Don’t Forget! Mean Girls is on Its Way!

Student Life

By Sarah Rowold, 2024

Published 3/11/2024

Photo courtesy of Google Images. 

February is over which means…it's March now! Whether it will come in like a lion or a lamb remains to be seen, but one thing this March is for certain. No matter what the weather does, it will always be theater season! And not just for big theaters, even your very own High School will be in the midst of theater season because the CHS Drama Club’s production of Mean Girls the Musical (High School Edition) will be going up in just a couple of short weeks!

The actors, as well as the tech crew, have already been busy preparing for a few months now. In less than a month it will be opening night, and the senior year show of many theater members will be happening.

Actors Ella Paul, Ainsley Dzuira, Maya Katsovich, Nick Papa, Brian Krzanwoski, Ari Lucatino, Drake Snyder, and others, along with Stage Managers Sophia Harma, Mariem Fahmi, and Bryan Picado, and the rest of the senior theater tech will all be involved on stage or behind the scenes, and will be preparing for the sad goodbye they must say after their senior year musical ends. But don’t get too misty-eyed yet! The show is still yet to arrive!

This year’s show is super action packed and sure to be a blast with some of the best singing and dancing you’ll see! So make sure you get your tickets early! All three shows are predicted to sell out this year, so you don’t want to miss this opportunity!

Show dates are March 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. Leading right into a weekend! No matter your schedule you’re bound to find one that will fit in! The show will start promptly at 7pm each of the three nights, so don’t be late! And be ready to have a blast! Not to mention snacks and water will be available for purchase during intermission.

The cast and crew have been working hard to put together an amazing performance that will be a blast and deliver a very important moral of kindness at the end of it. Watch in the coming week for the link to go out to be able to purchase your tickets! 

By watching the show you’ll be supporting a really great program, which will allow CHS Drama to continue for years to come, providing a kind and welcoming environment to everyone who wants to be involved in theater on stage and off stage.   

And don’t forget to wear pink!

Also, keep your eyes peeled for information coming out about the Unified Theater show in May and the Aries Ensemble Production in early June! All the important details will be able to be found in Rampage Articles to come!