Importance of the B1 Day PANEL

Student life

By Mary Nugent, 2024

Published 5/30/23

B1 Day is a yearly tradition at Cheshire High School that helps students wrap up the year in an entertaining and reflective way. While the Volleyball Tournament and outdoor activities are great fun, one of the most memorable parts of B1 Day is the panel of speakers who deliver inspirational stories and experiences. The panel consists of four to six people who all have had certain experiences in their lives from which they can share reasons for determination, finding support in others, and the overall importance of community. These stories share the message of how the school community and friends gathered around these individuals to support them in times of need and helped them grow as people. The speeches of the B1 Day panel are meant to inspire change within the school and to encourage students who are struggling to seek support and strength from the community behind them that can help with any problem, and to also encourage students to reach out to peers who may be struggling to help them. 

Perhaps the most important part of the panel is that the speakers are students, peers, teachers, and leaders. Being able to hear from people who students see often and perhaps know well or not at all can cause reflection on the relationships and connections between people in the school and can help students realize the importance of kindness and community within the school. These shared experiences are meant to make students grow closer and think about how deeply their actions can affect others. 

So as B1 day comes around, and the end of the school year approaches, the students of CHS should really take the time to focus on the speakers of the panel and the message that they share. This day is an opportunity for students to reflect on themselves and the school year and grow as people heading into the summer so that next school year there can be a renewed sense of community and support for everyone.