chills, and aching

b. Purple feet, tickles, and smelling funny

c. There are no symptoms

3. What does the flu do to many people?

a. Makes it hard for people to breathe

b. Makes it hard for people to see

c. Makes it hard for people to listen to the radio


1. B 2. A 3. A

2020-10-06 Why do we sneeze?



Don't worry, I'm not sick … I just needed to sneeze.

That's what 「打噴嚏 」 is called in English -- "to sneeze."

I sneeze maybe 2 or 3 times every day … but… why do people sneeze?

Sometimes we sneeze when we are sick. 有時候打噴嚏是因為感冒。

But many times, we sneeze when something goes into our nose … like dust.


The dust attacks … and our body fights back! By sneezing.

A sneeze is very strong and very fast … a sneeze comes out at -- almost --

the same speed as a Taiwan High-Speed Rail train!


But...there are also a lot of germs in a sneeze. 鼻涕裡面有很多細菌。

Those germs go out very fast when we sneeze. That's why we should cover our

mouth and nose when we sneeze. 這就是打噴嚏時,為什麼要遮住口鼻的原因。

We don't want to spray germs into the air for other people to breathe

in...yuck!! 你不會想要吸到別人散播到空氣中的細菌吧?!

And...if you feel like sneezing...don't try to stop it...that can hurt your


But, always cover your mouth and nose when … you … feel … like … you

… want ... to….. sneeze!!!!




1. Cover遮住。Why is Katie covering her mouth? 凱蒂為什麼把嘴遮起來? She says

she's sick.她說她生病了。

2. Mouth嘴,nose鼻子。We eat and drink with our mouth, 我們用嘴來飲食,and we

smell with our nose. 我們用鼻子來聞氣味。

3. Time次數。How many times have you seen that movie, Jane?

你看了那部電影幾次? Five times. 五次。I've watched it 15


4. Body身體。Too much sugar is not good for the body. 太多糖對身體不好。

5. Feel like想要。I don't feel like doing anything.我什麼都不想做。Good,

let's stay home. 那好,我們就待在家裡吧。

這些都是很常用的字,來讀一遍。Cover遮住 mouth嘴巴 nose鼻子 time次數

body身體 feel like想要



1. Why do people sneeze?

A: We sneeze when we are sick or to push things out our nose.

B: We sneeze when we are tired.

C: We sneeze when we see the color blue.

2. How fast is a sneeze?

A: Superfast! Almost the same speed as a High-Speed Rail train!

B: Not very fast, about the same as a bicycle.

C: Super slow! Like a snail!

3. What should you do when you sneeze?

A: Cover your mouth and nose.

B: Jump up and down.

C: Put your fingers in your nose.


1: A 2: A 3: A

2020-10-02 Pingtung New Library

Hi, I'm a bookworm!

But don't worry...I'm not really a 'worm' … a 'bookworm' is a person who

really likes books... 很愛看書的人被叫成書蟲,我就是.

Are you a bookworm? Do you love to read books?

Well, I have good news for bookworms in southern Taiwan.


A library is now open in Pingtung City...and it's super big, and super nice!


The library is in a park, called QianXi Park. Lots of kids like to play


There was a library in QianXi Park before, but it was too old ... and had to


Pingtung City wanted to fix the old library.

The old building needed so much work to make it safe.


Finally...after more than 2 years of work...a new library at the park is now open.


People call the library a "forest library"


because there are so many big trees around it.

There are five floors...and lots and lots of books! There are also 500 places

in the library where you can sit down and read!


Oh! This bookworm is so excited! I'm going to visit the new Pingtung library

in QianXi Park as soon as I can!

I'm going to sit and read in the "forest library" all day! Yes!




1) Library圖書館。

Is there a library where you live? 住的地方有圖書館嗎?

Yes, it's a small library, but I like it a lot.有一座小圖書館,不過我很喜歡它。

2) Excited興奮的。

What are you so excited about? 你這麼高興做什麼?

We're going to the zoo tomorrow! 我們明天要去動物園!

3) Fix整修。(引擎發不動聲音)

Ryan, you need to fix your scooter!萊恩,你得修一修你的摩托車。

I know. I'll get it fixed tonight. 我知道,我會今晚送去修。


Is it safe to go out at night? 晚上出門安全嗎?

It's quite safe in Taipei. 在台北相當安全。

同學們試試看用這些單字。Library圖書館 excited興奮的 fix修理 safe安全的



1. Where is the new library?

A: In Taoyuan City

B: In Changhua City

C: In Pingtung City

2. What do people call the library?

A: A forest library

B: A mountain library

C: A water library

3. What park is the library in?

A: Kenting National Park

B: QianXi Park in Pingtung City

C: Da-An Forest Park in Taipei City


1: C 2: A 3: B

Jeff’s Questions

ICRT Lunchbox questions:

1) What city near us has a new library? A: Pingtung.

2) What park in Pingtung has the new library?

A: Qianxi Park

3) Is a “bookworm” a worm?

A: No, it is someone that likes to read.

Sep. 28th , 2020Teacher's Day

Confucius … it's a hard name to say.

Try it: Con-fu-cius.

Confucius is the English name of 孔子. Confucius was a very wise man.


He lived in China more than 2,500 years ago...but his wise words are still

important to many people. 他的話,到現在還影響很多人

Wow! Confucius was a wise man...and...he was also a teacher.

孔子是智者也是老師September 28th is his birthday! 9月28日是他的生日,that's

why in Taiwan, we celebrate Teacher's Day on the birthday of Confucius!


Happy Birthday, Confucius, and Happy Teacher's Day to all the teachers around Taiwan.

