Don't Miss this "DeadLine": CHS Drama's Fall Play

Student Life

By Maya Katsovich and Sarah Rowold, 2024

Published 11/3/23

Fall CHS Drama’s production of Deadline by Don Zolidis is not an event you’ll want to be late for! These interviews with cast members Arianna Lucatino and Sarah Silverman, and stage manager Sophia Harma will get you excited for the upcoming murder mystery comedy, directed by Ms. Chorney, about writers who need to meet the deadline for their novels…or else. 


Creating a positive and upbeat energy is something we all strive for in the clubs and other communities we are a part of. When asked to describe the vibe of the cast and crew, Ari expressed that it is a very fun vibe, even though people were stressed due to the high volume of lines. Despite this, Ari said, “Everyone is super excited about doing it and performing and seeing everyone’s reactions because of it being so thrilling and surprising.” She also mentioned that everyone is involved. Similarly, Sarah described everyone as being very supportive. She says, “You can joke around and get work done at the same time-- it’s a very fun vibe.” It’s clear that many of the cast and crew members feel this way, and Sophia adds that there is a “very playful energy…they get the jokes [in the play], so they can make them their own based on their personalities.”  

This year’s play can be characterized by its many plot twists…at least that’s what we hear. The cast and crew have been very careful not to give away as much as possible, while still trying to get us all excited to watch it come opening night. Because of this, Ari had to be careful not to give too much away when asked what her favorite part about being involved in her role was. So, she talked about how she enjoyed the fact that she relates to her character a lot and that her character is really funny. She also mentioned her character has a southern accent which she is glad to do. Sarah expressed that she really enjoys rehearsals because “it feels like a second home” to her. She says it’s always satisfying to finalize a scene and watch everything come together. If she had to describe the show in one word, it would be mysterious, which is quite fitting for this spooky season! 

Choosing their favorite prop or set piece made all three cast/crew members take a pause--it seems like there will be many great set pieces and props that you’ll just have to see the show to find out about! After some thought, Ari decided on her character’s coffee cup, since it goes everywhere with her. From a tech perspective, Sophia chose the bell the characters use to call for help in the show. She says it’s really the only prop that makes a noise so it stands out and adds to the comedic aspect of the performance.

Though we don’t see them much during the show, the stage crew members, or “techies,” are an essential part of making the plot come to life. Some of Sophia’s and the other stage managers’ responsibilities include delegating tasks to the rest of the stage crew, assisting Ms. Chorney in giving actors their line corrections and being involved in set changes. Our question to Sophia was, “What is your favorite aspect of being a part of the tech crew?” She answered enthusiastically that it is rewarding to know that “the work we do backstage makes the show run smoothly.” We know we will see everyone cheering on the stage crew for all their hard work as they take their bows at the end of the show.

Clearly, this is a show that will be too good to miss. Deadline will be opening on November 16th at 7:30 pm, with doors opening at 7:00 pm, in CHS’ own John H. Thorup Auditorium. If you can’t make it then, don’t fret because there are two more showings that same weekend, one on November 17th, and closing night on November 18th. Timings are the same for all three nights. Tickets will be sold at the door and cost just $10.00 each.