CEF opportunities to students

STUdent life

By Ella Paul, 2024

Published 2/28/2023

The Cheshire Education Foundation (CEF) began in 1995 and has since been continuing its mission of providing grants and funding to Cheshire Public Schools that may not be covered in the budget. The members meet monthly to discuss potential grants to apply for, scholarships for students, and the progression of projects they have provided funding for. 

Some prominent parts of our CHS community have been started by the CEF including Ram TV, which is an active club allowing students the opportunity to work with legitimate filming and recording equipment, and the Coffee Cart, which provides opportunities for students with disabilities to practice professional skills. 

However, many people do not know the extent of the opportunities this foundation provides; the money is available to anyone. If a student has an idea that needs funding, they can utilize this money by connecting with a teacher who can then reach out to the foundation. Any proposal that is well thought out and can have the potential to positively impact the Cheshire Public Schools will be considered. 

If you have any questions about this, you can reach out to the CEF Student Representatives: Ella Paul (epaul@cheshire.k12.ct.us) and Kali Hersh (khersh@cheshire.k12.ct.us).