CHS Boys Lacrosse Best Buddies Game

Student life

By Ella Paul, 2024

Published 5/2/23

Photos courtesy of Jeannine Heavens.

Best Buddies is a global organization built around the mission of inclusion for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). It helps people of all abilities develop friendships, leadership skills, and promotes advocacy for peers with IDD. 

Saturday, April 22nd, the mission of inclusion was showcased at the Cheshire Boys Varsity Lacrosse Best Buddies Game. For the first time, the CHS Lax team and Best Buddies Club collaborated to host a Best Buddies event and it was wildly successful. Caroline O’Dea, CHS Junior and Best Buddies member said “It was so heartwarming seeing how excited everyone was to be there.” 

Best Buddies members arrived early to lead the lacrosse team down to the field and receive new lacrosse t-shirts. Members were generously provided lunch from the concession stand then made their way over to the bleachers to enjoy the game. After an impressive win from the Rams, the lacrosse team led a clinic for Best Buddies members that can be described as none other than incredible. Countless smiles were created as Buddies worked one-on-one with team members to learn to pass and catch and then shoot on the goalies. The lacrosse team displayed an extreme amount of enthusiasm that made the event so enjoyable for Best Buddies members, parents, coaches, and the players themselves. O’Dea noted that “the energy that came from the lacrosse team made an amazing experience for everyone.”

The Best Buddies program is extremely grateful for Head Coach Mike Devine, Norton Elementary School PE Teacher, and his team for this experience. Their efforts and dedication to making this event possible are so appreciated. Mr. Manning, CHS Best Buddies Advisor and parent of a student who participated in the clinic stated, “The CHS Boys' Lacrosse team really gave Best Buddies a highlight for this year, and their enthusiasm, kindness, and hands-on approach made every student and parent feel welcome and excited about lacrosse. They just gained about 20 new fans and we are so appreciative.”