chs seniors polled on covid

student life

By Julianna Distante, 2021

Published 3,30,21

Covid Vaccine, courtesy of Google Images

As Connecticut plans to open COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to people ages sixteen and older, there becomes a large debate over whether or not teens should be getting the vaccine if given the opportunity. With students coming from various backgrounds, there still seems to be a general consensus. The question arises: Once the vaccine becomes available to you, will you get it? Why or why not? We polled several seniors at Cheshire High School to see what they have to say.

A few students have expressed their excitement about the vaccines. “This past year with COVID has been something I don’t want to prolong and, scientifically, it can stop once everyone, or most, get the vaccine and get the antibiotics in our bodies as a result. I also value my own safety and the safety of others and I trust our technology has advanced far enough that this vaccine will be effective!” said Seymone Rosenberg.

Every student polled about their opinion on the vaccine has expressed interest in getting the vaccine; once it’s available to them of course. Many have commented on the priority of others before themselves. “... if it’s open to us, why not get it? Since it’s been administered to the people who need it the most first, I think it’s good to get it to be safe,” said Brianna Gallagher. But one student has already gotten their vaccine.

Raegan Bailey stated she has already gotten her vaccine. “Well I’m actually getting my first dose today… I wanted to get it because I don’t want to get contact traced during her [last] lacrosse season and miss it.” She signed up for the vaccine through the preschool she worked at and was thrilled to get it.

Lucy Helene at CHS has said, “I want my family members like my grandparents to be safe and I have a feeling we’ll need it to do things in college”. Students have all shared overwhelming care for members of their families. Some do have to wait for medical clearance due to previous infections from COVID, but have still expressed interest in getting the vaccine.

While mass vaccination through Cheshire High School is still unofficial, it seems most students are eager to sign up. Not one student who was asked said that they would be against getting the vaccine; this is promising on many fronts. Getting the high school population fully vaccinated would be a step in the right direction.