Do you think a teacher has an easy job?

No! It's hard! 老師是一份很難的工作,you know...I was a naughty student when

I was in school 我以前在學校是個頑皮學生.

Sometimes I made my teacher sad, but she was a wise woman, and she was

patient. 我的老師很有智慧和耐心。

Now, I'm so thankful for her help!

Teachers have an important job, so on Teacher's Day, September 28th, don't

forget to say "thank you" to your teachers! 9月28教師節,別忘了跟老師說謝謝!

Thank you, teachers! We really appreciate you, not just on Teacher's Day, but

every day!

Teachers help us so much!




1) Teacher教師。I remember my math teacher in high

school.我記得我的高中數學老師。She was so mean to me! 她對我很壞! Really? My

math teacher was very nice. 真的喔,我的數學老師人很好。

2) Easy容易的,hard困難的。A teacher's job is hard.老師的工作挺難的。I agree.

It's not easy to take care of 30 kids.我同意。照顧三十個小孩真不容易。

3) Forget忘記。Don't forget to bring your lunch box.別忘了帶便當。I won't

forget this time.我這回不會忘記。

4) Sad悲傷的。Why do you look so sad? 你為什麼看起來這麼悲傷? My pet dog is


Please don't forget these words! Teacher老師 easy容易的 hard困難的

forget忘記 sad悲傷的



1. What is the English name of 孔子?

A: Claire

B: Johnny

C: Confucius

2. What day is Teacher's Day?

A: December 25th

B: September 28th

C: September 31st

3. What should we do on Teacher's Day?

A: Stay home and play video games

B: Have cake and ice-cream

C: Say "thank you" to our teachers


1: C 2: B 3: C

ICRT Sep. 17, 2020New Land Crabs in Kenting

Do you like crabs?

Maybe you like to eat crabs!


There are so many different kinds of crabs.

Some crabs live in the ocean, but some live on land... they are called "land crabs."


And did you know? Taiwan has lots of land crabs!

One Taiwan land crab is very big… like the size of your face!

But most land crabs in Taiwan are small... like the size of your little finger.


Kenting National Park has more land crabs than anywhere in the world.

In Kenting, there is a river that goes to a beach called "Banana Bay."

That river and beach are where many crabs live.


Scientists just found four new kinds of land crabs...


So now, Kenting has 49 different kinds of land crabs!


That's amazing!

But please don't eat the Kenting land crabs.


they are too special to be food.


Now you know, there are 49 different kinds of land crabs in Kenting and

that's more than anywhere in the world. Pretty cool, yeah!

So, be careful if you see a land crab!

Don't run over it in your car or squash it with your foot... they are very special.

Thanks for helping the land crabs!




1. Land陸地。

What's the biggest animal on land?


African elephants.


2. Face臉,finger手指。

Look at the baby's small face and fingers!


Oh, isn't he cute?


3. Kind種類。

How many kinds of insects do you know?


I know three kinds: bees, flies and ants.

三種: 蜜蜂,蒼蠅跟螞蟻。

4. Special特別的。

I have a special gift for you, Jane.


Thank you for the special gift!


We learned 5 words today.

Land 陸地 face 臉 finger 手指 kind 種類 special 特別的



1. How many kinds of land crabs can be found in Kenting?

A: 2000

B: 500

C: 49

2. What part of Taiwan has more land crabs than anywhere in the world?

A: Keelung

B: Kenting

C: Yangminshan

3. What is the name of the beach that crabs like to go to?

A: Banana Bay

B: Mango Mountain

C: Strawberry Seaside


1:C 2: B 3: A

Sep. 10

ICRT NEWS FOR KIDS 88888 Lucky Phone Number

Oh, Bingo! 7號! My lucky number!


Hi, students, do you think some numbers are lucky and other numbers are


Some people in China and Taiwan think "8" is a lucky number.


They say in Chinese, "Ba" sounds like "Fa".


So the number "8" is lucky for people who speak Chinese.

I'm not sure if "8" is a lucky number, but one man in China is very sure.


So he paid a lot of money for a phone number that has five "eights" -- "8 8 8

8 8 - ba ba ba ba ba"

He paid almost 9-million-NT for the lucky phone number.


Wow. That's a lot of money!

In China and Taiwan, some people say the number "4" is unlucky.


But I hope not!

My birthday is April 4th -- 4-4.

And I live on the fourth floor!

Ha! I'm not sure I think "8" is lucky ... or "4" is unlucky.

I think if you want to be lucky, you have to work hard and try to be smart.


But, if you like the number "8" and want to use it for your phone number...

that's cool... but 9-million NT is too much money!! --Right??




1. Number數字,phone number電話號碼。

What's your phone number, Ryan?


Why are you asking?


Because I need to call you tonight!


2. Lucky幸運的, unlucky運氣不好。

Wow, you're lucky! You won 500NT!


But I wanted 5,000. I am really unlucky!


3. Sure確定。

Are you sure she's coming?


Yes, I'm sure.


4. Maybe也許。

Maybe she forgot.


No, no, she said she'll come.


Today's words are easy. Let's read together.

Number數字 lucky幸運的 unlucky運氣不好 sure確定 maybe也許



1. What phone number did the man in China buy?

A: 44444

B: 12345

C: 88888

2. How much did the man pay for his 'lucky phone number'?

A: Almost 9-Million NT

B: Almost 200 NT

C: Almost 9,000 NT

3. Why do some people think "8" is a lucky number?

A: Because in Chinese "ba" sounds like "fa"

B: Because in Chinese "ba" sounds like daddy…"ba-ba"

C: Because "eight" sounds like "cake"


1: C 2: A 3: A