How to Survive Freshman Year

Student Life

By Grace Azaula, 2020

Published 9/16/19

Photo courtesy of Google Images

I have just begun my senior year here at Cheshire High School: the beginning of the end. It’s definitely stressful, trying to figure out where you want to study, what you want to do for the rest of your life. But, I know that seniors aren’t the only ones stressed. Freshmen are the ones going through the biggest changes right now, and I know that It’s not easy. So here are a couple of tips and tricks that I’ve accumulated and want to share with the class of 2023.

1. Walk on the right side of the staircases and hallways

There is nothing worse than trying to get to your already-dreaded math class and getting run over by a herd of people stumbling down the left side of the staircase.

2. Ask questions when you’re confused

There is no shame in it! Chances are, if you have a question, somebody else has the same one, so help everyone out and speak up.

3. Get involved (aka join the Rampage)

Okay, okay, there are more clubs than just the Rampage. But whether you decide to join us or not, you should definitely find some activity to do after school. From sports, to drama, to JSA, to mock trial, our school has everything, so make sure to take advantage of this awesome community.

4. Don’t clump in the hallways!

DO NOT DO THIS. If you do, I guarantee you will get dirty looks from everybody else walking down the halls. People have places to be and people to see--don’t keep them waiting by standing in a circle.

5. Pay attention to your grades

You might think that freshman grades don’t count. Colleges don’t look at them, right? Wrong. Sure, junior year is the year they focus on the most, but freshman year establishes the kind of student you are and will most definitely affect your overall GPA and transcript. So study hard and pay attention in class.

6. Use your locker

Don’t break your back. I promise you that saving one minute by avoiding your locker is nothing compared to the years of back pain that will come from carrying 3 textbooks, two binders and your lunchbox all day long.

7. Stay off the senior walk

Just do it. We’ve been waiting 3 years to have this privilege. Let us enjoy it, so in 3 more years, you can enjoy it.

8. Manage your time wisely

High school can be overwhelming. New classes, new teachers, new environment, new activities. It gets hard to balance, but you definitely need to prioritize. Organize yourself and your schedule before the week begins, that way you can be as efficient as possible.

9. Be kind!

Whether it be teachers, upperclassman, other freshman, hall monitors, secretaries, anybody. Be nice. Share a smile. Make someone's day. What goes around comes around, so treat others with kindness and they will do the same.

10. Stay calm

Yes, school is stressful. It’s a big change from middle school, and though it was three years ago, I can still remember the amount of stress I felt just because I was a freshman. But don’t fret. Look at the big picture, and enjoy yourself. It will all be over in the blink of an eye.