Poem In Your Pocket

Student life

By Neeha Zaman, 2022

Published 5/4/22

Left: Teachers read poems to students. Right: Students took photos in front of colorful wings. Photos courtesy of the RJM Library.

On Friday, April 29th, Poem In Your Pocket took place in the RJM Library. Taking place throughout the school day, various English classes dropped by as students were invited to interact with poetry, with areas set up to read poetry, make crafts, and create poems. People were also invited to drop off a poem that they particularly liked when walking into the library. Students and staff alike went up to read poems, whether already published or their own; while some students made it clear that they were motivated by the idea of extra credit, it was apparent that everyone had fun at the event! If you happened to miss this year’s event, look out for Poem In Your Pocket next year!