Vanilla-Spinach Smoothies

Student life

By Lily Date, 2023

Published 4/1/2022

Vanilla-Spinach smoothie. Photo courtesy of CHS cafeteria.

The cafeteria has announced that they are rolling out a new smoothie for students' enjoyment; Vanilla-Spinach. Some say the new flavor is an effort to be healthier, while others say the school is finally recognizing its students who prefer vegetables over fruits. After trying one, Rampage editor Lilly Rosier stated, “I wasn’t sure how it would taste, but honestly I was more than pleasantly surprised. The greenie goodness was something everyone should experience.” Siddhant Bhardwaj, a student here at the high school, added “The small bits of spinach that don't get blended are chewy and delightful.” Many students agree that the green from the spinach intrigues them, as well as adds to the health-food aspect of this delightful drink. If you get a chance to go to the cafe for breakfast today, you should definitely try out this one-of-a-kind smoothie.