Cheshire High SChool Spanish Teacher Wins Teacher of the Year

Student Life

By Mina Mirzaee, 2020

Published 09/24/19

Gina Corrado smiling in her home away from home: her classroom

After nine years of teaching Spanish at Cheshire High School, Ms. Gina Corrado has been awarded the Cheshire Public Schools Teacher of the Year Award for the 2019-2020 school year.

Teachers and students at Cheshire Public Schools are given the opportunity to nominate a faculty member for the Teacher of the Year Award every year. The Committee at the Board of Education reviews the nominations with an interviewing process, and later makes a selection. The award recognizes teachers that excel and show dedication and commitment to their job.

Ms. Corrado always knew she wanted to be a teacher. After struggling to learn English herself, she decided to teach Spanish once realizing the importance of learning a new language. Her wish is to create an enjoyable and inspiring learning environment in her classroom through strong connections amongst her and her students.

“She really wants all of her students to be successful,” states Stephanie Burke (Class of 2021), a former student of Corrado. Burke mentions that she does not wish for her students to only receive an A in the class, but to, more importantly, succeed outside of the classroom.

“I wake up excited to come to work. I think that the most rewarding thing is that there is a purpose to what I do,” says Corrado.

CHS world language teacher and department leader, Mr. Branco, can attest to both the connections Corrado has with her students, as well as her very personable character. “I think the passion that she has for her job, her students, and the school is definitely one of her greatest assets,” states Branco. The Cheshire High School world language department, as well as CHS as a whole, are proud to be represented by Corrado this year.

Ms. Corrado was both excited and humbled to win the award. “I was just so honored,” she said. “I need to thank the teachers, students, and colleagues that have inspired me, because if it weren’t for them, I would not have gotten the award in the first place.”

Now that Corrado’s visible passion and dedication for her job has led her to winning this district award, she will now go on to compete for the statewide Connecticut Teacher of the Year Award.